Chapter 2

"I'm so drunk, I literally can't see right now." Jelly was flopped back in a chair in the Bubble Bar.

"You've had two orange juices. You can't see because you're eyes are closed." Aureli looked disgusted. But that's normal.

The Bubble Bar was owned by Nox's Dad, a Bubble Bar was a type of bar that was alcohol free. So no, Jelly was definitely not drunk. The Bubble bar was unique in its appearance. The entire place was filled with Bubbles floating around. Each one was filled with a special gas that helped with relaxation. It was a unique trick and one popular amongst adults as it helped with stress relief.

The squad all had a pretty chilled out night at the bubble bar and it did really help them forget about their earlier failure. That earlier failure, however, would come back to bite them in the rear.

The next day...

"Holy Smokes, guys we've got a few articles about us, and they don't seem like good ones." said Major, walking into the room holding his phone. "I'm not sure that the people are really happy with us wrecking some stuff, I mean if we're being fair, we didn't cause that much damage, only a small amount of an apartment block was broken off and the front of a small shop was busted. How come the debts are that high?"

"The debts are high because we broke the front of a jewelry shop, not a cheap place." said Nox, who sprung upright from his bed.

"Mr. Squad captain here couldn't have just aimed the target at some other dirt poor shop, but no, he hit a jewelry shop, of course he did." Aureli was wearing her usual disappointed face.

"Well, no point bickering, we need to see what these articles are saying. I just hope our reputation doesn't go down." said Major as he handed out the articles on an electronic tablet to the rest of the crew.

"What does it matter if our rep goes down, we already have the worst reputation in the world. A 0% success rate, not exactly screaming positive reputation is it? Aureli has a strong whiff of sarcasm in her voice.

The group sat down and started flicking through the articles. After about an hour, most of them were sick of reading.

"Okay everyone, let's discuss our findings." Major clapped his hands together and rallied the squad. "Aureli?"

"Just public hate comments from mine, it's annoying when unrelated people tell you they hate you like it even affected them." she said with a slightly angered look.


"I don't know, I can't read."

"What?! What do you mean you can't read, what have you been doing for the last hour." Major looked shocked at her comment.

"I was pretending to read." She replied with a massive grin across her face.

"Useless lump of flesh... Anyway, were not exactly in everyone's good books right now." Major spoke for everyone.

"I'm a bit confused thought." Nox popped out from under his duvet. "I struck the monster myself and it wasn't even that heavy, the entire thing was filled with air, how on earth can it break part of an apartment building and a shop front?

"Well it says here that the apartment was really old and had outdated structure and the glass on the shop front wasn't reinforced, so much so that if you pushed someone hard enought into it, it wouldve broken anyway" said Major, skim reading the article.

"So basically, by sheer coincidence, we managed to hit the thing towards the two most brittle buildings in England." said Aureli, looking up from her phone.

"More or less, and what's really annoying, theyre taking our reward money and using it to update the infrastructure. Is that even legal?" exclaimed Major.

"No it's not, but the authorities are letting it slide due to our unpopularity." Nox, once again appearing from under his duvet.

The four decided to just brush this defeat off, believe me, they had most definitely done it before. Just another failure to add to the list. They packed it up and hit the sack for the night. What they didn't know, is that a new foe was to appear right under their noses in the city they called home.

Through a portal in the sky, descended a monster, that appeared to be half man, half dinosaur, it's skin was a pale browny-orange. It bared two rows of t-rex like teeth. It landed on a rooftop of a skyscraper and gazed upon the night sky of the city. The visitor was from a different realm. This visitor was a powerful foe from a race called the Astral Beasts.