Everything went back to normal as if nothing happened after a week and just like Alice said, she ditched her eyeglasses and wore contact lenses instead. She also went to the dentist to remove her braces and it really made her look different but no one expected her to dazzle like a princess when she entered the convention hall for the school dance/ foundation party.

She is wearing an off-shouldered white silk dress that hugs her perfectly curved body as if it is part of her skin especially when her fair skin tone is almost as white as the silk. Her hair is fishtail braided on the side of her head down to her shoulder and decorated with mini silver butterflies in each hole that highlights her healthy black hair. She also wears very simple make-up just to color her pale skin and colorless lip balm to enhance her natural rosy pink lips.

"Can I have this dance?" Alex said and laid his hand like a gentleman. He even bowed his head as if he were a knight in front of a princess.

"No!" Bryan protested and pushed him lightly off Alice who was dancing with Bryan.

"C'mon! Just one dance!" he pouted

"No." Bryan insisted and twisted to block Alice from Alex. "And since you were acting nobility, you should have known that it is rude to interrupt a dance, right?" he added

Alice can't help but to giggle seeing Bryan and Alex bickering with each other as if they were kids arguing for a single toy.

"It is not up to you. Alice can dance with whomever she wants," Alex said trying to peak from Bryan's huge physique.

"You have your date. Why don't you dance with her?" Bryan hissed

Alex pouted his lips and rounded his eyes like a puppy.

"I don't think he'll go away," Bryan whispered over his shoulder

"Should I dance with him?" she whispered back

"Would you like to?"

"Do you think he's gonna bug us the whole night if I didn't?"

Bryan took a deep breath, "Surely." Disappointingly let go of Alice and handed her over to Alex. , "Fine. One dance! That is it. Understood?" he insisted while glaring at Alex.

Alex figuratively jumps with joy and quickly grabs Alice and leads her away from Bryan.

"Seriously, you're not her boyfriend yet but you already hogging her." he spat

"Why you little--" Bryan wasn't able to finish because Alex quickly turned to Alice and kneeled

"Thanks for the opportunity m'lady." he grinned and positioned his right.

Bryan stomped his way out of the dance floor.

Alex paid no mind to Bryan and started to position his hand on her waist and his other hand slid down to get her hand. Then he started moving and Alice followed.

Alice giggled, "It doesn't suit you".

"What do you mean? I am always like this," he grinned

They both laugh joyfully as they swing with the sweet love song echoing inside the room.

Alex stops laughing, "Alice," he said


Alice lifted her head and saw Alex staring at her seriously in the eyes.

"You look ravishing tonight," he said

Alice's face turned red and avoided his gaze, "Stop."

"What? You look good, well, you always look good but tonight you are breathtaking," he said and lightly brushed his finger on her flushed cheek.

Alice moved her head to withdraw from his touch, "You're just saying that! I know you'll never ask me if I look my usual self."

Alex stopped and scratched his nape with his right hand, "I have had a huge crush on you since I first met you standing in front of the Registrar's office." he confessed and his face turned red

"Ha ha ha very funny." Alice object

"No. Seriously. I really do like you. As in 'like you like you" he insisted and looked her dead in the eyes

Alice was concerned. Yeah, she is flattered to know that someone likes her but it is Alex. Alex is a giant red flag. A big NO.

"Why do you think Bryan is so obsessed with you?" Alex added

"But we're friends." she burst, "and what about Roxy? I heard you guys already got on second base. Are you really a playboy like they say?"

Alex placed his hand on her waist and led her to dance again. Though Alice suddenly feels uncomfortable with his touch she just follows his lead since he only has one dance with her.

"I never pursued you since you're with Bryan and I don't want to double cross a friend. Besides I was going to keep it a secret until I got over you but I realized, why wait that long? I am not gonna ask you to date me anyway so might as well tell you and let you decide," Alex said, "And about Roxy, we really did hang out but we never really did 'it'" he explained

"Then why did you say that you--" he cut her off.

Alex's face suddenly gloom

"Because she asked me to."


Alex took a deep breath, "Roxy is the one who approached me and told me that she wanted to date a cool guy before she died."

"Dies?" Alice is confused

"Roxy said that she was diagnosed with leukaemia and has only a short time left so... How the hell could anyone say no to a dying person? I mean, I am a jerk but I am not that bad."

Alice shrugged her shoulders, "Well if she isn't your type, you might reject her right away even if she spurt blood from her eyes," Alice pouted

Alex chuckled, "Well, I guess I find her attractive." he nodded and pinched her cheeks. "And I need a distraction from you."


