The Trip

Alice decided to escort Bryan to the airport and they didn't talk about what happened last time.

After Bryan's flight took off she went straight to the bus station and to her surprise there were a lot of people in the terminal, mostly students like her.

Alice is scared especially since this is her very first time travelling alone in a place she has never been to. Good thing, Bryan helped her pack up and ended up carrying only one backpack like a drifter.

"Where to?" a strange man approaches her. The man is wearing a worn-out shirt, khaki short cargo pants and a towel hanging on his right shoulder.

Alice didn't find the man revolting, in fact, she found him friendly. "Lucena," she replied with a bright smile

"Oh. Here," he said and directed her way to the lines of buses on the other side of the terminal.

Alice immediately hopped on one of the non-air-conditioned buses and scanned for a vacant seat preferably next to the window and not on the back. She got startled when she heard a familiar voice and it was calling her name.

"Alice!? Oh my gosh babe it's Alice." said the girl wearing a jean short pants and a red racer-back sleeveless shirt whose sitting on the seat at the last row by the window.

Alice automatically lifted her right hand awkwardly to greet the couple, "Hi. I didn't know you'd be here." she said as she took her way to the vacant seat to her left near the window when Alison called her again.

"Hear. There's still one vacant seat here," she said pointing to the empty seat beside Gab.

She wanted to decline the offer. It's rather awkward to sit beside a lovey-dovey couple and she wanted the seat near the open window. She opened her mouth and was about to decline the kind offer when she saw Gab scooch to give her space to sit.

"Shit!" She curses to herself.

Since she is too embarrassed to decline a friendly gesture she, decides to take the offer with a heavy heart and sit beside the couple.

So their seating arrangements look like this, Alison is sitting next to the window, then Gab in the middle and then Alice.

Alice knows that this setup will not be in her favor so she just hopelessly prays that the meds she ate will work like a charm and knock her off the whole trip.

30 minutes after they depart Alice has already felt the discomfort in her stomach and her head started spinning as it always does when she travels.

"Hey, are you OK? You don't look so good," said Gab looking at Alice's colorless face.

Alice just smiles vaguely in response and turns her head to the other side and shuts her eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked again which took Alison's attention.

"Alice, are you sick?" she asks

Alice wants to ignore the two but she doesn't want to be rude so she just takes a deep breath and turns her head to face them, "Y-yeah," she nodded. "I am just a bit--- blegh!!"

Alice quickly covered her mouth with her hands to stop the gut soup from gushing out of her mouth but the damage had already been done. She wanted to shrink into a molecule until no one could see her embarrassing predicament.

Alison quickly stood up to avoid being soiled but Gab didn't budge from his seat.

"Here." Gab handed over a plastic bag, "Use this. Don't choke it back down" he said calmly. He doesn't sound disgusted but Alice feels more humiliated.

Gab shoved the plastic bag on her face after didn't receive any response from Alice thinking that she might not be able to remove her hands from her mouth.

Now Alice can't throw up even if she wants to. This guy in front of her makes her feel inferior just being in the same room and now he is holding a clear plastic bag on her face to puke on.

"Hubby, you're shirt. It's soiled." Alison said pointing to the stain on his white shirt.

As much as she wanted to decline the plastic bag, she took it from Gab and faced the other way.

After using a ton of baby wipes and filling up the plastic bag almost full, Alice finally cleaned up.

She wasn't able to go to the comfort room since they were riding in a public vehicle and they don't pull over just because someone puked. Also, she changed seats with Alison.

Well, Gab made Alison switch seats.

Alice is now beside the open window, then Gab who is currently half naked after taking off his shirt because Alison can't handle the smell whose now sitting on the other end from where Alice sat a while ago and Alison is in the middle.

"Poor thing. Are you feeling better now?" Alison asked Alice who barely opened her eyes because of exhaustion.

Alice nodded and smiled, "So much better. Thanks."

"Good" Alison smiled back, "I guess you felt much worse when you travelled from New York to the Philippines huh? How long was your trip again?"

Alice is in no condition to have a conversation but she doesn't want to be rude, "20 hours more or less." she replied, "And I don't have a problem travelling aside from a little turbulence and the shaking during taking off, the whole trip was peaceful and uneventful," she explains

Alison looked at her with confusion, "Really? Is this your first getting sick while travelling?"

