WebNovelSquad 13!58.82%

Chapter 25

My name is Asia A. Arenwarde. I'm eighteen years old and I'm the former captain of Squad 1. I'm not part of Squad 13 as a new member. I know no tricks, have no special qualities. I am just a shell of my former self. I don't belong in Squad 13. I've never once seemed welcome here. I know where my home is. And I will return there soon. Mother, Father, wait for me.

The first flight out of Heathrow, London. Time, 6:00. Destination, Los Angeles, California. The flight was ten hours long, retail class. Asia scanned her ticket, it was downloaded digitally on her phone. She dyed her hair a deep brown colour, quite the difference from her usual blonde locks. She wore a hat for good measure, her appearance still frightened many people as the news of her downfall hadn't fully reached the public yet. Many who have heard the rumours still don't believe it either, and why should they, to them, she was an immortal goddess who was simply untouchable by all. Someone with that reputation doesn't lose everything they have at the drop of a hat.

She didn't pack much to take with her, some clothes, food wasn't allowed, some basic toiletries and necessities that were needed on any trip. She hadn't previously packed a suitcase, nor did she know what to bring either. She was all to used to having everything done for her by someone else. The internet was the saviour for her, she attained all of her info on there, what to bring, what's allowed, what's necessary.

She were taking flight AFGF from Heathrow, there were severe delays as per usual, she waited an additional two hours in the airport. An elderly woman sat next to her, she was reading the news paper, all about the falling of the East was present in the news. The main headlines were about Squad 13's failure and the unknown fate of Aureli. Asia stared at the headlines, feeling sick to her stomach. She hadn't told the squad about her leaving, she didn't want them to know about it. She felt as if this was a personal matter, one that didn't need any outside interference. The elderly woman flicked a page over revealing a headline that shocked Asia.

Her face was in bold view and next to hers was Anthony Martin's, her former right hand man. The headline read 'New Squad 1 Captain Elected.' Asia stared at the eyes of her formal co-captain, inked on the page. It reminded her of the last time she saw him, looming over her, with a knife to her throat, ready to end her existence at her lowest moment.

She'd spent the last few weeks desperately trying to rebuild her life and her mental outlook. Despite this, she couldn't help but feel murderous intent towards him. Her head swirled with anger and rage, constantly replaying the memory of him, with a knife at her throat.

She reached an touched her throat where the knife once was. She felt sick to her stomach with rage and anger, all feeling of happiness and rebuilding left her mind. That thought, that memory, playing over and over and over in her mind, constantly reminding her of her lowest point. She saw the smiling face of Anthony Martin, staring back at her.

She screamed at the top of her lungs, breaking silence in the airport. She tore at the newspaper, scratching and clawing like a wild dog. The elderly woman, held her arms over her face for protection. She ripped the page to bits and ran away from the bench. Tripping and falling until she found a bin, which she threw up in. She broke down in tears, looming over the bin.

She felt a hand rest softly on her head. She turned her tear ridden face behind her to see Major's smiling expression. "You okay there?"

"But...Aureli...you were with her." Tears streamed down her face.

"You need me more than she does right now." He smiled at her and helped her away from the bin and walked her over to an empty bench.

People stared at them as they walked. "Don't worry guys, she's my sister." They still stared at them. "And she's on medication." They stared and stared. "And she's a raging alcoholic." Their gaze didn't break at all. "And that old lady slipped something in her drink." Their eyes snapped to the old lady. He'd managed to divert attention away from them. Major decided it was best to take her from the centre of attention and zapped away to the other side of the terminal waiting area.

A few hours passed and Asia had gone to sleep by that point, resting on Major's arm. He pulled up his phone and started texting Nox. 'Shes with me, she's okay now.'

'Thats good, when is your flight? Are you still going?'

'Yea, we're still going. It might be important🤷.'

'Need me and Jelly to come???'

'Nah, stay with Aureli, she needs someone.'

'No probz. Good luck.'


He put his phone down to hear the announcement. "Terminal four is departing in t-minus thirty minutes."

"That's us" Major shrugged Asia to wake her up. It took a few tries but eventually her eyes fluttered open. She rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"What time is it?" She looked up with a sleepy expression and started yawning straight into his face. He caught a whiff of bed breath.

He shoved a tic-tac in her mouth, took her hand and bolted upward. "Time to catch our flight." He went back and took her suitcase with him and walked toward the terminal aisle. The boarding crowd was packed solid, people were cramming into this plane all at once, no semblance of a line or any sort of humane boarding tactic. 'You'd think this was the last plane out of here' Major thought, he decided it was best to just zap onto the plane. Which he did.

Asia asked to sit near the window and Major was completely okay with that. Why? Because he hadn't actually paid for the flight. He was just going to hitchhike ontop of the plane by strapping himself down with the sticky trick. He didn't however, read the forecast. Spoiler: there is a lot of rain coming their way.