Even though he is not saying it, Alice can sense sadness in his eyes despite him laughing so hard. She knows exactly how it feels like to pretend you're right even though you aren't

"So what happened?" she asked

Alex shrugged his shoulders, "She said that her condition is getting better and her doctor said that she might survive so she didn't need me anymore. She said that I should just tell everyone that I dumped her after having second base on her," he explained and let out a sigh

Alice looked Alex in the eyes, "But is it what you want though?"

"But she already dumped me. Clearly, she doesn't want me anymore and I thought we finally getting somewhere after that kiss."

"Kiss? I thought you did not have a second base?" Alice got confused

"Well, it was hardly considered as a kiss since our lips just barely touched then she suddenly flipped and walked out. To make matters worse, she texted me the next day that she doesn't need me anymore, etc etc.," he conveyed as if he was a kid being cheated in a game. His eyes got watery and big like a puppy.

Alice patted his back to comfort him which almost made her hug him because he is tall.

"I still don't get it," she mumbled, " If I were in her shoes, I would not dump you if I am getting better especially now that I can feel that you are already interested in me," she said still puzzled by the revelation she heard, " Did you say something or did something for her to react like that? Be honest!"

Alex halted.

"What's wrong?" she asked

Alex then grabbed her arms as if something popped in his head hearing her statement, "What do you mean?" he asked but it was more like a confirmation than a question.

"Come to think of it, she said she's dying so she decided to date you because she really likes you right?" she said while sticking her forefinger out

Alex nodded

Alice sticks out her middle finger," and she doesn't want to go with unfinished business but why would she push you away when she's already getting better? It doesn't add up because if I were in her shoes I probably ask you on a real date."

Alex's face gleamed as he solved the mystery in his head, "Thank you so much but I don't think I'll be able to finish this dance with you," he said and kissed her lips.

It wasn't a torrid kiss but it was a bit longer and deeper to be a smack as he trapped her face in palms.

Alice was astounded and frozen even though their lips already parted.

That was her first kiss!

"No wonder Gabby always runs to you every time he has an 'Alison' problem," he said chuckling then turned on his back running out of the convention.

After that awkward and most embarrassing dance that Alice ever had her whole life, the whole night went undramatic and uneventful.

Alice spent most of the night with Bryan like she had always done ever since middle school.

*The next morning.*

"That isn't for Alison. It was actually for you." said a guy from a different class after handing over a bouquet of red roses to Alice.

"Eh?" still confused about what's happening.

Can't blame her, she just got up from a very brief slumber after going to bed very late last night and woke up because of the knock on her door.

"I know it may sound shallow and unbelievable but I couldn't get you out of my head since I saw you last night at the dance," he said with conviction.

The guy in front of her is really a good-looking face and has a decent height and build. "Can I ask you to go out--"

"No," Bryan protested popping behind the unknown guy and then shoving the guy aside to make his way next to Alice. He wrapped his right arm around her neck. He even leaned over to rest his chin on Alice's shoulder. "She's not going anywhere with you nor hanging out with you in any way so I suggest you run along before you ruin the rest of our day," he said with a mocking grin and snatched the flowers from Alice's grip and handed it back to the guy.

"Are you her boyfriend?" he lifted his eyebrow at Bryan, "As far I gathered, Alice here is very much single," he said

Well, he is not wrong and that triggered Bryan.

Alice sensed Bryan's enmity towards the guy as he grits his teeth.

"Please stop," said Alice and slid out from Bryan's grip. "I am so flattered with the attention, I really am," she said and faced the nameless guy, "but Bryan was right. I am not gonna go anywhere with you nor with anyone for that matter."

"What? Why!?"

"I simply cannot go with a man I don't know. You're a really handsome man but it was just one night dolling myself up and I am pretty sure that you are going to be disappointed if you see the everyday me. The real me."

The guy seems bumped up, "Can't you at least reconsider? I'm a good guy. I promise" he insisted.

Alice shakes her head, "I am sorry."

Then with a snap of a finger, the handsome guy loses his cool. His face turned red and his eyes glared at her in fury, "Fine! It's not like you're so damn gorgeous. You should be thankful that I show some interest in you." he said and stormed out while mumbling to himself.

Alice was shocked.

"Ain't he just told you that he can't get you out of his head since last night? The audacity! How dare he say that you're ain't that gorgeous?" Bryan scoffs, "Loser!" he shouted

"Well, guys intended to sweet talk the girls they think are gullible enough to fall for their tricks," Alice shrugged and got back inside her room leaving Bryan in the doorway.

Bryan closed the door behind him and made his way in.

"Why are you here so early?" Alice asked and jumped back to her single-size bed covered with tons of different colored pillows and plush toys.

"I bought you some food," he said and placed it on the mono-bloc table.

Truth be told, it was not Bryan who bought those foods. It was Alex.

