Chapter 4

I stepped out of my car at the motel Sam had sent me to, checking his last text message as I did.

'Amber Inn Motel in Le Mars. Should be about 30min outside Sioux City. Charlie will meet you with the case we sent her on. Room 4.'

I smiled as I recognised Charlie's beautiful old yellow bug outside one of the rooms. I walked up to the door of room four and knocked on the door twice, paused, and knocked three times again. I was almost knocked over when Charlie flung the door open and pulled me into a hug.

"Alex Winchester! If you're not a sight for sore eyes!" The red haired woman lifted me off my feet and squeezed me.

"If you don't put me down you'll be the thing that kills me." I chuckled.

"Right! Sorry." Charlie released me and I dropped back down. "So Sam said you're gonna join me for this hunt?"

"Ya, something about vamps and some priest blood?" I had thought it was a weird combination when Sam had originally told me about it, but now that I'd had time to think about it, it made since for vamps to be connected to anything blood related.

"Yup! Come inside and I'll explain more." Charlie moved out of the door way and ushered me inside the motel room before closing the door.

"So what news do you have on all this?" I asked as I sat my stuff on the far bed.

"Just the usual. Body drained of blood, animal mutilations, missing people." She said as she stepped over to where her laptop was set up.

"So nothing out of the ordinary? How did you know the blood was here?" It was weird to just take a guess and end up in the right spot.

"Well. Partially luck, and partially my brian just doin' it's thing." She smiled to herself.

I laughed, "You'll have to explain, Charlie. I'm not sure I know how your brain works."

She puffed out her cheeks. "Well, you know that vamps usually pick pretty rundown and creepy places to nest up in right?"


"Well, this group has decided to hole up in the local church a few miles outside of town." Charlie looked up at me over the top of the screen.

"A church? I thought they couldn't go onto hollowed ground or whatever." I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Exactly. So how and why are they there?" She mostly asked herself the question. "From what I've seen the church is still active, it's an old Methodist church. They don't even have a website."

"Ok. So vamps in a still active church. Have you looked into the people going to services there? Are they all vamps?" This was beginning to sound like a big nest.

"I did, and they aren't. The nest seems to be fairly small, only around ten vamps that I've seen. And they don't show up during services. I think they hole up below the church during the day."


"Most likely, I think there's an access hatch to it in the main church somewhere." Charlie looked back to her screen, "It's been hard to even find blueprints of this place."

"Really? That seems like something everything has now a days." I fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Ya, I had to go to the library to find the old layouts in their archive." I could hear her sigh.

I smiled, "That sounds like something Sam would like."

Charlie scoffed, "He probably would a lot more than I did. Everything was so dusty and what hot chick goes to the library anymore?"

We laughed together. It felt good to be with her again. It had been a couple years, and after the last incident with the Thoul, I wasn't sure we'd see her again. It had been such a close call after all.

My thoughts of the past were interupted by static from the police scanner on Charlie's laptop. Another body had shownup in town. A twenty-three year old woman had been found next to the dumpsters behind a sports bar. Throat ripped out and body left bloodless.

"You ready to check it out?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Fed threads here we come."

The crime scene was exactly what you'd expect for any normal vampire attack. The body was completely drained of blood, and what was left of the neck was full of pin prick sized holes. We waved our badges to get a closer look at the body, but we didn't really need it. The poor girl was so young.

"It's a shame really." The local sheriff tried to start up a conversation.

"Was she popular? Have a lot of friends or somethin?" Charlie asked him as I pretended to study the body.

"Not really. She was a loner, but she was young. Too young to have died, ya know?" The sheriff shook his head.

"That is a shame." I said, standing up and sticking my hand out towards him, "Ashburn."

The sheriff hesitated for a second before taking and shaking my hand, "Thompson."

"Mullins," Charlie introduced her fake ID, "Was she getting into any new clubs or anything? Any weird people hangin around?"

I appreciated her probing for more questions, but she seemed a little too eager. I gave her a side glance and she smiled apologetically at me.

Thompson gave us a weird look, "Uh. No. I don't think so." He cleared his throat, "Like I said, she wasn't popular but she had a few friends."

"Great, got any names?" I asked.

It took maybe two hours to talk to the two woman we'd been given the names of. And as we suspected, they didn't know anything. The most we found out was that they'd only been friends with the vic because of some bet they'd made in middleschool.

