Chapter 5

The humanoid in the sky fired a glowing green orb at Taros and shattered his skin completely, he had done, in an instant, what Manxou had failed to do for a while. Taros' body was now just a glowing shell, one that was hardening and slowly crusting over with a darker orange substance. One that was engulfing him slowly but surely.

"Are you guys like, related to caterpillars or something." Major was still attacking the chocolate bar. "He's cocooning I think."

The two descended from the sky and landed near Major. The girl spoke with a high pitched and annoying voice. "He's our brother, he's also the second prince of the Astral Empire."

"Okayyy... I didn't really ask, So who are you guys? His butlers?" said Major in a disinterested tone.

"Heck no, we're his siblings. His older siblings to be exact. And you'll show us respect." said the girl in her screachy voice.

"Will I?" Major now looking up at her. "Then you'll have to show me respect, because I'm the captain of squad 13." he said with a smug look on his face.

"Huh?! You're not even a royal, I don't need to respect you at al..." The other Astral Beast stepped in front of her, cutting her speech off.

"I propose a way to settle this respect dispute. We were initially here only to pick up our brother, but now I am in the mood for a fight, you also seem quite cocky, I'd love to put you in your place." The prince grinned widely.

"Yea but it's 3v2, I'll need to call in some back up." Major reached for his phone. "Gimme one sec." Major dialed a number into his phone. It started ringing and he used the universal gesture for "give me a minute, I'm on the phone" by putting one finger up and mouthing "one sec." It rang and rang... and rang..... and rang.

"Finally, how long does it take to pick up the god damn phone..... Yes I am calling for something important..... Yea, can you come down here and give me a hand..... No I can't just do it by myself..... No I'm not an idiot, you're an idiot..... Fine have it your way..... See you in a bit..... Bye. Okay I've called in backup." Major clicked his phone off and turned his gaze towards a person breaking from his cocoon.

The orange shell was being broken and beneath it, between the cracks and breaks appeared a human like figure that also brandished two teeth on his cheeks. Slowly but surely it broke free and stood up. Butt naked and wet and slimy looking.

"Geez dude, put some clothes on."

"How can I help it, were you born fully clothed huh?!"

"Don't worry brother, we have brought clothes for you, they befit royalty. Welcome to the elite of the Astral Empire, you are now an Astral Lord." The Astral Lord prince held his hand toward Taros and used a Trick that somehow clothed him in similar clothes that he was wearing.

After about ten minutes or so, on a motorbike, Aureli showed up to the scene. She hopped off the bike and started strolling towards the group. "Hey Major, are these the riff raff that I need to beat up?"

"Too right my friend, we'll be having a 3v3 showdown, sounds fun huh." Major was waving at her from the bench with an idiotic look on his face.

"Well since we're making this an honourable tournament of sorts, I believe introductions are due." The Astral Lord spoke. "My name is Tarlik, and I am the crowned prince of the Astral Empire. This Maris, is the crown princess and you've already met Taros. We are the three royal children of the Astral Empire." Tarlik spoke with authority.

"Cool our turn. I'm Major, this is Aureli and this is Fox." Major spoke with absolutely no authority.

"I have a name!"

"I know, it's Fox"

"My name is Manxou, Captain of Squad 4. I hear you are the Captain of the infamous Squad 13."

"Yes I am, I am indeed the captain of squad 13."

"Self proclaimed."

"Shut up."

"Enough bickering, I'm eager to get on with this showdown of ours." Tarlik clapped his hands together to gain everyone's attention.

"I want a piece of princess over there." Aureli smacked her fists together and grinned. "Princess on Princess, can't think of a better match up."

"You'll be stupid to underestimate me. I may not be big strong and muscly like my brother's but I can still fight." Maris now stood toe to toe with Aureli. Both of them, in a flash, disappeared and started throwing down.

"I want to finish what I started." Manxou walked towards the newly evolved Taros. "Are you ready for round two?"

"Do you even have to ask." Both zapped away and started a skirmish of their own.

"Guess that leaves the two of us. You ready prince dude. I, Major, Captain of squad 13 vow to give you a beatdown." Major grinned widely...