Myriad universes and cosmos

The AI wisp being which was named Akasa felt happy that it finally had a name and a master to serve. On hearing Rai's queries, it understood that it had a lot of explaining to do. So, it started by "Master Rai , there exist innumerable universes each imbued with mana where endless population live which together form the cosmos. The planet Earth, you are from does possess mana but only a few selectively hidden people are practicing the mana arts . This could be derived from the stories and webnovels published in your planet , though a little inaccurate most of it constitutes the truth.The planet Earth is from the milky way galaxy , which is a tier 5 galaxy as cultivation is not available to all the people. There are many advanced galaxies nearby which include the andromeda galaxy where 99 percent of the population is able to access the mana and cultivate it . Basically , the universe which you are from is the Mariore Universe which has many galaxies ranked from (tier 1 to 10) on the basis of the mana concentration."

Rai on hearing this felt his horizons widen and closed his eyes to imagine the vast cosmos. He felt like a speck of dust with no significance in the cosmos which frustrated him very much . As soon as feeling his master's worries , Akasa continues " Master , now that you have the idea about the vast cosmos then you should understand what kind of a great inheritance you have acquired. As one of the strongest cultivators in the universe Master Akihiko was from the Zostra universe and the kaminari clan is one of the imperial clans of the universe which rules mutiple galaxies . Not only that , Zostra universe is a very privileged universe as Master Akihiko's birth universe and ranks in the top 100 universes of all . 

Rai on hearing about the background he was going to have was stunned and felt joy as if he hit the lottery . He then asked the most important question of all , "What is mana?" . Akasa felt stupid as he didn't explain the most of basic of all and replied " Mana is the most primal and basic energy accessed by all the things to exist in the world, just like in the novels and Master you already have your meridians unblocked which conduct the mana in your body due to your cosmos level physique ".So you just have to feel the mana and access it in your body . " But Rai felt confused and thought wasn't he supposed to be dead but why was his body was still existing and in such a pristine condition and asked "Am I not going to be reborn or something?"

Hearing Rai's query, Akasa was laughing a lot and this irked Rai. Rai replied by saying " Don't you dare laugh, being hit by a truck is not funny and suddenly teleporting into a huge castle maybe ironic but definitely not funny." Akasa understood this and said " Master , you think that I am just an AI with no powers but your definitely wrong . I am the guide of the trial and last creation of master Akihiko, so I am an Ancient level artifact and I have preserved your body and wiped the memories of you in your world . Do not underestimate me , though you have a cosmos level physique and bound to become stronger than me but you have a vast journey ahead of you and don't be mistaken that things would be just given to you .You have to earn it and remember that "Power rules everything , no matter how many plans and tactics employ only power annihilates everything."

Rai knew that he was privileged but this was on another level, being able to erase my entire identity was shocking him to his core . He felt a revelation and promised himself to open himself and his opinion to any possibility that can happen. After digesting the info and composing himself , he asked Akasa about what this ancient and cosmos level was ? and wanted to truly start his journey to the top. Akasa was happy to see his master become obsessed with the pursuit of excellence and started to explain the power levels and the journey he would experience .

Power levels :

When one unblocks his meridians and can conduct mana into his body , he becomes a body tempering realm cultivator and then after he forms a core ,he becomes a core formation realm cultivator and then progressing further he becomes a nascent soul realm cultivator and then a soul formation stage and then void amalgamation realm breaks through to body integration realm and then through to the tribulation realm and finally to the mahayana realm which consitutes the lower cultivation levels where a cultivator can accumulate mana and refines himself the perfect foundation to become a Sage . Sages rule the galaxies and then above the sages are the monarchs who rule universes and then above the monarchs are the celestials who rule the cosmos . Until now according to my knowledge there have been only 100 celestials and our master Akihiko could not break through to the celestial realm and was stuck at the monarch level but he was one of the strongest of them.

Artifact levels :

Level 1 to 9 - normal level artifacts 

Planetary level 

Galaxy level 

Universe level

Ancient level 

Cosmos level (physique levels correspond to the artifact level)

Dao level