Dancing with Temptation

The lobby turned cold as I broke away from his mother's mesmerizing

eyes. Richard Mason limped back to his wife.

  My heart caved inwards as Smith urged me to take our designated

seats. What had happened to that kind, old man? Why was his

companion so concealed and aloof? The difference between them

was like day and dusk.

  I shook off thoughts of the old couple. I was here for Smith, not

them. It wasn't my problem, and I resolved to leave it alone. Whatever

issue mother and son were going through, it wasn't something for me

to meddle with and get involved. I closed my eyes, trying my best to

set it aside.

  Smith squeezed my hand. "Be right back," he announced before

strutting away to meet some friends. They all spoke with ease, even

though I could still see they looked at him as their superior. Did he

have any real friends he could kick back with and be himself? He

always carried an air of poise. Had anybody seen the real him? Ever?

  I recalled his tickling attack upstairs and fought the urge to break

into a giggle again. Tingling pleasure flooded my body. Underneath all

that power and clout was a big teddy bear waiting to be adored. I

gasped at my own thoughts and crossed my legs.

  "I'm sorry that took a while," Smith apologized after he came back

to our table.

  I hadn't even realized he had taken long. I pushed the arousal

away and focused on his words. "Uh...no, it's fine," I stammered. "Just

admiring the view."

  He glanced around. "Which view?"

  Heat spread across my face. The bad girl in me rivaled the good. I

yanked my eyes from tracing his muscular curvature and forbade my

mouth from its daring flirting. My pores opened to the sudden prodding

of sweat. I swallowed and clamped my mouth shut.

  A faint smile appeared on his lips. "Okay," he whispered, studying

my eyes. He glanced toward the stage, loosening his tie. "Can you

save my seat? I'm first up."

  The night was about to begin. Saving the billionaire's seat gave me

a brief chuckle. Who would steal it? "I'll be waiting. Good luck," I


  He didn't need it. The audience roared at his first jokes and sat

perched on the brims of their seats for more of anything and

everything the man had to say. He exuded confidence. He was funny,

full of wit, and sharp as a nail as he rattled off a list of his software

company's latest achievements. He caught my eye, then hesitated for

a moment and stammered.

  Oh no. What did I do? I was there to support him, not hinder him. I

nodded my head and fluttered my lips into a smile.

  He blinked and looked away, suddenly picking up the trail of his

last words. He finished his speech as the audience exploded into


  I clapped as if I had been fully listening. I prayed my face wasn't

shiny from the sweat I'd gathered along the edges of my forehead. I

had no clue what the speech was about, but was ready to bluff it in

case he asked.

  "That was a great speech," I told him as soon as he took his seat.

  He glared at me and flared his nostrils, his chest rising and falling.

"Thank you."

  We fell into an awkward silence as another man came to the stage

and began talking into the microphone.

  Was Smith thinking about his stutter during the speech? From the

way the crowd gave him a standing ovation, I'd say it was a slam-


  The Knight Drones came on the stage to play. I'd heard one or two

songs on the radio, but Lily was going to flip that she'd given up this

date. "My best friend loves this band."

  He stood up and held out his hand as the band eased into a slow

song. "Well, you'll have to brag about how you danced all night to


  I didn't hesitate as I gave him my hand. If a client wanted to dance,

it was my job to be a willing partner. I was no prima ballerina, but I

could hold a beat. The image of our bodies aligning in rhythmic

movement brought a shiver to my arms before he ever touched me.

  He led me to the dance floor and wrapped his arms around me. His

hand glued itself to my waist and was now dangerously close to my

hips. He captured my right hand in his.

  Butterflies fluttered through my belly as a growing warm sensation

took over my chest. I pressed my hand into his left shoulder blade. I

ignored the way his hand moved to my hip and then on top of my ass.

I fought the urge to squirm against him and then erupted into nervous

chatter. "You were amazing back there. You really had the crowd

going," I enthused.

  His muscles stiffened as he pierced my eyes. "You know what you

did to me," he growled, his breath tickling the shell of my ear.

  I tried to suppress the shudder that overtook my spine as

streaming arousal flooded my body. He was so close and I couldn't

help but feel his strong, masculine body. A whimper escaped my

breath as my eager breasts brushed against his chest. My stinging

nipples pebbled beneath the thin cups of my bra, and I prayed they

couldn't be seen through my sheer pink shirt. I pretended to not know

what he was talking about. "What do you mean?"