Bryan saw that smooch last night and he didn't like it so he confronted Alex early this morning. Alex told him what had occurred last night that made him kiss Alice. He also told him how sorry he was for acting out and Bryan accepted his apology in exchange for Alex's credit card to pay for anything he needs and wants to buy for Alice until graduation.

" I just thought that your gastric pets might start to riot after that tiny food you ate last night," he grinned

Alice lifts her head to look at Bryan who is busy unpacking the food from the huge paper bag that she hadn't noticed a while ago. "I'd rather sleep than eat." she pouted.

Her eyes were halfway open.

"OK then" Bryan shrugged and then opened one of the containers to release the invigorating smell of the food." More for me then," he smirked

A loud stomach growl came out from Alice which made her moan. She covered her head with a pillow trying to resist the temptation.

Bryan took a huge bite from the triple-cheese grilled sandwich and chewed it soundly as if he were using an ASMR microphone. "Hmm... Yeah, that's nice," he let out

"Ahh..." Alice protested and sprang out of the bed, "I hate you!"

Bryan just looked at her innocently, "What?" Then he grinned., "I was just eating."

No one can deny that these two knows how to get on each other's nerve and how much they cherish one another.

Alice decided to join Bryan because she knew that one way or another he would not stop until she submitted.

Besides, she really can't sleep anymore because she got betrayed again by her stomach.

Alice rubbed her belly after eating 2 grilled sandwiches, one serving of mac and cheese and a grande-sized chai latte.

"I thought you would rather sleep than eat?" Bryan mocked

Alice glared at him, "As if you're gonna leave me alone if I hadn't joined you," she pouted and tried to sound annoyed though the redness of her face told otherwise.

Bryan chuckles and pinches her cheeks, "You're so cute when you're mad."

Alice pushed his hand, "Ah, c'mon! You're gonna make my cheek swollen."

"It is just a myth," he scoffed, "Besides your cheeks are always swollen just like a baby," he added

Alice sprang out of her seat and threw a used table napkin to Bryan, "So you're telling me that I am fat?"

"I didn't say you are." he said then smiled trying not to laugh

"You just did!" She pointed her finger at him

"No, I didn't," playing innocent

"Yes, you did!"


The bickering continues until Alice reaches her limit.

"Whatever! I am not gonna eat anymore!" she declared

"Really?" Bryan grinned, "You're not gonna eat anymore?"

Alice crossed her arms on her chest, "No. I will go fasting from now on."

"OK then." Bryan shrugged his shoulders and picked up some paper bag from under the table, "What a shame. I even ordered three servings of these for you," he said and took out three plastic containers with leche flan inside.

Author's note: Leche flan is an egg-based custard pudding that is a delicacy in the Philippines.

Alice's eyes almost fell off their sockets when she saw them. That's her favorite dessert!

"Are you sure you didn't want these?" Bryan teased

Alice turned around and swallowed the saliva that started to fill her mouth then wore her sweetest smile, "I was just kidding. Psh, no one can survive without eating or drinking right?," she said and slowly sliding her right hand to get one container but Bryan dodged it.

"Say sorry first," he demanded, " Say that you will never gonna argue with me anymore," he added with a devilish smile on his face

Alice's lips parted in shock and sprang up from her seat," Then stop messing with me if you don't want to argue--"

"Ah ah..."Bryan cut her off while waving his right forefinger, "Want this?" he said pointing to the plastic container.

"Fine!" she stomped her foot, "I am sorry and I promise I won't argue with you anymore. Happy!?" she pouted." Now give me that!" she cried and tried to snatch the container from his hand but Bryan has something else in his mind.

Bryan dodged from Alice's attack and gathered all three containers and put them back in the paper bag. "Sorry, I changed my mind. Ha ha ha" he teased and stood up.

Alice fumed, "That's so unfair!" she yelled and charged at Bryan. He is expecting her violence and quickly dodged and ran away.

This scene wasn't new for the both of them since they had always been like this since the beginning and Bryan wasn't gonna change it for the world.

Alice finally caught up to Bryan after running around to the small space of the room.

Bryan lost his balance and fall but before he lands, he twists to face Alice who was also got off balance and was about to fall.

Bryan throws the paper bag and quickly wraps his arms around Alice to prevent her from hurting from the fall.

The loud banging sound filled the whole room when they landed on the cold tiled floor.

Bryan landed on his back while Alice landed on him.

"Well, what a sight to behold." said the deep cold voice from somewhere inside the room.

Bryan and Alice look in the direction of the voice and behold, it is from Gabby who is standing over their heads on the other side of the curtain.

Bryan accidentally ripped the curtain that divides the room when they fell.

Gabby is coming from Alison's side of the room. He is half naked wearing only his black boxer shorts and clearly just woke up from slumber.

