Chapter 3

"It seems to me that humanity is in need of a lesson. My target is the supposed leader of Squad 13, Major." The tall Astral Beast stood atop a railing on a building. He was gazing upon the sleeping city. "This Captain of theirs will know the true meaning of fear."

Back at the Squad 13 apartment...

"Zzzzzzz. Wha! Huh!" Major sprung up from his bed and started looking around the room perfusely." Just a dream, it was just a dream."

Major got up and started the day, being the captain of a worldwide protection company that fights for the protection of peace, you'd think he'd have a mansion, full of servants and expensive goods. No, he didn't have that, he lived in a four person flat-share filled with three other useless members of the company. Of course, Aureli was a rich girl, so you'd think she would stay at home in her mansion, but you'd be wrong, she actually prefers the smaller, more cramped lifestyle.

Major walked into the living room with breakfast in hand. Aureli and Jelly were watching the television. There was a live broadcast of another member of the World Protection Agency or WPA fighting an Astral Beast.

This individual was the captain of Squad 4, his name was Manxou Otsunari, and his nickname was 'The Kitsune.' He was a notoriously nice man, who lived for the protection of the people. He faced most of his battles alone as he was scared of his comrades getting hurt.

"What's happening with Squad 4?" said Major, brushing past the sofa is which they were sitting.

"Astral Beast came down to earth, was also calling for you multiple times, saying you were his target." Aureli said with a usual disinterested expression. "You going to go and face him?"

"Hell no, I've got an omelette to tuck into, Dinosaur-face can wait his turn." said Major, whilst stuffing a bit of omelette into his gob.

"A shame, really. Would've liked to see your backside get handed to you by lizard-brain over there. Would've made my morning more interesting." Aureli said, breaking into a small and rare smirk.

Back in the heat of the action...

"Not bad, Beast." Manxou was visually struggling to keep up with the Astral Beast. His was sweating a fair amount and was showing signs of fatigue. "I've still got a lot left in the tank though."

"Nonsense, anyone can see you are on your last legs over there. It's no surprise, you're facing off against a prince after all." the Astral Beast smirked, showing his teeth. "I, Prince Taros Samurson, will defeat you this day."

Taros lept toward Manxou and struck him in the torso before he could react. Manxou coughed up blood and knelt there spluttering trying to right himself. Taros went again, and again and again until Manxou was laying there lifeless sat up against a brick wall, blood spilling from every hole in his body.

"Pathetic, the Squad Captains are nothing but riff raff." said Taros walking away from the damage he caused.

Major looked up from his omelette. "Wad de well wid di day abow wad gaptins." he said with his mouth full of food and an angry look on his face.

"Gross, dont talk with you mouth full."

"I'm soggy."

Back in the action...

Manxou lay there with no life in his eyes. Not a single muscle in his body was moving. Taros stared at the news helicopter in the sky, who were broadcasting the fight. "Listen well, citizens" He spoke into the camera. "I give you 24 hours to bring the Captain of squad 13 to me... Fail, and your city will be reduced to rubble by my people."

From under his breath, Manxou whispered to himself. With little life left, he muttered. "Help me, Kitsune."

A large red orb formed around him, it was glowing brightly and took the attentions of the Astral Beast. The orb started to crack open and when it shattered, it revealed an unscathed Manxou, standing there with nine glowing red tails and two glowing red ears. There wasn't a scratch on his body.

"I see you have a second burst of life there, my captain friend. Not had enough of a beating yet?" Taros smirked and turned to face the captain.

"It's just a shame I have to be on the brink of death to use this particular trick. The unique grade trick called Kitsune." The two stood in a faceoff, both preparing to take the other one in a fight to the death...