Bound by Desire

Do you like tonight? Smith enquired.

  I responded, "Loved it," letting the frank truth out.

  We took in the peaceful calm that stretched between us as we strolled along the sidewalk. As a chilling breeze touched my back, the sexual appeal diminished. Service and the date were virtually done.

  Smith covered me with a jacket and let a thick piece of material fall around my shoulders. I chastised myself for leaving my own at the motel. I said, "Thank you," feeling comforted by the warmth.

  The moon hung from the pitch-black sky while the evening was still young. Above our heads, the moonlight gleamed, highlighting Smith's hair's drab colour. His mesmerizing eyes sparkled with passion and thirst. As he swallowed and stared at the brilliant stars, I got enthralled by his attractive, well-defined jaw. His demeanor exuded benevolence, and I yearned for his stubble-scarred chin to brush my skin. I had to feel how it burned and stinged against my breast. I yearned for his broad, velvety lips to touch my peak nipple.

  I closed my legs tightly to stop heated juices from dripping onto my pants. The once-cold air quickly became warm, and the sandalwood scent from his jacket engulfed my face and made me crave him. I forced a pitiful whimper from escaping my mouth by closing my eyes. Even though he hadn't touched me yet, my body ached for his rough, manly fingers.

  My shoulder was encircled by a warm, powerful hand. When I turned to look, I was met with heavy, enticing eyes that made me want to ignore all sense. Every minute that passed as another frigid wind blew, my knees got weaker as it drained my body of its increasing heat.

  He took a lock of my hair and sighed, "Livia," he said.

  My throat trembled as a sudden release of all the strain caused me to giggle. I turned and withdrew. I needed to get away.

  While we were returning inside, my mind was jumbled, but I managed to keep silent. Even though it was just 10 o'clock, I was still "in service". It would be at least two hours before I could get home and check on my father. Lily was assigned to text him and check that he had taken his medication.

  What was in store for Smith? alcohol at the bar? The hotel was deserted.

  "I didn't have my jumper. I said, wanting to remove my shoulders from his uncomfortable jacket, "I should grab it.

  He pursed his lips and arched his brow. "I believe I saw it on the upstairs chair."

  As he depressed the lift button, my heart beat quickly. I immediately grew distant from him. I didn't need his strong, large hands to seduce me into doing things I'd later regret.

  He took a keycard out of his wallet and inserted it into the hole as soon as we came to a stop in front of our suite number. Smith pushed his hand into the small of my back and led me inside as soon as the door swung open.

  As soon as I entered the room, I realised I was in trouble.

  He pushed me up against the door and shut it before I could react. I let out a gasp. I hastened to recover my breath as the excitement of his powerful body against mine overcame me.

  He had swooped down and taken me prisoner.

  My hands were slipping over his thin, silk shirt and around the back of his neck to draw him closer when I heard a sigh. My gummy knees were in danger of giving way under me. Smith must have noticed my trembling body because he grabbed my butt, raised me, and solidly braced me.

  Wanting more of the stiff lump that pressed against my trousers, I encircled him with my legs.

  The hard stalk tore through my garments as it grated against my moist heat. His tight ass was pierced by my heels as I pressed him closer to me. I desperately wanted to feel his skin against mine.

  I cried out, "Smith," as he retreated to take my earlobe into his mouth.

  He sucked the tiny, fleshy portion and spoke softly in my ear. "Livia, I must have you."

  I lost it at the sound of his abrasive, ravenous voice. I stroked his aquiline, god-like back with my shaking hands. I said, "I can't do this," in frustration. Heat flowed off of him and spread to me as the sound reverberated through his enormous chest.

  He dropped me and pulled away, creating distance between us. He was still holding me firmly. Are you telling your body that with your mind?

  My heart was racing. He was aware of how much my body yearned for his touch. I remained silent.

  He spoke to my collarbone, "The moment I laid eyes on you," before grabbing it with his tongue, eager. I wanted to own you, to have you under my control, and to rob you of all of your cherry-sweet chastity.

