Chapter 1

Squad 13 are Useless, that's just how it's always been...

"The situation is terrible here Martin, that mutant is heading straight toward us. It's the work of Satan."

"Oh no, not Satan, the infamous gang leader who has huge moral ties to the streets and gang life."

"We've got no choice, well have to call for the World Protection Agency, they'll have to save us."

The mutant, physically taking on the appearance of Play-Doh and also able to shoot lasers from its body, was heading straight towards the Police officers, who in turn, were running away faster than the civilians. Protect and Serve. Luckily for everyone, Squad 13 were in the area, and they had a sense of undying justice. One, that will probably do more harm than good. But oh well.

"The bounty of that thing is £10 million, defeat it and the money is yours." The man over the phone was called Matt, he was the "Guy behind the computer" who gave Squad 13 all of their assignments.

"Sounds good Matty Boy, leave it to us." On the recieving end of the call, was the self proclaimed captain of squad 13, Major. That's his nickname of course, no one really knows his real name. "Listen up, we need to kill that thing and fast. We're protectors of peace."

"Oh really, I was just going to sit and watch it... OF COURSE WE NEED TO KILL IT YOU MORON." The one with the attitude and fiery temper is Aureli, the daughter of the rich man funding the entire Squad. She is the epitome of a stuck up rich girl, greedy, unlikable and an absolute brat.

"Hey look at that blob, it's funny. Ha ha ha ha ha." This idiot is Jelly, there is not a single thought that goes through her mind. Her head is so far up her backside, she can watch her heartbeat.

"Can I go home now." Finally, this is Nox, a lazy guy with absolutely no work ethic. If he's not failing miserably at doing he's job, he'll probably be in bed.

"Okay, Operation take down that massive Play-Doh looking blob of nothing, is in session." ordered Major, in an inspiring manor.

The giant Play-Doh monster was floating in the sky above most of the apartments in the area, it had a mid grey colour and was constantly changing into gooey shapes and occasionally firing red lasers from its body. It was huge, probably the size of a house.

The lasers didn't seem all too powerful but they could damage a regular person if contact was made.

Nox was the first to spring into action, he drew his sword which was sheathed over his back. He called his sword "The Pillow", probably after the thing he finds most comforting in his life. Believe me, it's not soft and cuddly like a pillow. The blade and hilt were both jet black and really sharp, like most swords tend to be.

Nox used the sticky feet trick and ran directly up a building near to the blob monster. As he was ready to pounce, Aureli fired a Crimson beam from her fingertip, it didn't do much damage, but it did distract the monster and draw attention to her. That was called the Beam Trick.

The blob monster started to float in her general direction. This gave Nox room to jump from the building and deal a deep cut to the monster. He used a Trick called Multi Slash, which allows him to create multiple air slashes from a single swipe of his sword.

"Okayyy, I'm up next." Jelly was doing some basic stretches to prepare herself for the attack. She sprang upwards using Spring Step and pushed the monster high over the buildings.

"Finally, it's my turn. Let's finish this." Major says in 'protagonist voice'. He teleported above the blob using the Zap trick. "Here it comes, my own trick, my ultimate move will finish this beast." Major had a grin on his face. He was about to release his 'protagonist move'. He placed his hand in a 'Ready to punch pose'. "SUPER MEGA ULTIMATE PUNCH OF DOOM!!!" The name needed work but the attack itself was devastating, releasing a massive shockwave that pummeled the blob monster into the ground, killing it on impact.

"Haha, Squad 13 does it again, we've defeated the monster and we're going to party through the night." Major looked really chuffed with himself, bowling down the street.

"I barely got to do anything, you guys are the worst." Aureli plodded along with a disatisfied look on her face. It also didn't help that Major and Jelly were banging on about how great they were and how they saved the day and blady this and blady that.

"I believe I'll go and claim our reward now." Major said whilst having a smug look on his face.

Back at the headquarters...

"Congratulations, idiots. You managed, to once again, cause problems." Matt had a stern look on his face. He had the look of a disappointed teacher.

"Whatever do you mean, we killed the monster like you asked. I'm here to collect my reward, not to be told off." Major returned the cross look.

"Fine." Matt got up from his chair. "Give me your hand." Major put his hand out. "There." he placed absolutely nothing in his hand and sat back down. "Your payment."

"What the hell is this. You told me the reward was £10 million." Major exclaimed.

"It is, and the reward money you worked so hard for is going toward the £13 million in damages that you all caused." Matt looked at them with a bit of a scowl. He's probably not too happy that he has to deal with the debts.

"Oh well guys, let's go for a drink on Aureli's dad since we all are in debt. And he'll probably end up paying that off aswell!" said Major in an inspiring voice.
