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Chapter 6

Both Major and Tarlik zapped away at high speed and ended up in the air, high above the apartments in the area.

"This is a better place to fight, one where we won't have to worry about destroying buildings and other stuff." Major said, looking Tarlik deep in the eye and grinning.

"Let us begin then, may aswell not waste anymore ti.."

Major lept forward and struck him in the gut. Tarlik ricocheted backwards, holding his stomach. "Where is your honor, striking your opponent when his guard is down."

"Don't let your guard down then, this is a fight, not a friendly chat." Major standing in a relaxed fighting pose. "Now do you want to actually start now?"

"Have it your way."

Both sprung into action, throwing punches, blocking punches. Dodging and weaving. A few times, they landed a blow and after a few minutes, both had suffered a few punches and kicks. Neither were particularly tired or worn out at that point but both could definitely feel some degree of pain from the hits they had taken.

After a brief moment to catch their breath. Tarlik let out a large beam he had conjured from his mouth. It was glowing a bright green colour. He fired it in Majors general direction. Major zapped out of the way and appeared next to Tarlik.


Major let off his devastating punch directly into Tarliks gut. He drove his first deeper and deeper, twisting his fist as it went. Tarliks face showed visible signs of excruciating pain and discomfort as the punch went deeper into his abdomen. Tarlik was flung backwards but managed to hold onto his air walk to prevent him from falling...

He shakily got to his feet. Brushed his face wildly and recentered himself. He managed to stand upright properly once again. "Not a bad right hand on you Major. I'll admit I'm quite surprised at your raw strength."

"Aww, you're flattering me. Stop it already... So you want me to land the next one on your face?" Major cracked his knuckles, he stood opposite to Tarlik. The wind blew his hair and coat and he was grinning, enjoying the battle he was partaking in.

"It may have hurt but I won't count my chickens yet if I were you. Now I know what you're capable of, and I'll make sure not to get hit by that ridiculously named attack again. You should have finished me with the last one... You'll regret not doing so."

Meanwhile, during the fight between Manxou and Taros...

The two lept into each other over and over. Taros and Manxou were fairly even in strength. They traded blows and it was clear that Taros' evolution had boosted his natural abilities.

They eventually landed on an apartment rooftop, where the two once again clashed. Taros was now quick enough to avoid Manxou's tail strikes, also dealing a few blows to his tails, causing some of the flames to disperse.

Taros let out a beam from his mouth that missed Manxou and shattered a nearby window. In the second of chaos, Manxou dashed forward and hit him with fox fire straight into his chest, blasting him away with flames.

Taros was thrown back and hit the railings of another apartment block that was smaller than the one he was knocked off. Taros got to his feet with relative ease. "This new body sure is durable. That fall barely took it out of me." Manxou zapped in front of him. "Not bad Manxou, but I'm still adapting to this body. This isn't my best." said Taros jumping on the spot to warm up.

"Good, because I was getting bored." Manxou smiled. "Ready to turn things up a notch?"

Taros zapped behind him and charged a huge glowing orb from his mouth. The said orb, exploded into a beam and it fired at the rooftop, creating a hole in it, that broke through to the lower floor. Manxou wasn't anywhere to be seen. Taros frantically looked around, confused as to where his opponent had gone to.

"Looking for me?"

Manxou appeared right behind Taros. He grabbed Taros by the back of the neck and gripped hard. Taros gripped at his hands, trying to break himself free. He tried elbowing Manxou but at this point he had lost strength from having his neck gripped.

Fox Fire...

A blaze of red flames burst from the back of Taros' neck. He screamed out in pain as his neck was being scorched. Manxou threw him in a burst of flames, through the hole in the rooftop he had created. He plummeted into the apartment and broke through the window. He was falling fast toward the ground...

Meanwhile, during the battle of the princesses...

Aureli and Maris were fighting hard. Both bleeding in a few places. Both slightly exhausted in their own ways.

"Not bad, princess." Aureli smiled and wiped blood from her mouth. "I hope this isn't all you have to offer." Aureli lifted her finger and fired an extremely fast red beam from her fingertip. Maris dodged the beam with relative ease.

"Oh please, an attack as predictable as that won't hit me. Rookie." Maris looked at her with a harsh expression.

Both sprung back into action and traded blows once again. The punches turned into beams and the beams caused some mild destruction to the surrounding areas.

"Ugh, this is getting knowhere." Maris scowled harshly. "I have places to be, I'll just finish you off now if that's okay."

"Finish me off? Puh-lease. As if you could." Aureli rolled her eyes in a bratty and disinterested way. She started inspecting her nails.

"Tch. Act that way all you want, but you haven't tasted the raw strength of a unique trick. Feast your eyes on this you brat!" Maris placed her hand in the air. An orb of water conjured, grew and swirled around her body. It completely coated her and it grew larger and larger, creating a large orb of water, the water started to get darker and darker until Maris wasn't even visible anymore. The orb grew and grew until it was around the size of a bus.

"What, am I meant to be scared." Aureli stared at the orb with some confusion. "Hey Princess, are you going to drown me or something?"

The orb burst open covering the surrounding area in water. It splashed the rooftops and also Aureli. Maris stood there with a trident in hand. The trident was made completely of water and it swirled and flowed just like water. It was also completely hard on the outside and physically tangible.

"What the hell was that for?!" Aureli looked furious. "You covered me in water you idiot. Ugh, these are nice clothes as well. You'll pay big time for this."

"Ha ha ha. I just thought you needed a bath, that's all. Ha ha." Maris chuckled to herself and wiped a tear of laughter away.

"Wha.. Huh.. Are you an idiot or are you an idiot?!" Aureli looked cross and folded her arms. "As a matter of fact I dont need a bath. Unlike you Astral Beasts, us humans created the Hygiene trick. It keeps out bodies clean 24/7. Once you learn it, you don't need to bath again for the rest of your life."

"Oh really, can you teach it to me." Maris' eyes lit up.

"Hell no!"

"Oh well, guess I'll just have to beat the information out of you then."

The two lept back into action once more...