  My arousal erupted, making my tummy flutter. I gave up trying to make sense of it all because I couldn't. I tightened my hold on him and grabbed the back of his head, kissing his warm neck with passionate, sensual smooches.

  He responded by removing my shirt, bringing me closer to him, and using both hands to reach behind me and release the bra's wiring. His breathing changed to shallow pants as soon as my breasts popped out of their confinement. He gripped one of them and growled subtly. "I need you,"

  My body writhed in response to his calming smell. I lusted after his strong, broad chest, which protruded from his shirt. I clawed at the clothing, which was now getting in the way, pulling the threading from the top buttons.

  He took off his shirt after giving me a warning glance. He began by letting the fabric unravel in his hands before smoothing and forming it into a long, sash-like garment. Do you believe in me?

  My breathing grew laboured, and my heart began to race. As I realised what he was about to do, my limbs began to shake.

  I blinked. My body dared my mind to allow it, so I mumbled, "Yes," offering my wrists freely to him.

  There was nothing else to do but worship and smother his rock-hard chest in smoldering hot kisses as it smashed into my face. He encircled my hands behind my back, which made me shudder. He inhaled my hair before stroking my stomach with a strong hand.

  I shook my head and laughed apprehensively. The tickle covered my exposed, developing breast and was more stronger than the last one. As I prepared for his slippery pink tongue, I held my breath.

  My back tightened and arched as he put the pink, swelling nipple into his lips and began to sucking. I was forced to let out a raucous groan as my core collapsed, sending hot fluid flowing from the folds of my skin down my thighs as he expertly flicked his tongue over the stinging peak.

  As I felt myself come down from the high of my orgasm, I felt a burning sense of humiliation in my gut. I closed my eyes and made an effort not to consider what had just occurred. Just by sucking my breast, he was able to knock me through the roof.

  I resisted the desire to grimace as a thickness welled up in the back of my throat. I was no longer in charge of my behavior. It was unprecedented and extremely irresponsible. My own rules had been broken.

  His pupils became larger, and he slumped his shoulders and cocked his head to the side. His eyes developed a line. He reached behind me and pulled a portion of the shirt that he had just used to bind me, so he must have sensed my annoyance.

  I struggled against a sluggish dizziness as my skin constricted. I pulled my top on and covered my face with my hair. My mind was not free, but my hands were. Oh, that silly chick. I turned and led myself into the loo, avoiding eye contact.

  I shut the door, looked in the mirror, and noticed my heated, flushed face. My bloodshot eyes were covered in makeup blobs. His kisses had made my lips swollen and puffy.

  The door shook after a brief knock. "Livia?" Smith spoke while sounding uneasy.

  I yelled, "I'll be out in a second." I combed through my matted hair and vowed never to let it down on a date once more.

  As I took a breath, I patted my wet cheeks with a tissue. I wasn't yet prepared to confront him. There was no way I could look him in the eyes again after the way I had behaved.

  When I left, he was seated on the bed. His face had been completely cleansed of all lust, which was probably for the best. Should I ever see that hungry gaze again, I wouldn't be able to handle it.

  He positioned his muscular arms across his covered torso. Did I injure you?

  My jaw became rigid. That wasn't it. "Definitely not."

  I asked, "Did you—"

  I jumped in, "I'd rather not talk about it." The muscular man stood over me and questioned every move I made while my breathing decreased to shallow trousers. I moved my cheek to face him while lifting my nose.

  I understood what he was asking. He inquired as to whether I enjoyed it. He had poked at my boundaries, and I had allowed him to do so. I had even liked the hot, wicked lips on my sore, eager breast. In all honesty, I liked every minute, and it was the thing that bothered me the most.

  Only, "I only wanted to know if—"

  The question is, "Who wouldn't like it?" I shouted out the response to his pointless inquiries so he would stop and continue somewhere.

  His chin was scratched. His lips were pursed into a faint smile. Even though I'm thrilled with your response, that's not what I was going to ask.

