Chapter 3

I felt like I was outside of myself. As if I'd changed in some way, become someone else. Someone who didn't have to be quiet or follow rules or beg for attention. I'd become a being made entirely out of heat and sensation. A woman who demanded attention and got it. Who demanded pleasure and received it. 

I laid on the bed, the sheets cold against my back, with Arthur's big, hard body stretched above me, and there was nowhere on earth that I'd rather be. I had no idea what his touch would mean. Had no idea that I would want him this badly. When he touched my breasts or the place where I needed it most, between my thighs. All I'd been aware of was how intense the sensations were, how incredible it felt when he touched me. When that piercing silver gaze raked over me. It wasn't cold anymore, but blazing hot.

There was more, of course, there was more. And when he came to his knees between my thighs and pulled my panties off, all I felt was relief. Because the need inside of me was building again. He'd dealt with it before with his magic fingers, but just looking at him, imagining what was going to happen, had the breath caught in my throat.

But not only for my pleasure. I was hungry to touch him too. Hungry to give him the same pleasure, to share what I was feeling with him. 

I stared up at him as he looked down at me, his hungry gaze following every line of my naked form. Did he have anyone to keep him company? Did he have anyone who wanted to climb to the peak with him? Or was he too dangerous to scale? There were avalanches and storms, fissures and crevasses. A normal person would get hurt. 

His eyes blazed as he got rid of his shirt and his hands dropped to the buckle of his belt, undoing it and pulling it off. His movements were slow and deliberate, but his jaw was tight. Tension rolled off of him. He was holding himself back, keeping that fire contained. And maybe it was a tease for both of us or maybe he didn't want to hurt me. 

I sat up, running my hands up his powerful thighs as he knelt there, watching him as he undid the button of his pants.

"Do you like what you see?" His voice was deep and dark. "Do you want to touch me?"

"Yes." I slid my hands over his hips, feeling the smoothness and heat of his bare skin, tracing the hard lines of his stomach. "Yes, so much." I did. 

He was a mountain. And I wanted to climb him.

Not that he gave me the opportunity.

Quickly, he stripped himself of the rest of his clothing, far too quickly for my liking, but he didn't listen to my protests and gave me no time to look over him. One minute he was there with his pants on, the next I was being pushed back onto the bed and he was over me again, this time naked.

And he was glorious. A powerful machine of muscle and bone overlaid with taut skin. He held himself above me, his arms flexing with little effort.

I lifted my hands and ran my fingertips over him, stroking him, watching those piercing silver eyes get molten. Then I glanced down.

He was long and thick, and when he noticed me looking, he grinned like a lion looking at an injured animal. 

"Now then," Arthur said, his voice thick and sensual. "Where were we? Ah, yes.." His hips shifted between my thighs, the head nudging at me. Then he slid his hands beneath me, cupping my butt and tilting me. His gaze held mine, level and intense. "Are you ready?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? Yes." I tried to sound teasing and suave, but the excitement leaked into my voice and made me sound like a brave new teenager. 

He didn't wait for more. As soon as the words had left my mouth, his hips flexed and he was pushing into me, a deep, slow thrust that tore another moan from my throat. I trembled slightly at the immense feeling spreading through my chest. Having him so close, inside of me, part of me. 

I reached up to him, took his face, and drew him down, kissing him. And then everything became hotter and a whole lot more desperate. 

He started to move inside me, slow, deep thrusts that took hold of my desire and turned it sharper, a bright and intense pleasure moving through me. I forgot the outside world. Everything about it. There was only him and the movement of his hips, the raw heat in his silver eyes, and the deep sounds of pleasure that came from him. It was amazing. I could barely stand it.

I wound my legs around his hips, following the rhythm he showed me, taking it and making it my own, lost in the intensity or the pleasure that gripped me. And when the orgasm came, swelling inside of me like a wave, I could only lie there staring up at him as it swept through me and drowned me in pleasure, making me cry his name and hold onto him as if he was the only anchor to this world. 

I was barely aware of him moving faster, harder, his breathing as wild and as raw as mine, calling my name in answer, as he turned his face into my neck and followed me into the tide. 

It was just after dawn when I woke up to a knock on the motel room door. I groaned awake and moved Ketch's heavy arm off of me to get out of bed. I looked back at him and smiled. I was surprised he'd stayed the night. It was unlike him, but I didn't blame him for being exhausted either. Round one had been followed by two others and we'd crashed hard when everything was over. One hell of a last run.

