WebNovelSquad 13!25.49%

Chapter 10

A week passed and Major had fully recovered as if nothing happened. Medical tricks have allowed the recovery process to speed up. This has had the nasty side effect of people putting themselves in harm's way much more often, though luckily, the NHS is free for UK citizens so most people don't worry too much.

Nox escorted Major home and Matt was there, waiting to greet the two. "Welcome home, Major." Matt said in he's usual serious voice.

"Yo, Matty Boy, what's up!"

"Tch, I'm her.."

"I know why you're here, you're here to present me with my award now. I know I'm amazing. I must say, that Tarlik guy wasn't all too st..."

"What reward?"



"The reward for defeating the Astral Beasts." Major said in a confused tone.

"That mission wasn't even for Squad 13. You guys just showed up. You can't claim a reward for mission that wasn't assigned to you."


"I'm actually here to give you the damage report for the road that was smashed up and the buildings that were smashed up." Matt handed a piece of paper to him.

"Wait, but this wasn't our mission, why do we get the debt?" said Major in an even more confused tone.

"Well, Squad 4 issued a form that places the debt in your name and it was passed by the higher ups." Matt explained.

Everyone in the entire house looked scarily annoyed.

Squad 4 lived in a penthouse in west London. It was eloquently named the house of four. And at that moment it was being smashed to bits. Everything became a huge pile of rubble and mess. They were careful enough not to drop anything to the ground below.

Aureli pulled out a can of spray paint and sprayed two very specific messages. 'Squad 13 sends it's regards' and 'Hope that reward money can repair this.' It seems barbaric, but it was kinda deserved.

Squad 4 listened to the advice and worked or repairs with their reward money. I doubt they'll respond nicely to the gesture.

They decided to return the favour, the only mistake they made was returning the favour when the entire squad was home. Squad 4 has six members in total and all play a specific part in the squads success.

Manxou is the captain of the squad, the white haired fox is his nickname, or simply just 'The Kitsune'. "Someone's going to get hurt today." he said to his squad in a calm but commanding manor.

Next to him was his right hand man, Moriama. He was the previous Squad 4 Captain before Manxou. He respects his captain's strength and vows never to fail him.

The Next member is Sifu, she's the brawler of the group, a girl, who's always looking for a fight. Her popularity has sky rocketed recently after a fight with a monster. The same fight has given her the nickname 'The Kicker'

The marksman of the group is Nagi, 'The Mad Hatter' He has earned his prestige through his mental work and reported high intelligence.

Finally is Egir, the first Captain of Squad 4, a man who is adamant on serving the squad until the day he dies. He is a staggering 778 years of age.

The squad burst through the door, kicking it off its hinges, Manxou already had his Kitsune activated. Squad 13 sat in the living room, occupying the sofa.

"Need anything?" Major called out to them.

"Oh not much, just a few drops of blood for our house, the one that you wrecked." Manxou said, in an extremely angered voice.

"What gave it away, our message, or the fact that you slapped your debts on us? So why did you?" Major asked, in a calm manor.

"What debt? What are you talking about?" Manxou asked, looking even more confused.

"Huh? Are you actually kidding me right now. You left us a ridiculous amount of debt." Major roared, stepping up and grabbing him by the shirt. "We need some explanations or you're getting battered."

"I'm just as confused as you are, if you're in debt from us, I just know, I didn't confirm it." Manxou held his hands up.

"He's lying." Aureli stood up from the couch. "All large scale squad decisions must go through the captain first." she said with her arms folded.

"Well, I'm not lying. You also have no proof." Manxou said, still holding his hands up.

"Actually, we do." Nox stood up and held a remote in his hand. "The video of confirmation was sent to us."

The entire group of eleven sat down to watch this video, each person looking as confused as the next. Nox flicked the TV on and changed to the saved files. On the screen showed a smashed Manxou with a drink in his hand, slurring his petition to transfer the debt.

"How on earth was this passed? Can't they see that he is under the influence." Aureli said with a screwed up angered face. "Hey you! Fox boy. You wanna maybe put the drink down next time."

"I'm sorry but I don't remember it."

"That just proves my point."

"Captain... That isn't you." Sifu, said with a shocked face. "Look under his eye, there's a scar."

"That scar belongs to.." Manxou and everyone else turned their heads to behind the sofa. Everyone then froze in pain, with an extremely painful migraine. They looked up to see a sinister smile. The face of Nagi, the squad four member, boasting the same exact scar. It was his laughter that caused the migraine to happen.

He spoke a few soft words before leaving the house. "Satan will soon rise..."