  Shit. I had just exposed myself. I wanted to get sucked up by the motel carpet. Whatever. I gave the radio clock a quick peek while acting indifferent. Eleven-thirty. There is still 30 minutes of complete and total humiliation.

  "I was just about to inquire as to your desire to return home. He said, his eyebrows arched, "I know your dad's waiting up.

  Why did he feel the need to go and make a thoughtful comment? It everything had to come to an end. I pleaded with my mind to ignore what had just transpired and to keep in mind that a sexually explicit escort was merely a nasty prostitute. I absolved myself of the guilt by making a commitment to never, ever breach my rules again. I charmed, switching to a robotic, professional tone, "Whatever the client wishes." What would you prefer to do for the upcoming 30 minutes?

  Smith stood up while blowing his nose. His chiseled triceps flexed as his athletically shaped chest grew. He walked up to the bedside table and smacked his fist forcefully against the cherry veneer while grinning.

  The nightstand shook and then came to a stop.

  I exhaled and, as I regained my breath, stroked the tip of my tongue across the roof of my mouth. He was enormous, and each of his thick, marble-like muscles exuded sheer might. I tried in vain to calm my throbbing nerve endings by pressing my fingertips into my temples.

  He said, his voice giving way to an involuntary manly grunt, "I don't like this façade you're putting up with me. He forced himself to stop breathing heavily and ran a hand through his own hair. He briefly closed his eyes before opening them again. You must put a stop to it. Now, he insisted.

  My lips tensed up. I didn't want to startle myself any more. I said with a taunting tone, "I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Mason.

  He swore, his eyes almost begging, "Damn it, Livia," before squeezing his jaw hard. "Stop trying to escape what happened,"

  I fixed my gaze on the man who had earlier stood in front of his adoring audience and seemed to have everything under control. Behind those calm chameleon eyes, anger could still be seen. How frequently did he become agitated in front of people? Had he also crossed his own personal lines?

  "Why would I flee? Kisses can occur in a work relationship, but the escort rarely takes them seriously, Mr. Mason. I spoke as though it were a proven fact.

  Smith faced me while placing his feet firmly on the ground. I was stabbed by his flaming eyes. "Don't you dare use my last name. You'll refer to me as "your man" when I have you. Call me Smith, honey, darling, or just fucking call me. His statements were fiercely fiery.

  Even if it was just for one night, the idea of being his girlfriend made my heart beat faster. I shook the notion as I looked about for further talking points. "All right, I exaggerated. "Your kisses were meaningless."

  He mocked. "Bullshit."

  He now sounded a lot like Lily, okay. How readable am I?

  His arms were crossed. "You said you loved it five minutes ago."

  My lip was bit. Nearly but not quite, he got me I hissed, pleased with my covert rejoinder, "I claimed I liked it and that was a lie.

  Before examining my body, his gaze pursed their lips. Is your body as dishonest as your mouth?

  My chest leaped with my heartbeat. I silently crossed my arms, pulled my jumper over my breasts and remained silent.

  "Livia, stop playing games with me." His voice became whispered as he spoke. What about the time your breast was eaten by my mouth while you cried softly?

  At the crudeness of his statements, I gasped. Between my legs, there was electrical activity. I had a hard time controlling my excitement. I lowered my chin and swallowed, wanting to stuff his sensual, carnal mouth with even more of the eager, aching breast and have him suckle it. "I'm afraid you've crossed the line," I said.

  "Have I?" He invaded my personal space and stole each of my breaths. He raised his eyebrow as he approached me. Have any of your rules ever been violated?

  The air in my nose was hot. I lost it. How could he? He had no darn business with it. What gives you the right to ask that?

  He remained silent. He went to the dresser and got his watch, putting it on his wrist after adjusting it.

  Please respond to me.

  He must have noticed my impatience because he went closer to me after tracing my body with his gaze. He comforted me by running his fingers through my tangled roots and said, "You're mine. I'll be the first, too.