The knocking came again, bringing me back to focus. 

"Hang on!" I called, searching the room for a shirt.

I found Ketch's dress shirt and threw it over my shoulders, buttoning it to the second to last button and feeling grateful that it draped to just above my knees. I muttered curses on my way to the door.

"I didn't ask for a wake-up call…" I said as I opened the door partway, rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"And I didn't ask to see my little sister dressed like that," Dean said, candy-apple green eyes staring down at me.

"Dean!" I said, suddenly fully awake, "What are you doing here?"

I frantically looked around for Sam. He was a little further down the parking lot, walking away from baby with Cas. Fuck. There went any chance I had of lying my way out of this. Cas would immediately be able to spot anything weird and his feathery ass could never hold a secret. I squeezed out the door and closed it behind me, trying not to let Dean even get a look inside. 

"What? Rather have this talk outside?" Dean chuckled, "Or do you still have a special visitor over?" 

"That's none of your business," I said, maybe a little too quickly, "And you still haven't answered my question."

"Give her a rest, Dean." Sam said as he came to stand next to our brother, "There's been plenty of times where you've made me sleep in the car because you've wanted some tail."

"And there's been plenty of times where I've woken up to find you and a random girl in the backseat, so we're even." Dean retorted and then turned to me, "We finished our hunt early so we came to make sure you got home ok."

"I was getting home just fine on my own. You don't always have to check up on me." I puffed. Dean was always so protective of me. But I guess this was better than the way he'd been when we were kids. He used to hate me. "How'd the hunt go? What were you after?"

"Oh come on, let's talk inside. It's chilly out here." Dean reached for the door handle again.

"Why don't you let me get dressed and I'll meet you at the diner down the road?" I moved in front of the knob.

Dean stared at me and hesitated, his hand inches away from my ribs. He could push me aside and open the door if he wanted to, he was stronger than me after all, but would he push this that far?

"Come on Dean, she's got a point. And I'm hungry anyway." Sam said, smiling at me, "I bet Cas is too."

"I do not eat. You know this." Cas said, his monotone voice never failing to put a smile on my face.

"Fine." Dean grumbled, "I don't wanna see what kind of mess is in there anyway. But you've got 10 minutes! If you're not there I won't hesitate to barge in no matter what state you're in."

"You would rather die again than see me all up on someone," I laughed.

"Shut up!" Dean called, already walking back to Baby.

I laughed to myself. He was so stubborn. But at least that was something we had in common. We wouldn't give up on one another. And as much as he might nag me or try to be a father figure, he'd also always be the brother I'd go to to cry with. He acted all tough and badass but he was a teddy bear at heart. 

"Seriously though," Sam said, turning to leave as well, "Don't take too long. We have some catching up to do."

"Don't worry about me, Sam." I punched my younger brother's side playfully and he batted at my hand, "I'll be right behind you guys."

I watched as all three men got back into the car and pulled out of the space it had been sitting in. I waved as they got onto the main street, waiting until they were out of view before ducking back into the motel room.

"Ok, time to….leave…" I looked around the empty room. Ketch nowhere to be seen.

I checked the whole room. He'd just vanished. There was no way he'd snuck out the front past me and the spaces beneath the beds and in the closet were too small for him to hide in. I was questioning how he'd done it when I found a note on the nightstand.

Keep the shirt, lovey. It looks good on you.

Until next time.



"Smug bastard," I muttered to myself. 

I didn't have time to think over how he'd Houdini'd his way out of the room or why he had a Michigan phone number, Dean would've already started the countdown. I'd have to do research into alternate forms of travel later. I sighed and got ready for the day.

Dean was shoving a bacon cheeseburger into his mouth when I stepped into the diner.

"Don't you eat anything else?" I teased as I sat down next to Sam in the booth.

"Don't you speak such sacrilege. This is a sacred Winchester tradition!" Dean said through a mouthful. 

"Uh-huh. I'd rather live a little longer while I have a chance." Sam said as he picked a few fries from Dean's plate.

"We never get that chance. There's always something chasing us." I added.

"Speaking of. How the fuck did you die this time?" Dean asked.

"That's uh. That's a good question. I don't remember being overrun. It was a routine vamp hint," I said, trying to remember the moments before I'd woken up in universe B, "I was at my best, there was one left, then boom. Out like a light and I woke up in that poor girl's head again."