"Well, I tend to get car sick quickly but I am not like that when it comes to air and sea travel. That is also the reason why I don't choose land travel unless I don't have any other choice like today," she explained

"Oh..." Alison nodded, "So you travel a lot?"

Alice shrugged her shoulder, "Not much," she replied, "Only during spring breaks and during holidays. We mostly travel to other states but one time we went to Paris from Italy riding a train but I did not get sick that time either. "

"Wow" Alison's face beamed, "Oh... I am so jealous right now. How I wish I had a wealthy dad like yours," she pouted

Alice scratches her right temple because of embarrassment, "Well, I don't really spend a dime when I travel aside for buying some food when I get a chance," she admitted, "I just hitched with Bryan but most of the time he drags me along."

"Bryan?" Alison asked in surprise. "So you mean you guys always travel together?"

Alice nodded lightly.

"Wow! Seems like you two are really close huh," said Alison

"Well, we've been friends since high school when he transferred to the school where I am attending. And his big brother was my babysitter back then so... Yeah, we're pretty close," she just said because she really doesn't want to talk anymore, especially about Bryan. She feels guilty as it is because of their small fight last time.

"Eehh..." Alison squealed, "Really.? It is enchanting to hear. It's almost like I and Gab except Gab was my babysitter and friend," she said while giggling then hooked her arms to Gab's arm. "We are also childhood friends and basically inseparable. Actually, we have been friends for as long as I can remember and now look at us," she said then leaned her head on Gab's broad shoulder. "Who knew that romance can also blossom from friendship?

"Well, Bryan and I are just friends," she insisted. "Besides, he only drags me on those trips because he doesn't want to be bored and it is such a waste of hard-earned money if I decline the tickets her mom bought for us," Alice explained as if she is being investigated because her foolish heart doesn't want Gab to think that something is going on between her and Bryan even though she knows that Gab doesn't care about her in that way or in any other way except for being a friend of a friend and a classmate.

"Well, I don't think Bryan only cares or sees you only as a friend. I am positive about it ." Alison said with full conviction in a Barbie kind of way.

"Wifey, let Alice rest. She barely has her color back," he said then quickly glanced at Alice.

Alison immediately stopped interrogating Alice like Gab said and just focused on the movie playing on the TV monitor in front of them while leaning her head on Gab's shoulder.

After 3 hours, the three arrived at their destination and Alice couldn't be more relieved that her nightmare was finally over. She didn't puke again after her little accident but the skull-breaking-feeling torment continued throughout the trip and it is really a great help when Alison stops chatting with her. Also, the fresh air brushing her face helps calm her nerves.

She let out another outburst though as soon as she stepped out of the bus as if it could not wait any longer inside her body.

"Hey. Y'alright?" asked Gab who was standing behind her

Alice wiped her lips with her left wrist and turned on her back, "Yeah, I am good but I think I need to go to the ladies' room. I'm quite a mess right now." she replied

It is really a good thing that she only carried one backpack because she can't even imagine carrying a huge piece of luggage right now.

"Thank you guys for helping me. I really appreciate it but I think I can manage from here," she said and bid the couple goodbye

"Ok. Keep safe" said Alison while waving her right hand, "Let's get out some other time." she added

Alice smiled and headed on her way to the other side of the terminal hoping that she could find a comfort room where she could freshen up.

Alison and Gab on the other hand are still figuring out whether they head straight to the orphanage or eat first to the nearest restaurant in the area.

"We can eat first before heading back to the orphanage, what do you think?"

"Well, do you want to?" Gab asked.

Actually, he already knew that what Alison said was actually a request and not a suggestion.

"I'm really craving for some Chinese." Alison pouted and pointed to the restaurant across the street.

Gab can't help himself to smile while looking at his cute girlfriend acting like a puppy begging for a treat. "Yeah. Sure. But I'll have to wash up first and put some clothes on. It's a bit chilly." he said pointing to his shirtless body.

