WebNovelSquad 13!31.37%

Chapter 13

"Are you going to kill me?" Major looked down at her and asked.

"I haven't decided yet." The girl looked up at him. This girl was the captain of Squad 1. Her name is Asia A. Arenwalde. She is also the most hated person in the world, why? She has a unique trick called 'Judgement Day' it kills anyone who displays negative intent towards her. She is immortal with her ability.

Major walked away from her. "Where are you going?" Asia asked condescendingly.

"To kill myself."

"Huh? Are you crazy!"

"If you're not going to kill me then I'll kill myself."

"Why on earth would you kill yourself?"

"You killed my squadmates, I don't see a reason to continue if they aren't in my life anymore."

"I can bring them back you know. Only if you listen and obey me."

"I'm listening." Major turned with malice and punched Asia in the face, her trick didn't work. Major stood there with a horror look on his face and his arm ablaze with white flames. He also used his unique trick.

Asia flew backwards and bled badly from her mouth. She sat up with tears in her eyes, shocked, this was the first time in her life that anyone had harmed her. 

Major walked over slowly and menacingly, he drew a knife from his pocket. "I give you one chance. Bring them back." Major's gaze didn't move an inch. 

He stepped next to her, she was frozen with fear. Major kicked her, causing her jaw to break and her to fly backwards once again.

Asia had never needed to get any stronger, with her ability, so she had no experience in a fight. Major still walked over to her. "I repeat, bring, them, back, NOW!"

Asia muttered from her broken jaw. "Go to hell."

Major shoved the knife into her gut. She bled badly from the wound. "It's your grave then." He yanked the knife out. He had stabbed her with the ability stealing knife, gifted to him from the Astral Empire. Major now held the ability that she once possessed. 

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you, you know better than anyone what your ability does." Major clicked his fingers. Aureli and Nox sprung to life, confused as to what happened. Jelly and Maris ran over to them to help them up.

Major threw the knife in the air and sent a stream of white flames after it, destroying it completely and 'Judgement Day' along with it.

Major turned to the Squad 1 members. "Do with her as you please, I'm going home."

A member of squad 1 picked Asia up and punched her in the face. Another member stomped om her and another pulled out a sword and slashed her arm open. The entire squad butchered her and broke her. Asia lay there lifeless bleeding from just about every place.

Major turned around to the Squad. "Cut it out." He walked over to Asia and picked her up. He threw her over his shoulder and walked away. "She's member of Squad 13 now, come after her, you deal with us."

You may think Major is an idiot for forgiving this girl but he's realised something most have not. Without her ability, she's nothing more than a scared and defensless child. The rest of the squad caught onto his wavelength and went with it. Even Nox and Aureli, two people killed by her agreed with this decision. She's basically a different person without her unique trick.

Squad 13 took Asia to the hospital and within a week, she was back on her feet. In the hospital room, Major decided to talk to her, one on one.

"Welcome to Squad 13, I'm your new captain and you'll do good to listen to what I have to say. You are the most hated person on the planet, once word gets out that you no longer possess a trick, you'll be dead meat. We are you're only chance of survival, you'd do well to respect us." Major sat staring into her fearful eyes.

"Y..y..yes sir." Asia was petrified by his appearance.

Major burst out laughing. Asia looked extremely confused by this. "Ah, I really had you going there. Relax you idiot, I'm not going to kill you." He slapped her playfully on the back of the head.

"B..b..but I. Ive done so many bad things to you and your squad."

"I know, but we're all okay now so who cares what happened in the past, it's better to be excited by the future that get bogged down by the past. Welcome to the squad. And also, you're weak as hell so we're going to get you into shape. Prepare for hell Asia A. Arenwalde."

"Yes sir." 

The squad, along with Asia returned to England and had to deal with a few missiles aimed at the plane on the way. They tried to have a laugh and a joke with Asia but she still was shaken up by them. A quiet ride home for her.

Major stepped in the door and realised one clear thing. "We're going to need a bigger house."