"That's weird. Normally you remember how you went out." Sam stole another fry from Dean, "What if it wasn't a vamp that got you? What if there was someone else in the area that you missed?"

"That would be weird. I was the only hunter in the area." I took my turn to steal a fry, Dean swatting at fingers now in a vain effort to protect his food.

"Well, we have your car. Went looking for it when you hadn't responded in a few days. It was at the motel you'd stayed at." Dean pushed the plate towards the center of the table, giving up on defending the remainder of the greasy fries.

"Still have all my stuff in it?"

Dean nodded, wiping his mouth, "The only thing we didn't find was your body. The vamps were dead. All 4 of them."

"Well, we already know where my body ended up. Ketch had me. Fuckin mutt is obsessed with me." I joked. 

"Just wait until I see him again. I'll beat his face in." Dean mimicked swinging a punch at someone. "Doesn't get to just kidnap our sister and get away with it."

Sam and I shared a look before we all laughed. Dean was one of those older brothers. He didn't even let me go to prom without him. My poor date was terrified the whole night and by the end of it, he dropped me off at Bobby's and rushed away. But that was Dean. Protective of family, but a teddy bear when you got to know him. 

"Hey Cas," I said, turning my attention to the quiet angel, "Do you know of any way to bamf yourself out of a room without wings or grace?"

"There are several. Why?" Cas' baby blue eyes were always serious. I swear the only time he let his guard down was when he was alone with Dean. 

"Just a thing I was researching. Might be handy to have an extra escape route, ya know?" I knew he'd see through any lies, but an escape path wasn't necessarily untrue. It would be handy. 

"There are the keys to hell," Sam said. "They turn any door into a passage to hell."

"Yes. But those are all accounted for and locked in hell. No mortal can have one unless given one." Cas said matter-of-factly.

"So what happens if a human does get their hands on one?" I asked.

"They're most likely working with a powerful demon." Cas' eyes were boring into me. I knew he'd try to ask questions later when we could be alone. "Like Asmodeus."

"Who?" I asked. 

"Right. You've been dead." Dean said, "Asmodeus is the current ruler of hell."

"Or so he claims," Sam added.

"What happened to Crowley?" I asked, a little hurt if my demon friend was gone.

"We don't know. He's been ignoring us." Sam said. 

Dean nodded, "We think he's laying low until something can be done about ol' Colonel Sanders. He's a prince of hell."

"Wait, I thought we got the last one?" I asked, trying to recall the name of the last prince we'd stumbled upon. "We got Azazel and Ramiel. And the other one…."

"Dagon." Sam finished for me.

"Right. And we did. They're dead. But like everything else we always try to end, there's always one more." Dean sighed, "And this one seems to be itchin' for a fight."

"You've already met him?" I was appalled. Usually, the demons preferred to stay away unless they were sure they had the upper hand on us. So it was odd for one to just stroll right up to us.

"Not exactly," Sam said, "he sent a messenger to us letting us know he was taking up the throne and he'd be sending things after us again."

"Huh." My mind had gone back to a particular phone call I'd overheard in the last twenty-four hours. Things were starting to make sense. "So what do we do about him?"

"Nothing for now." Dean sat back in the booth and crossed his arms, "We can't get to him. And we don't even know what he's up to. He could be making another army and trying to bring on the next apocalypse."

"So we're sitting on our hands? Since when do we wait for them to come to us?" My brothers were never this sedimentary, they were always moving and planning. 

"Since we don't have a way to them," Sam said. "We need that before we do anything else, and until then all we can do is plan ahead."

"What if I said I had a way in?" I tested.

Dean's green eyes narrowed, "I'd call your bluff."

"Oh come on! I can call Crowley, he'll come if I call, and zip right in. I'm smaller and quieter than either of you. Halo can't get in even if he wanted to, and all I'd have to do is ask nicely. Quick in and out. Just for recon." I leaned back and tucked my hands behind my neck, stretching. "And if you don't like that idea I may know where we can get a key. That way might even be easier."

"How would you know where to get a key?" Sam said, "We've been searching for spares everywhere."

"I know a guy who collects things with Satanic significance." It wasn't a total lie. I did know people with connections to occult objects.

"Leave it to you to have connections to the weird." Dean snickered.

