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Chapter 18

"Likewise, whoever you are." Nox stood on the air in front of this person, well I say person, he more so takes on the form of a devil. "I think you stole my catch, that ain't cool."

"Whatever could you mean, the way I see it, I aided you in your goals." The man glared back at Nox.

"There's no pride in the win if the final blow wasn't dealt by you."

"I hear you clearly on that one. But just know, he isn't dead, he has nine lives. Siegfried is not a human, but a cat with a human-like appearance. He'll live." The blood on the man's arm started to steam and evaporate into thin air. "My name is Galvinor Satan, Heir to the family throne. A pleasure."

"Satan huh. I see so you're the one leading the strike force. You're my target then." Nox drew his blade and pointed it directly at Galvinor. "Do you accept the challenge?"

"Challenge? Who said it would be a challenge?" Galvinor's arm blazed in a flurry of Maroon flames. He thrust his arm at Nox, who in response sliced his hand clean off, dispersing the flames. A perfect slice and his hand fell down to the ground. "Not bad, but I'll need my hand back. Sheathe your sword for me."

"In your dreams, pal." Nox smiled at Galvinor. Four massive arms made of Maroon flames emerged from Galvinor's back and rushed at Nox, gripping him in many places. 

"I'll repeat myself, sheathe that sword. Now!" The flames weren't hot but they were strong, as if made of metal. They gripped hard onto Nox, forcing his grip to weaken and his muscles to relax.

"And I said in your dreams." Nox tried to fight back against the arms but was losing strength by the moment. The arms gradually forced the sword back into the sheathe, causing Galvinor's hand to fly back onto his arm.

"That wasn't so hard was it now." Galvinor once again blazed his arm full of maroon flames. Nox readied his sword once more and they both leapt at eachother. Nox went for his head but narrowly missed as he was not completely open. Galvinor thrust the flames deep into his chest, causing a blaze of flames and smoke, Nox fell down to the ground and hit the rubble of a previously destroyed building.

Galvinor zapped down to where Nox was laying, his chest was still burning with smoke from the impact. "You doing okay down there, looking a little hot." 

"Go to hell."

"Aww, don't be like that, I'll give you another second, choose your final words more carefully." Galvinor gazed at him and stomped his foot on his chest. 

"I said, go to hell."

"Fool." Galvinor created a ball of maroon flames in his hand and aimed it at Nox's face. As soon as he let go, a huge gust of darkness hit him, pushing him back. Nox tilted his head to the side to see a face he recognised. It was Moriama Sogin, the Squad 4 member.

"That's enough Galvinor! Back off now." Moriama charged darkness in his hand.

"Mori, good to see you again." Galvinor grinned at him.

"Oh please, like I wanted to see your face again. I tried to forget you existed but here you are, sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong." Darkness was now blazing from his hand. Galvinor responded with charging maroon flames in his hand.

The two threw the charged energy at eachother, it met in the middle and cause a huge shockwave explosion, shattering glass in the nearby area. Nox was slowly bleeding out whilst watching this fight unfold.

Galvinor zapped to him and punched him in the face. Moriama flew back but managed to land safely on his feet, he slid backwards to where Nox was laying. He smiled at him and said "Don't worry lad."

He charged another ball of darkness in his palm, it grew and grew in size. He zapped above Galvinor and released the orb, which exploded into a massive ball of darkness, destroying the ground below. Galvinor was already well out of the way, in fact he was right behind Moriama, he pushed him into the explosion using a wind trick. 

Moriama was being ripped apart by the explosion. When it ended, he was barely on his feet, he was burned and bleeding all over. Galvinor zapped in front of him, burying a flaming fist into his gut. He spoke straight into Moriama's ear. "It's about time I finished what I started."

Moriama whispered back. "I'm sorry Nathan..." He fell to his knees, blazing from his stomach. "Not much time, but enough." As he fell to the ground, his body disappeared and he zapped next to where Nox was laying. "Hey kid, I've got some things to tell you."

"I've nothing to say to you."

Moriama placed his hand on Nox's forehead. "I think it's time now you learned about your father. I'll tell you everything you need to know about him."

"You knew my father?"

"That I did, lad."