Testing the Curse

Before he spent any more skill points, Rizz had to try out a few things. 

First, Rizz reached into the lock of his shackles using his pointed fingernails… And nothing happened. 

*Damn it. No lockpicking skill…* thought Rizz. 

Second, the goblin hopped back to his feet. He dashed straight for the back wall. Then, Rizz pivoted and ran toward the iron bars till the chains were taut. That went on for ten quick laps around the cell. 

That's when a spark of eureka filled his eyes.

Rizz opened his menu to find another new addition to his system. There was a new category listed under {Skills}, titled [Available].

He eagerly opened the new tab and found the newly discovered skill, already available for purchase.

[Sprinting - lv. 0, Basic]

[The ability to dash in short bursts at higher than average speeds. Activate = 5 skill points]

That got Rizz thinking, *At least I can get basic skills by doing them for a little while. But they don't become active without paying? Is that the only way to activate them, or can I just keep doing it?*

New ideas and theories were inundating Rizz's brain. The more he experimented, the more questions Rizz had. 

Next, Rizz had something else to try, both for the sake of experimenting and enjoying himself. 

"Hey, kitty!" 

The Frostcat growled and renewed its focus on the estranged goblin. As soon as the cat raised its head, a spitball pelted the side of its face. 

Roar! Ro-Roar!

"It worked!" Rizz chuckled and laughed at the trapped Frostcat

He formed another spitball in his mouth. But this time, Rizz aimed for the lock on his cell. "Close, but not pinpoint accuracy. At least not at lv. 1…" 

There were some noises in the other cells as well, especially after the Frostcat roared in rage at the ignorant goblin, over and over again. 

And Rizz paid them no mind. Since none of them dared to interact with Rizz, aside from the Frostcat, Rizz wouldn't bother with them either. He was far too busy playing around with his new system, searching for freebies he could unlock.

"Hmmmm… so much for calisthenics triggering stamina stuff. And it looks like running is still a separate skill from sprinting. Only took five minutes of jogging, though it's also lv. 0. Swimming is out of the cards thanks to the lack of a pool, but it shouldn't be too hard to discover later..."

Rizz mumbled to himself.

He itched his nose while in deep thought, both the inside and the outside. His loincloth was adjusted at least three times in the middle of it all. And he occasionally twirled a finger through his tuft of red hair. 

… rumble…

Eventually, Rizz was given another reminder of this being reality and not just a game. He rubbed his belly, imagining when he would finally get to eat something. 

That's when Rizz caught notice of his left hand. He stared at it, wide-eyed, as the hand rubbed Rizz's rumbling belly. *I'm a familiar… doesn't that mean I'm bound to my master? Physically and mentally?*


Far from the cold, musky dungeon was a vast bedroom with a huge, wooden canopy bed. Red curtains draped the sides, almost concealing the woman lying down atop the still-made bed. 

That woman was young, with brunette hair, almost blonde. Her dress was passion red, sleek and slender atop her youthful figure. She was a budding beauty with profound brown eyes, like her father. 

Tense and flustered, the woman rolled over to bury her face in one of many pillows. 

Her muffled shouts never left the room. "... why… why me… why can't I go… it's not fair..."

Eventually, she rolled back over and sat up. With some tension out of her system, the young woman sighed, "Why do I have to be the one with a stupid monster as my familiar? Why can't I just go back without it? Just keep it locked up while I'm studying or exploring… I shouldn't be the only person cursed like this." 

'Hello? Is this thing on?'


The young woman fell back onto the bed in a panic. She scampered across the comforter to hide behind some pillows. 

"Who's there? How did you get in my room!?" the woman cried. Clinging to a pillow with one hand, she gathered strands of fire around her other hand. "Get out now, before I have you captured and tortured!"

… But no response came. She couldn't see or sense anyone.


Again, the voice blared through her head. She nearly shot a fireball at the ceiling in shock 

'It's me, your goblin familiar. Hello…? Can you hear me now…? How about now?'

Those statements left her floored. She undid her flames to best notice the familiar crest already aglow. 

"Th-the fiend… is talking to me…" stammered the woman, unable to pull her eyes away from from the back of her palm. 

'Hello? I know you can hear me… If you're scared and you know it, clap your hands.'

Clap, clap…

Without thinking, the young woman pulled her hands apart and fell face-first onto the bed. "This is all a dream. Just a dream. When I wake up I'll have Daddy help me summon my familiar, and this will all go back to normal."

'... What do you want me to say?' Rizz's voice kept trickling into her mind. 'That I'll make you the most powerful mage in the world? The prettiest? The richest? Pick one.'

Unsure of how to reply, the young woman sent some mana into the crest. She hesitated to actually speak. However, the crest only needed thoughts, not spoken words. '... Y-you… can offer those things?'

'Finally!' Rizz telepathically bellowed, causing the woman to cover her ears to no avail. 'What are you planning to do? Summon and enslave me as your familiar, just to ignore and kill me the next minute? How noble of you.'

'I-I had no intention of that!' berated the woman. 'It was not my choice to summon… whatever you are.'

'I'm a goblin,' answered Rizz. 'Just your classic, green-skinned critter trying to get by in life.'

There was a pause…

'Hello? Don't disappear again… Come on," Rizz jested. "Your name's Elenia, right?'

That got her to reply, though it didn't shake off the nerves still lingering in thoughts. "Y-yes. That's my name… but I don't believe you."

Rizz asked, 'Don't believe what?'

'I won't fall for your tricks,' stated the young woman, sticking her chest out a little. 'I know you're not a goblin, so don't try to fool me.'

  1. For TELEPATHY, there will be continued use of ' instead of any " as a sign that it's a mental conversation, not one taking place for all to hear