I playfully kicked his leg under the table. "You're one to talk. Or have you forgotten you're the only one of us to sleep with 3 different monsters?"

"Ok, ok. We don't need to go into the details of that." His checks blushed. "Call your 'guy' and get that connection rollin'. If we can get in before they even have a full plan then we'll take it."

"To the bat cave!" I exclaimed, raising my fist into the air.

The two-hour drive to the bunker was quiet besides the music I blared through the car's old speakers. It gave me time to think about how I was going to get information from Ketch, let alone find out if he had a 'key to Hell'. It had to be the only way he'd disappeared from the hotel room. There'd just been one door and a single window that didn't open from the inside and also led outside the front of the room. If he didn't have something like that then this was a wild goose chase and I'd pay for it. But it was the only lead we had. If I let it slip away without trying it I'd kick myself. 

I sighed as I followed Dean's impala into a gas station about half an hour away from the bunker. Why was he stopping? I pulled into a parking spot next to him and got out of the car to walk over the driver's side door. Dean already had the window rolled down. 

"Get in, we'll ditch that here so we don't lead anyone back to the bunker," Dean said, his green eyes stern.

"Aw man, I like that car," I grumbled even as I opened the back door and slid in next to Cas. "Can't I just change the plates?"

"With a car like that? No way!" Dean put the car into reverse and started to pull away again, "That would be like someone stealing Baby, no way would I not go after them."

"Right, and they'd end up in a ditch or a river." I rolled my eyes if my brother loved anything more than his family it was his car and anything pie-related.

After we got back to the bunker and I'd had a chance to look over my car, I stumbled into my bedroom and fell onto the bed, not bothering to undress or shower first. A much-needed nap was the best thing right now. But I could still smell him on my skin. I could still feel the ache, the bruises, and love bites left on my body. My mind brought forward images of the night before. The way he'd touched me, held me, kissed me. I'd never felt like that. What was it about that man that made me so weak? So submissive and small. 

I sighed and buried my face into the sheets. They smelled clean like someone had washed them while I was gone. It was probably Sam, he seemed to be the only one who would do things like that when I was away. Not that Dean or Cas was lazy, but an angel had no need to do things like that and Dean was just…..Dean. He knew how to cook and fix cars. He didn't need to know how to do his laundry or fold a fitted sheet. 

I made a mental note to thank Sam later before deciding it would be a good idea to take a hot shower after all. On my way to the bathroom though, a knock came from my door. I sighed and went back to open it. Sam stood on the other side.

"I just want a nice shower, Sam," I grumbled. 

"I know. Honestly, you need one." He joked, "I'll make this quick. Who do you know who'd have a key?"

Leave it to Sam to pry for more information. He was always like that, always wanted to know everything, especially if he felt like there were secrets to be found or lies being told. "I told you guys earlier. I have an old friend who plays with this kind of thing." I said.

"Uh-huh. And in the twenty-some years we've known you, how have we not met this 'old friend'?" Sam's eyes narrowed. 

"He's one of my dad's old friends, I haven't needed to mention him until now." I shrugged, trying to get Sam off my case. I wouldn't be able to hide the truth long but I at least needed to hide it long enough to get the key, if there even was one. "We always call up Crowley or Rowena if we can't find something."

"Right, and you wouldn't lie about this?" Sam's hazel eyes studied my face, trying to find any hint of my lie.

"I have no reason to lie, Sam." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "Can I go shower now? Don't make me strip in front of you."

"Ok ok." Sam raised his hands in defense, "I was just making sure because Dean asked me to. For some reason, he thinks you'll tell me things you won't tell him."

"Thanks. I can feel the love." I said, rolling my eyes before closing the door. 

I sighed and headed for the bathroom again, grabbing my phone on the way. I scrolled through YouTube until I found a playlist to listen to and set my phone on the counter. I stripped, humming to a song as I went, before turning the shower on and leaning naked against the sink as the water warmed up. I glanced at my phone and sighed, picking it up and texting the newest number in my contacts. I chewed on my lip as I hit send. 

'We need to talk. -A'

I waited a few minutes, steam filling the small bathroom, before I got a response. 

'Miss me already, love? -K'

I paused in thought. I hadn't expected him to reply this quickly. How would I get him to meet with me without seeming suspicious? Then an idea came to mind. I smirked, picking up my phone and turning the camera on. I turned the camera to face me before positioning myself and the camera so just my bare back reflected in the mirror behind me was in the frame. The tattooed wings on my back and faded pink handprints on my arm seemed to glitter with the growing steam. I snapped the picture and hit send.

