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Chapter 17

Nagi started to pick himself back up again after his altercation with Jarr. He brushed his clothes off, dust and blood fell to the floor below him and he wiped his forehead of blood. He was in pain from the attack and dragged his feet across the broken street. Before him, in the distance was a man wearing a dark coat and a top hat. He was very tall, way over six feet in height and had a large muscular build. Nagi stepped up to him and looked upwards.

"I'm disappointed, Nagi. I always held you in high regard, but losing to a Squad captain is shameful. There are four hundred of them scattered around the world and you can't even beat one of them in single combat." Nagi looked up at the man, he had an aged face and jet black hair that flowed down to his jawline. He also had a goatee that pointed below his chin line. "Need I remind you why we are here. This is the invasion led by us, do not make a fool out of the Underdogs. You and I both know the things the Main House could do to us if we fail. So don't fail me again. You hear me." He whispered in a nasty tone, straight into Nagi's ear.

"Yes Master." Nagi spoke quietly back. The tall man thrust his fist to the side, sending a shockwave into a nearby shop, causing it to collapse. 

From the wreckage a person broke out. "Thank god the furniture in there made that a lot softer." Nox arose from the wreckage of DFS, drawing his sword. He blitzed leaving a trail of lightning in his path and swung his sword at the tall man, who blocked with a glowing blade on his fist. "I dont like being woken up suddenly. You'll regret that."

"Will I? And what are you going to do about it?" 

"More than you can handle." Nox parried his blade and thrust his sword at him. He dodged but Nox was hot on his tail and swiped rapidly at him causing a confusing flurry of blade swipes. The tall man managed to zap away. Nox grounded himself and blitzed towards the man again, leaving purple lighting behind him and thrusting a purple slash into him which was blocked by the blade on his arm. Nox then flashed into three afterimages before finally landing a small slice on the man's forearm.

"Not bad young man. Not bad at all. May I ask your name?" The tall man smiled at him.

"Nox. Nox Dreyen." 

"Dreyen? From House Dreyen? Fascinating. Never thought I'd meet a member from such a legendary clan in history. The name is Siegfried Narshon. Leader of The Underdogs Branch 3, at your service." Siegfried removed his hat and bowed.

"Enough introduction, were fighting now." Nox leapt forward striking at him. Siegfried raised his arm in defense but his entire arm and upper torso was severed from the rest of his body cleanly. There was no blood however, their body parts left a strange purple glow where they had been cut.

"Well this is new." Siegfried looked at his severed body with some confusion. "It seems I'm alive and well but I'm in pieces."

"That's the nature of my trick, it's called Perfect Slice. It allows to me perfectly cut anything that my blade touches, only problem is I can't cut someone who had already been perfectly sliced." Nox stood over him with his sword slung over his shoulder.

From behind him, Nagi swung a punch at his head. In a split second, Nox drew his sword, turned and cut Nagi's arm into nine pieces. "Attacking from behind is just cheap, learn to fight properly." Nox drew his blade again creating an X slash that cut Nagi into pieces, making him fall to the ground. He could barely move, let alone stand up.

Nox sheathed his sword fully and all of their bodies snapped back to their original states.

"I see, so that's how it works. Fully sheathing caused the cuts to be reversed. A clever trick indeed." Siegfried was once again smiling. "Nagi, run along, this is my fight now." Nagi slogged off into the distance. "I have you figured now Nox."

"Really, so tell me, what type of cut will I use next? A normal cut or a perfect cut?" Nox drew the sword on him again.

"Mind games, an intelligent prospect my friend. Does it matter?" Siegfried thrusted his arm blade at Nox and feinted the strike and actually went for an abdominal slash. Nox read the feint and sliced his whole arm off completely. "You may aswell sheathe, you cant hurt me, you told me yourself."

Nox sheathed the blade. "That doesn't mean your guaranteed to win. Tell me, what's coming next, normal or trick."

"Normal." Siegfried prepared to block. 'I actually think he will use a trick.' Siegfried grinned, holding his blade hand up in a readied position.

Nox lept forward and faked a slash, he dashed past Seigfried and dealt a slash to his back, it sliced through his skin and Seigfried fell to his knees for a second. He managed to pick himself back up but he was already feeling his injuries take their toll on his body. 

"You have bested me today Nox Dreyen. I concede on this day, in the hope that you spare my life." Seigfried bowed his head to Nox.

"Conceding isn't in our policy." An arm thrust through Seigfrieds chest, pulling his heart straight out. Seigfried fell limp instantly. The arm withdrew and his body flopped onto the ground below making a splat sound.

The man glared at Nox, a wicked smile struck across his face. His skin was a dark maroon and a single horn was growing from the right side of his forehead. 

"It's nice to meet you, Nox Dreyen."