No Time for Talking

Skrod scratched the base of his antlers. "You don't want any credit?"

Rizz promptly shook his head. "None at all. If you can't guarantee the absolute secrecy of this for both of your tribes, then I won't bother trying. And if someone spills the beans about my involvement tonight, then I'll have to consider you guys as enemies."

The two beastfolk men exchanged glances…


"Gillee, you must let us through." 

"I can't do that, Father." Gillee braced her arms against the door frame and stood her ground. "I promised Kerl not to let you through until someone comes out." 

Another elderly man stomped his hooves into the dirt. The old elkkin was taller and broader than the hunched-over deerkin chief, but he too had leather, beads, and feathers hanging from his antlers.

"You let my boy through, but not me?" 

"I'm sorry, Chief Strad, but I wouldn't have been able to stop Skrod if I wanted to," Gillee replied.