Alice quickly got on her feet and rubbed off her shirt as if she landed on sand or some sort. She knows that her face is bright red from embarrassment as if she got caught doing something naughty while Bryan on the other hand, took his time and sat on the floor without washing off the smug on his face. "Sorry. Did we wake you up?" he asked in a casual tone.

"Unfortunately," Gabby replied annoyed.

Bryan got on his feet and gave Gabby a light tap on the shoulder, "Sorry dude. We got a bit carried away," he said then took a peek over Gabby's shoulder, "No wonder Alice didn't have enough sleep."

"Eek!" Alice squealed and slapped Bryan's back, "What are you saying!" she protested dragging Bryan out of the room after apologizing to Gabby.

As soon as Alice and Bryan got out of the room, she kicked his right lower leg real hard. "Why did you say that? You made me looked like a pervert! Do you know how embarrassing that is?!"

"Ah!!" Bryan jumped out in pain but Alice didn't stop assaulting him and showered him more with hard slaps on the different parts of his body.

Bryan was already slaughtered after Alice blew off her steam.

"C'mon," Alice said commanding Bryan to follow her.

Bryan followed her like a helpless puppy when he noticed that Alice was still wearing her PJs and it was far too thin that he could see her pale skin underneath. He quickly took off his jacket and covered her with it whose still clueless about how she looked. "Wear this," he said and walked pass her

Alice quickly followed and zipped the jacket. "Hey wait up!" she called and started sprinting.

Bryan ceased walking and waited for her.

Soon after she caught up to him she grabbed the end of his shirt to catch her breath, "Tell me." she said while panting.

Bryan has always been sweet but it is seldom that he purposely annoyed her so she knows that something is bothering him right now.

His expression darkened, "After the finals, Mom asked me to fly back to New York and spend the holidays there," he said while clenching his fists.

She straighten her back and composed herself, "Ain't that a good thing? She barely got a vacation."

"Well, her work is pretty much a vacation to most people," he said while rolling his eyes

Alice pinched his left earlobe, "Well, travelling the world isn't actually a vacation if you can't do anything you want with the people you want to be with. You should know that than anyone else."

Bryan cried out in pain until Alice released his poor earlobe. He rubbed the spot she tortured to ease the pain.

"Don't you miss her?" she then asked him in concerned toned voice

Bryan sighed, "Of course I do but I promised that I would come with you to visit your dad remember? This is the first time you'll gonna see him since we met. I have to make sure that you're okay--"

"Don't you want to see her?" she cutted him off.

Alice really wants to keep Bryan by his side but she can not hog him when she can't even accept his feelings.

"I do," he replied

"Then go."


Alice slapped his back again but this time it didn't mean to hurt him, "We still have next time besides I think it's better this way."

"How so?"

"We could spend more time with our parents after such a long time without any distractions," then she gave him her most sincere smile.

"Are you sure?" he's concerned, Alice is not the type of person who's good at travelling alone and what if her father stood her up again? The last she got stood up she end up sick for a week.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, the Philippines is way too small from New York and from other countries we've been so I think I can handle it," she assured him and took a deep sigh, "Actually, I am stoked that I can finally spend Christmas here. I can't remember the last time I spent Christmas with my folks." she smiled vaguely, "I am getting more nervous to ask Dad to let me change course rather than travelling alone."

Bryan gave her the warmest hug he could give, "Don't be. I am sure he'll be more than happy that you decided to follow your heart and stand for what makes you happy"

Alice took a deep breath, "I hope so." and hugged him back.

"I'm sure gonna miss you," Bryan whispered

Alice let out of the hug and met his gaze, "Well, I will miss you too." She smiled

Bryan pouted, "I can't believe that there will be a Christmas that I will celebrate without you." he said and gave her puppy dog eyes.

Alice laughs seeing him acting like a child begging for dessert before dinner.

"What if I told Mom that I could not come because I have a project that I need to finish?" he said with enthusiasm as if he had a very brilliant idea.

Alice's right palm landed on Bryan's left arm." And why!?"

"So I could come with you--ah!!" he couldn't finish what he was about to say because Alice finely pinched his side.

Alice releases her after 3 'Mississippi' that left Bryan twisting in pain.

"I told you that you don't have to," she said in a low voice

"I know but I wanted to stay--"

"You don't have to revolve your world around me!." she screamed

Alice was referring to the time Bryan confessed his feelings for her last year when she told him that she was going back to the Philippines after her grandmother died.

"I can't offer you anything more than what we have right now," she said without looking at him

"And I told you I don't care and I don't need more if it'll make you run away." Bryan protest

As much as she wanted to clear things up with him she also couldn't face the fact that she was too afraid of losing him if she pushed him away more so she ended the conversation with "Goodbye Bryan," and turn on her back.