Deceased Master's final message

Rai felt a sting in his brain and he was now facing a holographic image of a man who was just clad in white robes and looked peerless. The white robed person started by saying "Congratulations to you, my disciple. Even though I don't know you , only a person of great destiny could get the recognition of the sword and honestly speaking even I was never able to control it to its fullest extent. Enough about that,now that you are here, my name is Akihiko Kaminari.I was one of the strongest in the myriad cosmos and the strongest sword user. The Kaminari clan was the clan I established after I reached my peak and you would be reborn as a child in my clan. As my inheritor , my one and only request is to never do things that you regret and always repay gratitude a hundred fold. The clan will act as you background and help your in any of your endeavors. I have programmed an AI which will ease your life and help and solve all your cultivation doubts."Be free , my disciple" and never let yourself be chained to your past and never indulge in power as it is a fleeting thing as there are innumerable number of people in the pursuit.Enjoy the journey and I hope one day when you reach my heights that would look back in this moment and feel joy and happiness .(and ya,you have no missions,you can just live a life full of pleasure if you wish to but you know that it would be such a waste right??)Saying that the message ended.

Rai was shocked and flabbergasted.He wanted to see what kind of shit position he would be put to prove himself or an impossible goal to save the world but instead he received a clan as a background and the only request was to repay gratitude and to never regret things.He felt really blessed to have such a master and promised himself that he would become the strongest to ever exist . His master,akihiko kaminari suddenly become a goal he wanted to surpass.He wanted to experience the feeling of being able to hold the universe in his fist.

He knew that he was missing a lot of knowledge about where he was heading or how he would be reborn and many questions such as whether he would remember his immense knowledge about the sword and whether his physique would remain with him or not but remembering about the AI his master left behind , he was looking forward to his journey.

As soon as the message finished, the wisp/AI finished his bonding with him and when he accessed his memories ,it learnt about the system concept in his webnovels and how eerily close the concept of mana and power levels in those webnovels were. So,he reformed himself to make himself as a system and displayed his status for Rai to see:

Name:Rai Takehiro

Age:14 years

Physique:Omniscient Sword Immortal physique(cosmos level)

Title:Born to wield the sword,Sword messiah




MANA: meridians unlocked, but no mana accumulated

SOUL: Dao resonant soul(level 5)(ancient level)

ITEMS: chaos sword(half awakened),myriad sword insights (fully comprehended)

Rai was delighted to see his stats and decided to name the system (Akasa system) as it reminded him about the master's name.He also asked the system all the questions that were in his mind and what would happen since the trial was over . This was the start of his journey and Rai wanted nothing to delay his start .