WebNovelSquad 13!66.67%

Chapter 29

Major was sprinting as fast as his legs could take him, he was trying his hardest not to use tricks at the moment to prevent another break. He was running all the way to 44th Avenue. There was a back alley that would act as a short cut to his destination, he whipped around the corner and without looking shoved straight into someone, knocking them to the floor immediately.

They skidded along the floor, crashing into a pile of rubbish bags on the side of the alley. The guy scrambled to his feet and looked Major directly in the eyes. He had a graze on his cheek from the impact. His hand went straight into his pocket and he pulled out a gun and aimed it straight at Major's face. He waltzed toward him and stuck the gun straight down his throat with no struggle.

"Got anything to say for yourself. Any last words?" The guy was seriously annoyed at what had happened. He had two friends behind him, a girl with light pink hair, wearing a black and white skater outfit and a tall buff guy wearing a tank top and jeans. The guy with the gun looked like your generic stoner, he was skinny and looked like he could really use some sleep.

"I cann wewe peak wiv a gun ima mou." Major tried to speak as well as he could but words barely made it out. Major zapped behind him and received a punch in the face from the buff guy, he too was sent tumbling into the same rubbish pile.

"We can deal with your kind, those trickery guys. We ain't no amatures." The guy pointed the gun directly at Major's forehead.

"I'm not an amature either buster." He held his finger up and created another focal point from his fingertip. It glowed a black and white shining colour. Major set it to bullets. And zapped away, far out of the buff guys reach. The skinny guy shot his gun but the bullet went at the focal point instead. The girl revealed a knife and rushed toward Major, she was much faster than he'd expected.

She shoved the knife deep into his stomach and he coughed up a ton of blood. She'd grabbed his other arm so he couldn't escape. Major panted and panted, drained by the stab wound he had recieved. He shakily lifted his head to whisper into her ear. "Is my acting any good?" The girls eyes widened as Major dropped the illusion. The knife had missed him completely and he had her arm grappled. He disarmed her and threw her to the ground. He shoved the knife at her neck. "Are we ready to talk about this gentlemen."

The four sat down around a fire pit, eating toasted sausages. Half of Majors breakfast was earlier scattered on the hotel corridor floor so he didn't mind eating with them as he liked to work on a full stomach.

"So you're captain then eh? Explains why you're not like them regular tricksters that we've encountered." The skinny guy spoke up, he was kind of like the leader of their pack and boy did he cook good sausages.

"Yea I'm a captain. I'm kinda messing up as one right now." Major stared at the floor with a sad expression. "One of my squadmates is gone, I know where she is but I should've stopped it from happening in the first place. On top of that, another member of my squad is in the hospital. God knows if she'll pull through or not."

"Yeah your making a rough job of it. I've been a captain since I was a kid buddy, if there's one thing I've learned about being a captain, it's that you need the biggest heart in your squad. You've got to be the shining beacon of hope for your team. Look at you. Sitting here all down because your squadmate has gone missing. You think that attitude makes them respect and believe in you." The skinny guy took another bit of his sausage and rambled on. "So who's missing, someone important. They in danger?"

"All of my squad are important. And yeah, she's in danger." Major took at bite aswell.

"She? She your girlfriend or something bro?" He looked more interested now.

"Nah, I haven't known her long. Don't mean she isn't important to me."

"She got a name?"


"Weird name, don't hear it often. You know, I knew an Asia once." His face broke out into a smile. "She was the best quarterback I ever played with you know. Could throw the ball like a bullet, just as fast, twice as accurate. The perfect player. We won every game with her. I used to captain the team, Sticks here was the wide receiver, I swear, none faster than this girl. She was like lightning. Our offense was unbeaten. And Brock here, like an iron wall. His defense was like no other. We won every game, just like the Titans way back when. Oh and Marie, that girl has fire in her heart." He looked at the floor.

"You still know her now?" Major pitched in.

"Nah, we don't know her. Not after what she did." A tear rolled down his eye as he spoke. Major noticed that the other two bowed their heads aswell.

"What did she do?"

"Marie died, Asia killed her, it was an accident. We all know that, but we just couldnt see her the same way again. So we ran. And we ended up like we are now. Just a bunch of rugrats, living off scraps and knocking about the streets." The guy really broke down crying now. Tears streamed from his tired eyes.

"I don't know about your Asia. But I really need to save mine." Major nudged him on the shoulder playfully. He grabbed his hand and helped him to his feet. "You said it yourself bro, the captain has to be the shining beacon of hope." Major shook his hand. "I'm Major by the way."

The guy shook back. "The names Johnny..."