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Chapter 23

Seigfried stormed around east London, trampling many buildings in his path. He turned up to a business district called Canary Wharf. One punch and he smashed through 1 Canada Square, bringing it crashing down. On a nearby skyscraper, stood a man with a large green greatsword in his hand. It was Siel Jarr, watching the action unfold. Next to him zapped a familiar looking girl, holding a blue trident made of water. It was Maris. Both Maris and Jarr stood there waiting for Seigfried to notice them.

On the first glimpse he caught, both of his arms erected blades. He swung one of his blades at their position, Jarr leaped into the air, swinging his sword with full force to block the incoming attack. The two blades met and a massive shockwave unleashed, causing an updraft of wind.

Maris conjured water from her trident and created two massive hands. She thrust them at the giant blade to support Jarr in pushing it back. The two struggled against the giant crashing down on them. Seigfried then swiped his other blade at them from a different angle. Maris focused all of her efforts on making sure that the blade doesn't hit them. She conjured as many hands as she could at the given time, pushing back with all her might. The two struggled and struggled. 

Jarr looked back at Maris and shouted to her over the sound of the gale force wind. "Let go!" Both of them stopped struggling and zapped to the nearby building. They made a grave error of judgement as Seigfried's swords smashed into that building causing it to collapse, Maris and Jarr with it.

Maris zapped to safety whilst Jarr went for the kill, zapping right next to his chest, launching a vibrant green slash at his chest. It cut deep. It didn't seem to do much harm though. Seigfried looked around and swatted Jarr like a fly, launching him into the side of a large office building. Jarr smashed through the windows and straight into a desk. Paper was flipped up everywhere. "God, such a waste of paper. What a shame."

He picked himself up and walked toward the smashed window, gazing at Seigfried from afar. "Need help Kid?" From behind him appeared a familiar face. Egir was standing behind him, watching the chaos unfold. "Be ready to deal the final blow. You'll only have one chance." Egir looked around him. "Such a waste of paper. What a shame."

Both of them zapped to the roof of the same building. "I'll signal you when to strike." Egir zapped Infront of Seigfried's face. "Remember me?"

Seigfried's voice thundered. "You! Your time is limited old man." 

"Actually it isn't. You don't get to 778 naturally." Egir smilled at him. He held his hand out toward the giant abomination. A small ball starting forming from his hand. It shot out and split into hundreds of small beams. It blasted through Seigfried, completely erasing his upper torso section. "You're are few hundred years too young boy."

Seigfried popped out of the giant's head and zapped infront of Egir. He grabbed him by the neck and held him up in the air. "Say your last words old man." Egir's eye went purple again and Seigfried's heart shot out of his chest. He spat blood and smiled at Egir. "Cats have nine lives."

"Then I'll just have to kill you until you're gone for good then. Am I correct?" Seigfried dropped him, with fear in his eyes, he recoiled. Why couldn't he just kill him again. Was he going to kill him. How much weight did his words have. These thoughts flooded Seigfried's head as he slowly stepped backwards. He leapt off the side of the building, landing dead on the floor, taking another life, before getting up and running away.

"Old man." Egir looked around to see Siel Jarr staring at him. "What on earth are you? You took down a major threat like it was nothing."

"I'm what you just called me. An old man. An experienced one." Egir walked away, waving goodbye without turning back. He vanished into thin air. He didn't zap away, he vanished into dust. 

Maris zapped onto the same building as Jarr. "You okay?" She walked towards him.

"No, I'm not okay. That man, I don't trust him. I've seen him before." Jarr looked into the sky, he let go of his great bane, which vanished as his grip weakened. "Where have I seen him?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know you or him. Just stop being a sourpuss and man up. No one cares about if you've seen him or not. He saved your life. You might want to start thanking him. Idiot." Maris zapped away, travelling back to the others.

'I know what squad she's from. She fits in perfectly aswell' Siel Jarr thought to himself.

Galvinor got up and brushed his face off. "Stupid kids." He opened his mouth and maroon flames spewed from his gullet and swirled into a flaming spiral, it coiled around Major, restraining him. Nox threw himself at the flames, attempting to sever them. 

From his hand, Galvinor coiled flames toward Nox, catching him off guard and binding him aswell, they both were restrained and out of it. Major conjured white flames of his own and pushed himself free.

He surrounded himself in a giant dome of flames, a dome that was slowly expanding and adding in strength. Aureli tried to distract Galvinor, but was met with a binding coil of flames of her own. 

Galvinor spewed a large amount of flames at Major, breaking his dome and sending him crashing to the floor. He got up and prepared to launch himself at Galvinor. 

He blitzed with every ounce of strength he had. With a single finger, Galvinor stopped him dead in his tracks. Halting all momentum from him. Major flopped to the floor, Galvinor stood over him, staring down at him. "You have no chance." Major stood back up. "I'll give you a proposal, I'll hit you at full force with my flames, if you accept, I'll spare your squad."

"How about I just kill you instead."

Galvinor grabbed his neck. Drain. All energy from Major was sapped away in an instant. He fell limp and was just sitting there in front of Galvinor. He barely had the strength to look up at him. "Well then, I guess I've had enough fun for a day. You guys were fun to play around with. So then, Captain, what do you say."


Galvinor returned his strength and began conjuring an extremely bright blaze of maroon flames. "This is going to hurt, but it is also going to amuse me."

"This is nothing." Major braced his self, putting his guard up to the max and conjuring as thick a layer of white flames as possible to block the attack. The rest of the squad looked on, worried about the fate of their friend. "I'm ready."

"I know." Galvinor thrust his arm of flames at hard as he could towards Major. He caught a glimpse of Galvinor smirking.

Galvinor zapped away and hit an unsuspecting Aureli at point blank range with an arm full of flames. She was smashed straight off the building and was falling lifelessly to the floor in a blaze of maroon flames. Major caught a glimpse of a tear in her eye as she fell...