Tweaking Some Settings

Jaaga didn't need to say a word. Rhoro nodded and stood the next instant, brandishing a fang-filled grin. 

'He will aid you,' Jaaga telepathically explained. 'So long as you promise to better my situation, he will help you find anything you require. And he will also hunt us a meal… Though he states that you must cook it should you require meat that isn't raw.'

Hearing that, Rizz got back to his feet. He did a few squats to stretch his aching quads. "Then I hope one of you knows where some strong-smelling herbs or flowers grow. Cause that's probably our best bet."

As Rhoro lowered himself to pull Jaaga onto his back, the large Frostcat was a bit surprised when Rizz helped straighten her body out. 

Rhoro acknowledged the help with a distinguished nod, then motioned with his head to follow.