WebNovelSquad 13!27.45%

Chapter 11

Nagi was long gone before the migraines passed. The entire household were panting heavily after enduring that degree of pain, some even coughed up mucus and phlegm. They were beaten, and the last words they heard from him haunted them.

"Satan? Does he mean the literal king of hell himself?" Major inquired.

"If he means who I think he does, then yes, it's him. He's actually a gangster who operates all over the world, one of the most dangerous men alive that we know of." Manxou answered, with a serious tone.

"If Satan has people in our ranks then the entity of the World Protection Agency is at risk, we need to discuss this in full." Aureli pitched in.

A conference was scheduled in America in four days time to discuss the matter of Satan and how he will be dealt with. In the meantime, the word was spread about Nagi's true identity and who he really works for and he became a wanted man. Unrest spread around the world as the news travelled to the civilians, a general distrust was being held against the World Protection Agency.

Two days after the incident with squad 4, a familiar face showed up at the front door of Squad 13's house. It was none other, than Maris, the Astral Lord.

"Huh? What the hell are you doing here?" Major looked at her in a confused expression. What was she doing there, she was only fighting them a few days ago.

She held out a bandaged rectangle. "Here, this is a gift from the Astral Empire to your squad for defeating us in combat." she said in an embarrassed voice. "It's a trick stealing dagger, stab anyone with it and their trick is yours."

"Cool, thanks. See ya." Major tried to close the door but Maris held it open.

"I'm not done yet. I have another favour I want to ask Aureli." she said once again in an embarassed voice.

"Sure, come in."

She looked a confused Aureli in the eye and said "I want to you teach me the Hygiene Trick. Please."


"I just really want to be able to be clean all the time y'know and I jus.."

"Forget it!" Aureli stormed out of the room.

"Huh? What's wrong with her? Did I say something to offend her? said Maris in a confused voice.

"No idea, Aureli's always been the type to give people the cold shoulder. Best not to take it personally. Also we can teach you the Hygiene Trick if you want." said Major in a welcoming voice.

"Nah thanks, it's not the same if she doesn't teach me."

"Errrr... why?"

"Well she's the first person who has inspired me. I will officially join your Squad until she teaches me the trick." Demanded Maris.

"K.. Sure!"

A couple hours passed and Aureli decided to come out of her room. "Why is she still here?" she said in an annoyed tone. "I'm not giving my time to teach you anything."

"Oh it's fine, she's just staying with us until you teach her." Major said with a grin on his face. That same face was then punched by Aureli.

"The hell are you thinking you imbecile, you can't just invite people when you want. There needs to be a vote."

Nox and Jelly both pitched in. "But we agreed aswell."

"Damn you guys."

"Well, let's hit the bubble bar with our new squad member!"


"Damn you guys..."

The five of them drank bubble drinks well Into the night, the debt from Squad 4 was revoked and the house fees were paid for from the WPA. Of course, these drinks were in Aureli's dads name. As per usual.

"Guys, I feel so smashed right now." said Jelly laying half asleep on a couch.

"But there's no alcohol in these drinks."

"I know."

Major ended up having to carry Jelly home on his back, it wasn't a challenge since she is only 4'9. The five ended up just falling asleep on the couch. It was a good night, the first night with their new Squad Member Maris. Tomorrow was the flight to the USA to attend the conference.

"Rise and shine guys!" Maris was awake at six in the morning and decided now was the ideal time to make herself the most hated member of the squad by waking everyone else up. You can't really blame her since they were meant to catch a flight at seven o'clock.

The five of them pilled into a large taxi, suitcases and all and drove towards the airport. They were flying from New Gatwick Airport, the drive was about an hour long. Major and Jelly fell asleep on the way and Nox is asleep pretty much all of the time anyway. The awkwardness in the taxi was present as Aureli and Maris had to make small talk.

"Soo... tell me about yourself" said Maris with a smile.

"Why do you care?"

"Well it's just that were going to be squadmates and I think it's important that we can also be friends."

"I don't get you, what's your problem. We were fighting a few days ago, how come you're all buddy buddy now?"

"Well the fight was just a 3v3, it wasn't all too serious. I still think we can be friends."

"Yea maybe. Hey, I guess I could teach you the Hygiene Trick sometime."

"You had a change of heart quickly."

"Don't push your luck, although there's no point in me acting moody all the time."

Next stop... New Gatwick Airport.