She smiled nodding and kissed his cheek, "Yeah. Yeah. Want me to go with you?" she asked and opened one of their bags to get a clean shirt then handed it to him

"Thanks," Gab said as he accepted the shirt and hung it on his shoulder, "I'll be quick, if you want you can go ahead inside and relax while you wait," he said and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before heading to the same direction that Alice took a while ago.

"Hubby--"Alison called out but wasn't heard, "There's a closer comfort room here," she added to herself while pointing to her back

Alice found a comfortable room to freshen up and put some clean clothes on.

Good thing that she was wearing a sports bra under her shirt a while ago so she didn't look awkward when she took off her shirt after vomiting inside the bus. She only looks like she just got out of the gym and most girls her age dress up like this daily. This is the trend right now.

After she's done fixing herself up, she heads out of the room and sees Gab standing at the entrance of the Ladies' Room like he is waiting for her.

Alice decided to ignore him as if she didn't see him and walked right past him while keeping her eyes down on her cell phone playing ignorant of his existence.

"Are you good?" Gab asked as he grabbed her arm

Alice looked at him in shock. She really was surprised that he grabbed her and she was a bit confused by this sudden gesture.

Well, she's more shocked than confused since they weren't really that close. She even thinks that Gab is irritated with her because of his spicy comments about her and his aloft attitude even after she helped him with Alison. "Y-yeah. I'm good," she answered

"Good. Let's go," he said then turned around and started dragging her.

"W-wait." Alice protested in confusion and snatched her arm back.

Gab looks at her with curved eyebrows, "What?"

"Where are you taking me?" while rubbing her wrist that he'd been holding a while ago though it didn't hurt that much.

"Alison is waiting at the fast food restaurant for us," he replied nonchalantly as if his action was not out of the ordinary

"Us?" she repeated

" She said she wanted to eat and craving some Chinese food," he said without batting an eye

Alice felt a cold chill down her spine when her gaze met his and she could almost choke on what she was trying to say so she quickly averted her gaze, "I don't want to sound rude or anything but I don't think I should join you guys," she declined


"I-I have plans." she lied, "Besides, it'll be super awkward to keep tagging along with you two," she added

"Why?" again Gab

Seriously? It feels like I am talking to a kid right now, Alice thought to herself.

"Well, it is obviously a date and what am I? The third wheel?"

Gab paused for a moment, thinking, "OK." he agreed, "but are you sure you can make it from here? I mean do you even know where to go and what to ride? " he added

Alice looks at him and smiles, "Yeah. I think I got it. Thanks."

"Ok." Gab just nodded and then put both his hands inside his pants pockets. "I will go ahead then."

Alice bows her head to bid him her thank you and then looks at him, "Tell Alison thanks again for helping me out."

"Will do" he smiled which almost made Alice lose the strength on her knees.

This is the very first time he smiled at her like this. There is something different in that smile that she can't figure out.

She pulled herself together and smiled back, "Thank you too."

"Don't mention it. It's not like we're strangers," he said

Alice laughs awkwardly in response and bids him goodbye before she turns around.

This was the longest conversation they ever had since they met and she handled it very well. She knows that he doesn't mean any of those gestures more than it really is but her foolish heart doesn't stop pounding like crazy inside her chest.

She is attracted to Bryan but her heart never beat crazy like this before even the time they almost kissed.

She took a step away from him and then another...

And another...

And another...

Then she stopped and turned around in his direction.

Gab was already walking away.

"Gab!" she called and then strides towards him.

They were already inches from one another when Gab turned around. He was surprised by their closeness but he managed to conceal it and stay perfectly calm as if he wasn't shaken by her presence.

Alice laid her palm in front of him, "Can you please give me your shirt?." she asked

Gab was confused by the question, "My shirt?" he repeated while pointing to his shirt.

It was already late before Alice realised how absurd her question was.

Her eyes rounded in shock and she could feel her face burning due to embarrassment. "Oh no. No" she waved her hands aggressively, "I didn't mean it that way... I-I meant your shirt... T- The one I soiled?" she explained while stuttering

"Why?" still puzzled

She averted her gaze from him and focused it on her feet, "I'll wash it since it's my fault it got soiled," she replied


Alice lifts her head and meets Gab's gaze. She was confused.