"That's so cruel." Charlie said as we left the last girls house.

"Tell me about it.." I sighed, running my hand across my face.

"They didn't even know the girl! Knew nothing about her." Charlie's face was flushed with annoyance.

I laughed a little, "You don't have to get so worked up about it Charlies. They're just kids." I teased her a little.

"Ya well, kids are cruel." She huffed.

"Ya, ya. Lets just get back to the motel so we can stake out this nest." I said, closing the car door behind me.

We sat in the motel room for several hours going over plans and strategies. We couldn't settle on one thing or another. Charlie wanted to go in and run straight to the blood and get out. I wanted to wipe the entire nest out and rescue whoever was left alive inside.

"Charlie we can't just leave them to keep growing. And there's no way we're just going to get in and out with nothing going wrong. It's a vamp nest!" I said, eyes closed, rubbing my temples.

"If there's anything alive in there it's a vamp and there could be upwards of fifteen of them! There's no reason to risk our lives more by trying to rescue dead bodies and clearing a nest." Charlie was pacing the room.

"Charlie we have to save people!" I looked up at her for the first time in an hour, "That's what we do. We save lives. That's the whole point of this priests blood in the first place! To save people!"

She stared at me with frustration in her eyes. "Fine, but we put each other first. I'm not your brothers, I can't just bargain with death and come back over and over again."


I laid flat on top of a grassy hill, Charlie laid two feet to my right. We weren't far from the church, maybe a quarter of a mile. We'd been here for a couple hours now, staking out the entrance and watching anyone that came and went. It was a short list, 6 people, and so far, no one that had gone in had come back out. Charlie held the binoculars and had them trained on the front door.

"I'm not sure anyone else is coming. They've been still for half an hour now." She said quietly, almost a whisper.

I opened my mouth to answer when the front doos of the church opened. We watched as a man walked out into the twilight air, looked around, and pulled out a cell phone and put it to his ear. We continued to watch quietly as a truck pulled up the path and parked in front of the doors. Two other men jumped out of it and walked around to the bed. They pulled open the hatch and began to struggle with something inside. A few minutes later one of them was holding a limp body over his shoulder and the other was wrestling another out.

"They have gags in their mouths. And their hands are bound." Charlie whispered.

"They look like a couple." I said in a hushed voice.

"Mhm, they must be terrified."

We watched as they were taken into the church, not daring to move until we were sure no on had been left behind outside. I motioned the Charlie and we silently stood up, making sure our machete's and knives were still holstered at our sides. We silently started walking down the hill. The path at the bottom was gravel and making our way across it without making noise was difficult. We made it to the entrance and plastered ourselves flat to either side of it. I looked at Charlie and unsheathed my blade and nodded to the door. She nodded back and stepped away and prepared to open it. She turned the knob and pushed the door open. I slinked inside into the dimly lit interior, eyes wide and looking for anyone. I stood deathly still as my eyes adjusted to the light before waving Charlie inside.

"Jesus…" She breathed.

I nodded in response. The walls and pews of the church were lined with bodies. Some of them starting to decompose. The whole room smelled of blood and decay. There must have been hundreds.

"I thought you said they'd only been here a few months…" I whispered.

"The first recorded kill was two months ago. But they could've started their nest before that and only got caught recently." Her voice didn't hide her shock.

I gave a curt nod before carefully walking forward, deeper into the chamber. It wasn't difficult to miss the bodies, most of the sat in the pews away from the aisle down the middle. We walked to the back of the room in tense silence. We'd made it to the next door when a scream came from somewhere deeper. We froze. I looked back at Charlie. She nodded. I slowly reached for the handle and slid the door open. Thank god the hinges didn't squeak. The door opened to a closet, a small hatch in the floor.

Basement? I mouthed.

Charlie nodded again.

I took a deep breath and squatted in front of the hatch. I ran my hands around the sides, searching for a handle. I found a cold copper ring and lifted it up. The hatch came with it, rising with a slight grinding noise. I cursed under my breath as I opened it fully and looked into the hole. I was expecting it to be dark but what we found was a lantern lit ladder extending to a dirt floor a few feet down.

"Here we go." I said, taking a deep breath before jumping down the hole.

