Moment of Fate?

"... You can understand me too, right? Just like Jaaga?"

After finishing its mournful cry, the large Frostcat turned its gaze back to the goblin. Meanwhile, the beast laid down beside its unconscious partner. 

"The name's Rizz, Rizzio McKlank Von Thong. A proud goblin and the person that helped Jaaga escape her captivity." Staying on the ground, Rizz leaned back with his arms supporting him from behind. "I'm also the one who held back the Boulder Bear before you showed up." 

The large Frostcat took a few seconds to better inspect its new surroundings.

Rizz boldly raised a finger to the Frostcat. "You don't need to thank me. Your arrival saved me too, so I'll accept that as your show of gratitude."

As the cat nodded, Rizz continued, "However… I demand some form of compensation, since I, a teeny lv. 3, had to fight and protect your partner from that enormous monster of a bear. That's a huge deal!