"Because I don't have it," he said and raised both his hands. "See?"

"Oh...." Alice gasped as she finally figured out what he meant that she wasn't able to stop to laugh. "Sorry," she said as she knocked on her head with her right fist.

It was a habit of hers that she picked up from watching K-dramas.

*Author's Note: K-dramas is a term referring to television series that are made in Korea.

"Stop it," said Gab in a very cold tone.

Alice raised her head to look at him and she met a threatening look in his deep black eyes.

"Stop that habit of yours. It's bad! It is like biting toenails."

Alice was a bit puzzled about what Gab was saying and noticed her reaction so he mimicked her head-knocking movement and said, " Stop it" he repeated

"Ah, yeah. Sorry." she smiled and unconsciously stuck her tongue out and put her hands behind her. "I should be going."

"Ah yeah yeah... Alison probably already wondering what was taking me so long," he replied

Alice turns around and hurriedly gets away while Gab watches her. He stayed there for quite some time even after Alice was no longer in his sight. He seemed to be spaced out for quite some time until his phone started ringing.

He fished out his phone from his right pocket and answered the call, "Hello?... Yeah... I'm on my way. Order for me. Yeah. Ok. Love you too."

Gab pressed the end call button shoved the cell phone back in his pocket, and unconsciously scratched his nape when he realized that it would be awkward if Alice did say yes to his invitation.

Why did I even invite her and wait for her at that!? Damn! I need to pull myself together.! He thought to himself...

He already has an Alison and he loves her very much but he can not explain why he's being pulled towards Alice for some reason.

Gab heads back to Alison unaware that he's heart starting to flutter.

"Is there a line?" Alison asked as soon as Gab sat down at their table.

"Huh?" he obliviously looked at her as to what she was talking about

"The line," she clarified, "Is there a line in the comfort room since it took you quite some time," she repeated while removing the cover from Gab's congee

*Author's Note: Congee is a type of rice porridge or gruel eaten in Asian countries. It can be eaten plain, where it is typically served with side dishes, or it can be served with ingredients such as meat, fish, seasonings and flavorings, most often savory, but sometimes sweet.

"Ah..." he nodded, " Yeah yeah...Sorry, two of the toilets are out of order." he just partially lied since 2 of the toilets were actually out of order though there was never a line when he went to the restroom.

He wants to avoid getting further with the topic so he just shoved a spoonful of the food in his mouth without noticing that it was still piping hot. "Ah..!"

"Alison got startled, "Hubby. Are you OK?" she asked

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine...Sorry." he replied reassuring his lovely girlfriend while wiping the spilt food from his chin, "I just got excited, that's all." and smiled

Alison frowned, "Well, be careful." she said and handed him more table napkins from her side of the table, "I thought I was the one whose hungry. Why are you the savage one?" she scoffed

Gab chuckled at her comment and pinched her cheek, "Why the heck are you so cute?!"

"Ah" Alison protested and slapped his hands, "Stop it. It hurts!" she irritably declared

Gab was a bit shocked by her reaction but he just didn't mind it and apologized then continued eating his food.

After they finished their food while having a little conversation here and there they decided to go to the mall and buy some pasalubong.

*Author's Note: Pasalubong is a tasty souvenir that has been given to your friends and/or relatives after being away or visiting other places. It has been a tradition.

Gab is enjoying their time together but no matter how he tries to ignore it, he can't stop himself from thinking about Alice since they part ways.

He cannot seem to stop worrying about her.

I am just worried about her since she seems like a vulnerable person. Right? Right! That's the only reason she kept popping into my head. She's a friend and it is normal to worry about a friend.

Gab kept convincing himself with those words every time he got distracted and he was genuinely concerned about her well-being.

Thinking about what she might be doing right now is almost driving him mad.

Did she ride the right route to where she was going? Bryan did mention before that Alice has the tiniest sense of direction.

The couple decided to head back to the orphanage since they had way too much luggage to have a stroll around.

Also, Alison noticed her Gab being aloft since he went back from the rest room and she couldn't shake off the unpleasant feeling in her gut.

"Oh hi, guys. Seems like we have the same destination huh." Alice smiled as she welcomed the couple entering the headmistress' office.