WebNovelSquad 13!52.94%

Chapter 22

A tall man stood over the unconscious Manxou. "I'll finish the job for you, Nagi." A purple blade appeared from his hand and he aimed it at Manxou. "Meet your end." He thrust his arm down toward Manxou. Inches before impact his hand was kicked away.

Standing next to him was a young, sprightly, woman. She was bouncing on the step like a boxer, she had bandages wrapped around her arms and feet and for whatever reason, and wasn't wearing any shoes. "Hands off our captain, Punk!" She jumped and landed a spinning kick to his face, knocking him back. "You're dealing with squad 4 now."

The tall man picked himself up. "I, Seigfried, vow to defeat you in this encounter. En garde!" He lifted his blade hand up toward her. Sifu smiled, she lived for battle and trained all her life to become as strong as possible. She wasn't blessed with a unique trick but she was blessed with strange anomalies in her tricks. All trick energy based tricks were stored inside her body instead of being emitted outside, causing her punches and kicks to have the same strength as powerful energy tricks, making her a very unpredictable opponent. The orb trick is a trick of power, her attacks take on the power of the orb trick and the beam trick is fast, her body takes on the speed of the beam trick. Overall she is a very powerful fighter.

Both Sifu and Seigfried sprung into action, charging head on at eachother. Seigfried swiped his blade at her but she vanished into thin air, reappearing behind him and kicking him in the side of the head, causing him to bounce along the ground and into a tree.

He got to his feet and yanked the tree up by the roots. He carried it with no effort at all. Merge. The tree roots started to intertwine with his body and arm. Before long, his arm looked like a tree itself.

"Ew, what the heck was that?" Sifu looked disgusted by the new appearance of her opponent.

"It's Merge, another unique skill I possess." He punched a brick wall with his other hand. Merge. The bricks started swirling around his fist and they ultimately took on a similar appearance of his other arm. He now had a brick hand and a tree hand, both being massive. Seigfried used his other unique trick and created two massive blades from his hands. They were now a lot more intimidating than before. He smashed the blades into the ground causing a ripple in the road and destroying part of the street.

Sifu didn't manage to dodge the attack and was badly hurt by it. She pushed bits of concrete and tar away from her and even smashed up a rock that was trapping her leg. She struggled to get to her feet as she realised her leg was broken. She limped back towards Seigfried. "I aint done yet, bozo."

"Come then, show me." Seigfried grinned and braced for impact. Sifu was already on the inside of his guard. She punched at his gut with all her might. It sent him flying into a nearby building, crashing through the walls, collapsing the building in the process.

Sifu fell to her knees, looking at the collapsed building, she panted and sighed and ultimately felt extremely drained by the attack she used. 

Merge. The entire wreckage of the building started swirling around into a massive tornado of brick and glass, slowly building up into a humanoid shape and finally solidified into a massive giant Seigfried. A tear sprung in Sifu's eye, she knew her situation was hopeless.

A giant fist was heading towards her. She could see her life flash before her eyes. All of a sudden, a different hand flashed in front of her eyes to protect her. Her entire vision flashed purple and the entire giant was flung backwards. It crashed into many buildings, merging as it destroyed, growing larger and larger. It was now the height of a large appartment block. It got to its feet and loomed over the surrounding city itself. It stared down at a purple glowing eye.

"Egir, you came." said Sifu, with tears in her eyes. In front of her stood a tall, aged man. The first Captain of Squad 4. Egir Mancor. At 778 years of age, he remains the strongest member of squad 4 in its history. His unique trick, 'Gaze', allows him to repel anything in his vision. It is one of the most feared tricks in the history of mankind as it is a foolproof trick, all that's needed is his gaze.

"So you're the legendary Egir Mancor." The giants voice roared. It leapt into the air, it was going to body crush Egir and everything else below it. It threw itself up, into the air. It came rushing down below, it's massive body was to crush the earth itself. Egir looked upwards, his eye glowed purple and the brick giant was literally blown away, all that remained was a small portion of the giant, with Seigfried attached to it. Just as Seigfried nearly hit the ground, Egir repelled him far away to the other side of the city area. Seigfried smashed into a pub, far away from where he was. He was closer to South London now.

As he walked out of the pub, a group of gangsters walked up to him. "That you Seigfried?" They said, still holding guns up to him just in case. 

"Yes you fools, it's me. Give me your hand!" Seigfried held his hand out to him.

"Boss, please, don't do this to us. I beg of ye." The gangster shyed away from him, slowly stepping back. 

"You will listen to orders!" He grabbed the gangster by the neck and held him up. Merge. The gangsters body broke down and swirled uncontrollably and became a giant hand. He swiped and grabbed three more. Merge. He grew and grew and before 30 minutes, he had consumed the entire invasion force. 

He towered high above the apartments, he was the size of a skyscraper, like a massive fleshy King Kong. 

Major was looking on from afar. "Hey hey, guys guys, I got one for you. 'One man army'. Get it." He pointed at Seigfried.

"Oh god."