WebNovelSquad 13!29.41%

Chapter 12

Thankfully, when they got to New Gatwick, the flight was delayed so they managed to catch it in time. It left England at eight o'clock and was due to reach the US at around eight o'clock pm. The conference started the following day and representatives from across the world were sent to attend this conference. Of course Squad 13 were only invited because they were closely related to the topic. Otherwise, they don't get invited to anything.

During the flight, Aureli had the perfect idea to watch a scary movie, perfect for her maybe. Aureli, Nox and Maris watched with absolutely no problem, Jelly and Major on the other hand sat hugging eachother tightly, trying not to look as much as possible.

Two hours into the flight, the entire crew were bored and decided to use the tickle trick on each other. The trick does what you imagine it does, but they were told to stop because it was annoying the other passengers. Three hours in they started telling jokes but they were told to stop because they were annoying the other passengers. Four hours in, Major and Jelly decided to wrestle in the aisle of the plane but they were told to stop because they were annoying the other passengers. Six hours in, everyone was asleep and they slept through till touchdown. It was certainly a flight that the other passengers were going to remember. You can also probably see why they never get invited to anything. They had a reputation.

"Woo hoo! America here we come" Major shouted at top note, trying to mask the fact he felt extremely motion sick from the landing.

The group were given an escort to the hotel in which the rest of the participating squads were staying. The Hotel was five star and far above the standards of Squad 13, apart from Aureli, who felt right at home (rich girl).

"Room 222." The desk attendant gave them the keycards and they went on their merry way. On the way down the hall, they ran into a few people belonging to Squad 105, an American squad.

"Yo Bri'ish, are y'all here to ask us for help again. Two world wars not enough for ya. Huh?" The guy spoke with a condescending tone.

A few minutes later, he and his squad were perched up against a wall, with blood all over their faces. Squad 13, had a reputation.

"Do you also just enjoy punching things." Jelly looked up at the group and asked curiously.

"Yea, sometimes." to room 222 they went. The room was actually quite nice, I know its five star, but Squad 13 were involved and they dont exactly have the best lucky streak. 

"Err guys... There's only four rooms." Maris said worryingly, There's no surprise since the conference was held before she was admitted to the Squad.

"The couch is unoccupied. Hope it's comfy." said Nox with a sarcastic smile. Walking into his room to hit the sack for the fourth time today.

Maris wasn't exactly happy but she also knew why she was in this predicament. "Don't worry Maris, you can share a room with me." Jelly said, looking like a shining beacon of hope. Maris had tears of joy in her eyes but caught a glimpse of Major and Aureli doing the head chop sign.

"Aww that's sweet but I'll have to pass thanks."

"But why?" Major and Aureli were head chopping even faster now.

"Well it's just that the sofa looks really comfy." The real reason why Major and Aureli were hinting to dodge the bullet is because Jelly tends to lash out violently in her sleep. The squad had to go camping in Switzerland once and only Jelly woke up consious. They really saved her bacon with that one.

The day of the conference was here and squad 13, as per usual, were late. It was held in Las Vegas, Nevada and the conference had invited two representative squads from each country. Squad 13 burst in about an hour late.

"Hey guys, sorry we're late, did we miss anything?" said Major, waltzing down the aisle where the squads were lined up. "Yo yo, y'all alright? Why you looking at us like that?"

Major had a problem with reading the room, Aureli tapped him on the shoulder and pulled him into line. The conference was properly underway and was being held by Squad 307, who hailed from Nevada. Their spokesperson was Nolvus Greed, the tactician. He had a worldwide reputation for being one of the smartest people on the planet.

"To re-explain in short, we are to smoke out Satans gang in their respected regions by siding with other rival gangs."

"Whaaaaaat?! Are you an idiot four eyes. SIDE with the rival gangs, do you even know what gangs are capable of?" Major pitched in.

"Ahem, as I was saying, we will side with rivals to smoke out Satan and strike him when he is exposed. Dismissed."

The conference was only meant to be an hour so turning up an hour late was a bad idea. Major sat there with a stern and puzzled look on his face. 

"You good cap'n?" Said Jelly who was perched next to him, resting her feet on his face. Again.

"I've been better."

"Anything I can help with?"

"Most definitely."

A short and child-like looking girl walked up to Major. "Hey, you, I want a word." She said in a condesinding tone.

"What a shame, I don't." Major looked up at her.

"Do you have any idea who you're taking to?"


"Tch." She grabbed him by the hair and yanked him upwards. Nox drew his sword and ran towards the girl, he fell to the floor and his sword flew out of his hands. Nox was dead.

Aureli ran over to him and shook him violently, She was speechless. She reached for her knife and fell dead.

The young girl looked back at Major. "Are your ready to listen now?"