The [Achievement System]


[Storage | Equipment]

Rizz breezed through the {Inventory} section in less than thirty seconds. There was nothing in his [Storage] and only one piece of gear under [Equipment], Rizz's loincloth. Though it also works like a pair of briefs, the loincloth wasn't too comfortable. Especially while that cold, dark cell. 

That left Rizz with three unexplored tabs remaining. Scratching his butt crack and fixing his wedgie, Rizz moved on to the quests. 


[Primary | Secondary | Misc. | Urgent]

When Rizz opened the [Primary Quests], he couldn't find anything new. Just the curse-breaking quest.

*So there's nothing else to go of?* Rizz pondered and itched the side of his nose. *Nothing in the others either. I'll have to keep an eye out for urgent quests…*

Rizz was tempted to click the {Skills} tab next. But he moved to the {Index} instead, saving what he deemed most important for the final inspection. 

And Rizz was glad he did so. Because the {Index} tab was utterly empty. Though it did leave Rizz feeling somewhat puzzled.


[Atlas | Bibliotheca | Fauniary | Floriary]

*What's with all these names?* Rizz broke out in a chuckle and rubbed his brow. *They're just maps, documents, beasts, and plants. Were you trying to compensate for something, Shady Sage?*

He closed the empty {Index} and moved on to the last tab to be opened. Instantly, Rizz deflated with a draining groan. 


[Active | Discovered | Spinner]

Every inkling in Rizz's being wanted to look away from the final category under {Skills}. But he had to get it over with. Rizz had to see what kind of madness the Shady Sage had laced into the [Achievement System]. 

[Skill Spinner]

[1 spin = 50 skill points; 5 spins = 225 skill points; 10 spins = 425 skill points]


The goblin wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry; to slap his knee or punch the floor. 

*You damned Stooge… How dare you include microtransactions with this shit!?* Rizz mentally scolded the anonymous, faraway god. 

After a few moments of slapping the ground and berating the heavens, Rizz sighed. He reopened the [Skill Spinner]. And he made his first bet. 

[Insufficient funds]

[Claim all available points and try again.]

"Should've known as much," Rizz mumbled to himself. 

He looked to the [Active Skills] tab with a prayer in his heart and another round of scolding loaded into his head. But the system didn't let Rizz change tabs. Not before showing him one more pop-up. 

[New Player Special!]

[Have you accepted the [Isekai Quest]? Have you transmigrated within the past 24 hours? Claim up to 150 skill points right now! … Claim? Y / N?]

Rizz took in a deep breath. And he nodded. 

[Success! 50 skill points claimed!]

Before Rizz could get mad at the system for shortchanging him, another pop-up arrived. 

[Claim up to 100 additional skill points by offering a rating for our services! … Leave a rating? Y / N?]

… Rizz tapped his pointed fingernails on the stone floor… while begrudgingly leaving a 1-star rating.

[Failed! No skill points rewarded]

[Would you like to try again for a chance at up to 100 skill points? … Y / N?]

The goblin brought his hands together, covering his mouth and chin. He shook his head, swaying his backward drooping ears…

[Success! 50 skill points claimed!]

[Claim up to 50 additional skill points by leaving a review! … Leave a review? Y / N?]

Getting it over with, Rizz mentally typed away inside the provided text box. He went into great depth about the attention to graphics, character dialogue, and immersion. All to end with a critique on the distracting, fuddy-duddy Sage character used in the tutorial.

[Success! 50 skill points claimed!]

Finally, the ad-like pop-ups stopped coming. And Rizz could look back at the [Skill Spinner], feeling a hint of temptation. 

But Rizz first checked the active and discovered skills. Both were barren, just like the index. 

*Does that mean it doesn't auto-update? Do I need to fill it all in myself?* Rizz internally questioned. *Or is it because I'm too low-level, and I lack any sort of perception skills?

*But where's my skill tree? Not only do I have no class or starting skills, but I don't get a skill tree?!*

Sadly, those were questions left unanswered.

He looked at those newly earned skill points with a heavy heart. *... I can afford three spins. But I still don't know how the skills work inside of this system. So, I guess one spin won't hurt." 

Rizz flitted through the menu to reopen the [Skill Spinner], pressing the button without thinking twice. 

Suddenly, the :::Spin?::: button turned into a slot wheel. And it began spinning at an eye-boggling pace the moment Rizz selected the button.

Rizz had little to no way to understand what skills were what. The wheel was going far too fast to tell. All Rizz could do was select the new button listed as :::Now!::: , which Rizz only pressed after letting it spin for a whole two minutes of observation. 

A chiming sound lightly echoed through Rizz's mind as the whirling wheel stopped instantly.

[New Skill Acquired!]

[Spitball - lv. 1, Uncommon]

… Rizz couldn't peel his eyes away from the illusory screen. The notification lingered there for a minute as Rizz gathered his thoughts. 

*Shitty Stooge! You call that a skill? An uncommon skill?!*

The goblin was unconsolable for a time, mentally lashing out and failing to reach the iron bars with his restrained kicks. He had nothing else to do, sadly. So Rizz took that chance to let some frustrations loose before inspecting the new skill in more detail. 

[Spitball - lv. 1, Uncommon]

[The ability to form and spit a small ball of saliva with great accuracy within 3 meters. Upgrade = 15 skill points, Branch = 30 skill points, Evolve = 45 skill points, Branch & Evolve = 60 skill points]

Everything came grinding to a halt inside the goblin's head! His thoughts, assumptions, opinions, and more. 

Rizz closed his eyes and breathed steadily… He needed to calm down. To have a completely clear mind. 

When he felt ready, Rizz put his deductive brain back to work. *Upgrading isn't new. Branching… does that have something to do with a skill tree? The tree that's not there? … Then there's the evolve option… 

*Is that Stooge stupid? He created the entire game. And the idiot doesn't realize how fast I'll break his little system?*