  Before he could respond, the song quickened and became louder

as the singer wailed into the microphone.

  To my surprise, I found myself being twirled. He braced me, then

pressed his body against mine.

  A smug look arose on his hard and handsome face as his lips

quirked at the corners. A hint of amusement hid in the depths of those

blue eyes. It was as if he knew I would be affected by the physical

touch of our bodies. I desperately tried to ignore the transparent

chemical attraction between us. But the more I tried to ignore it, the

stronger it grew. It had spread and burned so deep, I was afraid to get

scorched. I couldn't afford to take a chance on lustful attraction.

Especially not with a man who every woman wanted. He'd be in and

out of my hands within days. I must have had a frown on my face

because Smith looked concerned.

  He paused from dancing as a crease formed between his eyes.

"What's wrong, Livia?"

  I swallowed, fearing that if I spoke my voice would be thick with

emotion. I needed to put on my business hat and cool it. How could I

afford to fantasize about him? I needed to complete my job and

continue with my life goals.

  "Nothing," I peeped as I continued moving my feet to the beat of

the drums.

  Dominance was written all over his marble jawline, and his

possessiveness emanated from his moist lips as they parted. "Good."

  Few words needed to be spoken between us. He twirled me a few

times before settling back to a slow rhythm again. A bulge pressed

against my belly as he lowered his head.

  His breaths caused my arms to shiver.

  He laid flat palms against my butt and shook as he exhaled.

"You're so fucking intoxicating."

  I shut down all reason and danced to his vibe. For a moment, it

was as if it were just he and I. His guard was down and he looked at

ease, as though his mind was diffusing of all the stress of greeting and


  The electricity of his body transferred to my own. In that intense

moment, nothing else mattered.

  As soon as the last note of the song stopped, I excused myself and

headed to the ladies' bathroom. My breathing hitched as I shut myself

into a cubicle, and tried to compose myself.

  I buried my face into my palms and inhaled two deep breaths to

stop myself from shaking. It was a mess. Smith was confusing and

dangerous and I hated the way he made me so damn needy. I

couldn't let myself get involved with someone like him. It wasn't

because his mother gave me the creeps, or that our families were

completely different. It was the way he made me feel. My body was

losing control, and it scared me beyond belief.

  Besides that, we were opposites. Like oil and vinegar. Sure, you

could shake the hell out of the bottle, but after a while the two liquids

would separate again and you were back at the beginning.

  I couldn't let this sexual fascination go on anymore. Someone

needed to put a stop to this—and that person was me. After pulling

myself together, I stood up and dabbed sweat from my forehead. A

couple of women patted their make-up when I walked out of the

cubicle. I avoided eye contact, but that didn't stop me from hearing the

hissing whispers.

  Smith stood and pulled my chair out as I marched back to the

table. Fancy plates of filet minion and lobster sat on each placemat.

Starved, I picked up my utensils and dug in. The food was amazing,

and I found myself forgetting about Smith and his seductive

endeavors. My love affair with the food had begun and I must've been

moaning because I eventually noticed his gaping mouth.

  I set down my fork as a flush spread across my chest. "Sorry. The

food is so good," I apologized, already picking up the silverware again.

  He smiled with one corner of his mouth. "Go right ahead. I love

watching you eat."

  I gave a polite smile and found my appetite disappearing, but I dug

in once more and ate until I was full anyway.

  He licked his lips before they spread into a smile. He looked like a

predator about to pounce on prey any minute without warning.

  "Did you enjoy the food?" I asked, trying to divert attention from


  He nodded. "I did. However, most of my enjoyment came from

watching you mow down."

  A tingling arousal awakened my pelvis. Most guys would have

thought it disgusting that I'd eaten to full capacity. Filet mignon was an

unaffordable luxury in my book.

  Money was just as scarce, since my father was sick and his

medications were expensive. My entire monthly salary went toward

rent, utilities, and his care. I earned more than most girls my age and it

still wasn't enough. "I've grown to appreciate food, especially when it's

this delicious."

  "Not many people finish their food these days." Smith commented,

retreating into a distant look as if he too had archived food memories

of his own.

  I held back a scoff. If only he knew how it was to grow up poor.

With nothing to eat every day, it had driven my parents to the brink of

insanity. The tipping point was the cancer.