'Please? -A'

I waited a few more minutes for a response, but when nothing came right away, I put my phone down again and climbed into the hot shower. When I was done, I dried off before checking my phone again. 

'I might be able to find time to meet with you. When? -K'

I smirked again. I wanted to play with him more and fully bait him into thinking this was all I wanted. Maybe I could even convince him I'd left my brothers to hunt alone eventually. I opened my camera again. This time turning the camera on myself and taking a sultry picture of the top of my breasts, just cutting off my nipples. I smiled at the slight blush my skin still held from the shower. This was going to be fun. I hit send again. 

'Soon. Where are you? -A'

The response was quick this time.

'You're playing a dangerous game, Winchester. -K'

I laughed. What was he going to do about it? The bunker was warded against all types of magical entry. So even if he did have a magical key, he couldn't get into the bunker, let alone my room. I sat on the edge of my bed, crossed my legs, snapped a picture of my whole chest, and hit send again. 

'Tell me? I'll come to you. And for you. -A'

I could almost hear the low groan. My smile grew more when I finally got a response, this one coming with its own image. The image attached was half taken up by the edge of a table, the rest was of Ketch' jeans, a high tent pitched in the center.

'Stop. I am in a very important meeting. I do not need to explain this as well. -K'

I couldn't help the laugh that came up. Teasing him was more fun than it should be. I leaned back onto my elbows and spread my legs, taking a picture of my sex. I edited and cropped the photo a little before hitting send. 

'Please, sir. I want you. -A'

I laid back on my bed, lazily playing with myself now, waiting for the next response. I didn't have to wait too long. 

'Control yourself. -K'

He was always so demanding. I sat up and snapped another picture, this one of my hand between my legs as I played. I didn't bother with a message this time, just sending the picture.

'Be a good girl and imagine me there. -K'

He didn't have to suggest that. The images of the night before were already playing on repeat in my head. This time I sent a video of me playing with myself, letting my soft moans and panting be heard.

'You're going to get me into trouble. -K'

I played a little longer, pinching and teasing my clit to work myself closer to an edge. I sent a voice clip next. Just the sound of my breathy moans and his name falling from my lips.

'Do that again, I liked it. -K'

I hit record again and laid my phone next to me, using both hands to tease and build until I couldn't go any further. The orgasm crashed over me in a fit of twitches and moans. I panted for a few seconds before composing myself enough to end the recording. I quickly edited it down to just my orgasm before sending it. I also quickly took a picture of my body, now covered in sweat, and sent that too.

'Help me finish next time? -A'

The next response wasn't an answer to the question, it was simply an address and an order.

'Be prepared to meet the devil you've created, love. -K'

Oh good, he'd fallen for the game.

I walked into the map room, duffle bag slung over my shoulder. Sam was sitting at the head of the map table on his computer. He looked like he was both deep in thought and also frustrated about something. He didn't even notice me when I walked up next to him.

"What'cha lookin' at?" I asked, looking down at the screen.

His screen was a mash of several different open web pages. Some looked like ingredients, another looked like it was tracking something across Tennessee, and yet another was open to a lore website on some ritual.

"We've been looking for ingredients for a spell, but they're hard to find." Sam sighed, leaning back and rubbing his eyes. "We've been looking for The Fruit of The Tree of Eden for a week now."

"Have you asked Cas to look for it?" I asked.

"Ya. He has no idea where to even start, apparently, it's a myth even amongst angels. They don't even know what it could be. A pomegranate or an apple, maybe." 

"What else do you need?" I took a look at his screen again. 

"We already have the Seal of Solomon. Had to fight a tentacle monster for it." Sam pointed to one of the pictures on the screen. 

"I bet Dean enjoyed that one." I snickered. 

"Not as much as you'd think, she tried to make him into the host for another god," Sam said, hazel eyes looking up at me.

"Gross. Glad I missed that." I said, scrunching up my nose, "Well I'm heading out to meet my occult friend. Can I pick up anything for this while I'm out?"

"There might be." Sam looked back at the screen, "Where are you going."

"Uhhh.." I checked the address again, "Sioux City, Iowa. Why?"

"Perfect. Think you can get some blood while you're there?" Sam smiled.
