WebNovelSquad 13!82.35%

Chapter 37

Major was officially mindboggled. "Dude, you've got some rare case of amnesia or something. What on earth happened to you?" Major held his head whilst crouching down.

"What do you mean, you happened to me. You did. Everything was all dandy until you decided to mess everything up for me. And now look at me. In a hospital with my hair all disheavled. Unacceptable." Lemin scowled and stared at the ground. He takes pride in his appearance and pristine finnese in the fashion industry. "What on earth would master say if he saw me now."

"Master, what Martin?"

"No you fool. Master Ganbin, the fashion supreme extraordinaire. He hails from the Fashion Plain."

Major's eyes lit up at the comment. "Wow...There's a fashion plain?" Major's mind flooded with all the possibilities of what this could be.

"Yes, there is. And I am a disciple of the Grand Master. Fashion is my pride,my joy and my passion." Lemin was combing his hair with his hands, making it as pristine as possible.

"Dude, dude, you have to show me this place sometime. Well once this entire cuffufel is over and done with." Major got up and immediately forgot that Lemin was having some sort of brainfart. He placed his hands on Lemins shoulders. "Once Asia has done what she needs to do. We're going."

Back at Nowhere...

"So, uncle Dark. If I didn't kill anyone, why does everyone in the village hate me?" Asia looked up at the massive hulk of a man sitting next to her.

"They're mad because of what you didn't do. You have a unique trick that could of stopped this mass genocide. You ran instead of helping." Dark looked down at her and smiled. "Most of them understand though. You were a child. Children make mistakes."

"Only this one I can't fix." Asia looked down at her hands on her lap.

"Says who? You?" Dark looked firmly at her. "Why cant you fix it? Who is stopping you?" Dark spoke with authority and inspiration.

"I just don't have the skills to do it. It's possible to."

Dark put his arm around her to comfort her. "Asia, we live in a world of Trickery, tricks themselves have a potentially limitless range of possibilities. They've brought people together and separated them. They've done amazing things and also very bad things. In a world where possibility is an infinite word itself. There is nothing you can't do. You just have to believe in yourself."

Asia was inspired by his speech. When hearing his words, her mind flickered to the thought of Major. The first person she ever met who was free of worry and hardships, someone who decided to leave that all behind and live in the present. Someone who lived as he wanted. 'I want to be like him, I want to find my own freedom.' She clutched her hands together and smiled.

She stood up and spoke straight to Darks face. "Okay, from now on. I'm living right. I'm going to fix this mess I've created and truly grant myself freedom." Dark smiled at the comment. "Uncle Dark, can you show me where Nathan T. Rymoni lies?"

"Sure but I don't know why."

"I have a plan."

At sunset, Asia and Dark travelled to the Stocknam Cemetery in California. They searched the cemetery for over an hour and finally stumbled on the headstone they were looking for. NATHAN T. RYMONI. In bold letters.

They were losing the light fast and Dark was constantly mentioning the fact that he could go for a cup of coffee. "Asia, why did you want to come to the grave?"

"I'm being like Major, I'm using my master intellect to determine what is happening here." Asia was sitting on the ground in front of the headstone, thinking deeply about the situation, trying to make sense of it." She sat there for ages until it was pitch black outside. "Something doesn't add up. What am I missing. Major would've had this straight away. Grr. Damn."

"Can we go home now? It's cold." Dark was sitting beside her, on his phone. Damn. Only 5%." He flicked his phone off and pulled Asia up. "You don't have to be right next to the headstone to figure anything out. Just think at home."

The two got back in the car, seatbelt on. Push the clutch, turn the key. Stalled. "Damn it." Asia looked at Dark who was distressed at the cars failures. "Guess well have to call a pickup." She dialed Major's number in her phone and asked him for his assistance.

*Be there in a Jiffy.*

Major turned up in a snazzy purple and pink lightning bolt pattern car. He and Lemin got out, both looking extremely crisp and fresh, in brand new outfits and stylish hair-dos. "Yoyo Asia, need a jumpstart?"

"What on earth happened to you? And why are you with the guy that kidnapped me?! Asia was shocked at the sight of Lemin. As she should be.

"Me and my main man Lemin here went clothes shopping. Dudes a fashion legend. Trained by the very best." Major looked up at the giant of a man next to Asia. "Didn't know you hired muscle."

"He:s not a bodyguard, he's my uncle." Major went up and shook his massive hand.

"Names Major, captain of the illustrious squad 13. You are?"

"Dark. Nice to meet you. Thanks for doing this for us. We'd have stayed in here all night if not." Dark smiled.

"Yeesh, wouldn't want to stay here over night. Place is creepy." Major looked into the dark Cemetery.

"We are here to find clues about a mass murderer." Asia spoke up with confidence.

"Coooool. Who is it?" Major was excited by the prospect.

"Nathan T. Rymoni. He killed my entire towns population off." Asia spoke with authority and pride.

"Who the heck is Nathan Tea Rim Many? I've never heard of him." Major sat on the bonnet of the car.

"As I said, the guy who killed my town. I'm here trying to find clues about him to see if I can bring everyone back."

"What did you find?"

"Nothing so far. I just can't think of anything that it could be."

"Lemme take a look." Major walked into the graveyard.