Are You In Or Out?

"But you didn't. It's real alright."

Perry finished the goblin's whiskey with a grunt. "... No. I didn't dream it up. Only the ancestors know how many barrels I've emptied. Yet I never forget.

"If I hadn't fought Pa that morning… I would've been strong enough to carry Ma away. Instead of her saving my stupid ass–"

Slap! C-crack…

Glaring at his now empty hand, the platypuskin let loose a purring growl. "What's with the hostility? Ain't you supposed to be a guest in my home?" 

"At least you got to see your Ma before she died!" Rizz folded his arms and kicked his feet onto the table, ignorant of the shattered glass on the floor. "She died happy, knowing her son got away. If you'd have gone diving with your Pa, you'd have died before reaching the surface. Just like your old man–"
