Chapter 834 Can't You See It?_1

"Open your left eye slowly and gently, and keep the right one closed," Mu Shaoling's voice rose gently, and he spread his fingers.

The right eye was the good one, while the left eye was the injured one.

Following the instruction, Luo Linhao slowly opened his eye.

"How is it?"

Mu Shaoling asked only once, but saw Luo Linhao's face turn ashen in an instant.

Seeing his reaction, Mu Shaoling's own expression grew grim.

Still, he heard him struggling to speak, "Can't you see?"

"I can only see a blurry shadow moving before my eyes, a dark shadow," Luo Linhao's voice was tinged with the sound of tears.

Upon hearing this, Mu Shaoling took a step back, "It failed!"

"Brother Shaoling, am I going to be blind forever?" Luo Linhao felt like crying, his good eye brimming with tears.

The other eye, however, showed no reaction.

"Linhao, I'm sorry." Mu Shaoling was very sad, somewhat at a loss for words.

"Wait!" In the midst of their dejection, Yang Chuxia suddenly called out.