WebNovelSquad 13!76.47%

Chapter 34

21:00 pm. "Finally." Major looked in on his spy camera, which we was controlling with a trick controller and eye piece like a drone. "Okay, we're set and ready. We now have to wait for the actual meeting to start."

The room flooded with people, who all sat in a large grouped semi circle facing a large electronic whiteboard. Anthony Martin stormed into the room after them with a serious expression. "There's an intruder in this building." He clicked a remote in his hand, which flicked on the whiteboard, revealing the image of a half naked Dr. Vanhilten Green. "Whoever this impostor is, they have attacked Dr. Green. I saw him at the meeting in the morning, he was already an impostor at that point as far as our deduction can tell. If anyone sees him. Arrest him immediately but be careful. We know not the identity of this impostor yet."

"Can't hear a damn thing from up here." Major used the microdoodle trick, creating the small robot in the palm of his hand. He sat backwards and rubbed his chin. "Now how am I going to get it down there?" Major pondered on the thought and finally came up with a terrible idea.

He paced around the roof of the building. "So, what I'm going to do is put the microdoodle in my mouth and use the hose neck tricks that I made to stick it to the window and voila." It was a terrible plan.

Major stuck the robot in his mouth and started winding his head down the building. Lucky for him, the meeting wasn't taking place that far down. He waited until Martin turned his head and then Majors head plopped down in shot. He suctioned the microdoodle onto the corner of the window. He unwound his head and started listening in.

"...as I was saying, the first order of business is to catch this impostor and bring him to justice." Anthony Martin's eyes flicked to the corner of the glass. "Found you..." He fired a beam straight at the microdoodle, smashing the trick to bits. He ran head first and smashed out of the office window. Landing on the air with the air walk trick.

"Busted." Major got his things together and prepared to run for it. From down below, Martin was running upward towards the rooftop. Major started running the opposite way until a fist zapped in front of him.

As it whizzed, he quickly ducked and retaliated with a 180 spin kick, which Martin ducked. The two stood in a faceoff on the roof of the Buzzard. "It's nice to formally meet you, Anthony Martin. Bout time you did some dirty work yourself instead of sending one of your lackies to do it. Makes a change for some people don't it."

"So you are the impostor I am looking for. Squad 13 Captain, Major." Martin couldn't help but feel a slight chill go down his spine. He was face to face with the person who once shocked him to the bone with just a glance. "How are we to settle this?"

"Well, I've got places to be so I don't mind. How do you want to do this?" Major smirked at him.

"Let me think about it. About how I'll deal with you I mean. You're in my country after all." Martin pondered on the thought. Did he really want to face him in head on battle? Could he win? Was there a diplomatic solution?

"Wellll, since your busy, ima just err." Major pulled up his phone and started texting. 'Yo Nox, got this guy here with a staple posh boy haircut in a suit. Think we wants to fight.'

'Who dis?'

'Major, had to get a new phone, other one got toasted⚡⛈️🌩️'

'Whats up brooo'

'Nm, you? Hows Aureli?'

'Getting better, actually. Better readings and stuff.'

'The scars healing?'

'Nah, they're permanent. They look cool though.'

'Wicked, you gotta show me sometime. ACC got to run. Dudes finished his brainstorm.'

'Hold it.'


"You done now bro?" Major slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"Yes, I hearby wish to take you into custody. Please comply." Martin crossed his hand as to salute.

"Hell no. Up yours dude."

"You leave me little choice. " Martin pounced at him with such malice. Charging some sort of purple mist from his hands. He thrust this ball of mist straight at Major's forehead, as it made contact, it exploded into a giant magenta cloud that covered the entire rooftop.

Martin hopped out of the gas and stood on the air above it. "Good game Major, but you let your guard down. Must admit, not as scary as I thought."

"*Yawn* Sleeping gas. Oldest trick in the book. Try again posh guy." A white NaRoBu flickered at his fingertips. He spun around, creating a stream of white flames that wrapped around him. These flames spun and grew into a massive white tornado on the rooftop that dispersed the tricked gas.

As the flames dispersed, Martin looked down at the empty rooftop. "Looking for me?" Major was an inch behind him. A chill went down Martins spine. His presence didn't go unnoticed. Martin turned around to see the most vile face of a beast creature.

He jumped out of his skin at the sight. Major fell about laughing. "Dude...Dude it's just a Halloween mask. I didn't even think people found them scary." Major was laughing uncontrollably.

Martin could feel his veins twitching in anger. He booted Major when he was laughing, causing him to rocket into the rooftop of the building. "Ow, let a guy live it up, jeez." Martin zapped to the building and used an ice trick to freeze Major to the side of the rooftop.

Martin walked up and punched Major clean around the face. "Ow." He grabbed him by the frozen collar. "You have lost Major. I can't believe I was actually scared of such a joke." Martin was seriously annoyed at himself.

"Wait, you were scared of me?!" Major burst out in laughter again. "Oh that's funny." Martin slapped him clean around the face again.

"Pay attention. You'll be in a prison cell soon."

"No I wont." Major used the turn to mush' trick and fell through the building. Martin in a hurry looked through the hole in which major fell but it was empty. Seconds later, he received a devastating white flaming kick that sent him spinning through the barriers on the roof and falling onto the air.

Martin picked himself back up and zapped straight at Major winding up a glowing punch to hit Major with. At the same time, Major created another focal point in his palm and thrust it toward Martin.

By a few milliseconds, Major's attack landed first. "Repel!" Both major and Martin flew off opposite ends of the building with a crazy booming sound. Martin landed on the air, whilst Major just fell, zapping away into thin air.