A Council Far, Far Away...

Surrounded by darkness, a long table glowed with changing lights. The tabletop displayed a figure seated on the ground across from a slim cheetahkin woman. With red hair, a crimson shirt, grey pants, three earrings, and noticeable green skin, that cackling creature would draw the attention of anyone with knowing eyes. 

"Is this why ya gathered us here?" 

A masculine voice called out from one of the table's surrounding seats. 

There were currently six seats gathered around the viewing table. Their faces were somewhat visible in the darkness, only thanks to the light of the tabletop. 

Approaching the head of the crystalline table, a robed and hooded man nodded. He smiled behind the veil of shadows concealing his face. "You're supposed to let me say the thing."

"Sorry," the same man replied, "but ya called in the middle of my training."