I landed and rolled to the side, taking a stance in the shadows as I waited for Charlie to join me. She didnt hesitate long before jumping down too.

The lantern light stretched down the dirt tunnel, a new one every few feet, only leaving dim shadows inbetween each one. We slunk carefully down the tunnel, taking caution to remain quiet. Soon we came to several wooden doors imbedded in the walls.

"Shit, This place coule be huge." Charlie mumbled.

"There weren't any maps?" I asked.

"Of course not. The only map of the 'basement' showed it as a crawlspace." She went up to the door on our left and put her ear to it. "I don't hear anything."

"Great, I guess we'll start with that one and hope these are…" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence.

Another scream came piercing through the door on our right. It sounded so close. Like they were right behind that door.

"Or we choose that one." Charlie said before rushing over to it.


But she'd already started opening the door. The light inside glinted off of pools of blood on the floor. Several bodies hung from crosses along the walls, troughs of blood below their feet. If I had to guess, most of them were long dead. At the end of the room were several vampires feasting off the young woman they'd just recently brought in. Her hazy eyes focused on Charlie and myself.

"HELP ME!" She screamed, pulling the vampires attention away from her and towards us.

"Five." I counted as the rushed us.

Charlie was already running forward to meet one at the neck with her blade, she cut clean through and sprayed blood over the wall and one of the hanging bodies. A vampire growled in my ear, pulling my focus to it. It got a foot in front of me before my blade separated it's head from it's shoulders. It was still hissing when it hit the floor. The last three ran at us together, teeth bared. Charlie decapitated one with ease before another jumped her and pushed her to the ground.

"Charlie!" I yelled as I sliced through the fourth before running to her aid.

But Charlie had forced her blade through it's neck before I'd gotten close enough to help. The blood spraying across her face and chest. She pushed the dead body off herself and started to stand, breathing heavy.

"You okay?" I asked, extending my hand to her to help her up.

"Ya, didn't even graze me." She said, smiling.

"There should be three more right?"

"I think so, I didn't see anyone else enter." She nodded.

"Good, let's get her down and you can carry her out of here." I more or less ordered.

"What about the rest?" She questioned.

"I can handle three vamps." I started to walk over to the woman hanging up.

Her neck was dripping with fresh blood and her breathing was quick. She was barely conscious. I reached up and freed her hands, letting her fall against me as Charlie untied her ankles.

"Here, you take her and get out of here." I said, handing off the woman to Charlie.

"I'm coming back in." Charlie said.

"No you're not. I can handle them. She'll need medical attention. Take her back to the car and get her bandaged up." I said, ordering again.

"But the other…" She started to protest.

"Will be fine. I'll get him out and we'll both be fine. Just go Charlie."

She looked at me like she wanted to protest more but decided not to after a long moment of silence. "Fine."

"Thank you."

I followed her out the door and made sure she'd started down the hallway before going back to the door on the left side of the hall. I put my ear to it and listened. Charlie was right. It was quiet behind it. I couldn't hear breathing or hissing of any kind. I leaned off the door and went to the next one and did the same. I could hear the faintest sound of feeding behind this one. I took a deep breath before opening the door and heading inside.

It took ten minutes to clear the nest and leave with the man they'd had hung up in the same fashion as the woman. He'd been in a room similar to hers, except for a shrine that was set up in the corner of the room. Each trough had been set up with a tube that fed to the alter, on top of which was a beautiful glass vile of bright red blood. I'd snatched the vile before leaving.

We'd made our way back to the car without any interference and found Charlie and the young woman waiting. The young woman looked more awake now. I helped the man up to the car and into the backseat opposite the woman.

"Everything okay?" I asked Charlie.

"Ya, she's a little spooked but she'll live." She informed me.

"Good. He seems a little better, they hadn't been feeding on him as long." I said, climbing into the drivers seat of the car. "We need to get them to a doctor though."

Charlie nodded and slid into the passenger seat, "Did you ge the blood?"

"Mhm." I pulled the vile out of my pocket and handed it to her, "It was sitting on some sort of shrine. Looked like it was to some old priest. Hoping it's his blood."

" 'Some old priest'? Could you be more specific?" Charlie asked, studying the vile.

"I'll give you details when we get back to the motel room."

We returned to the motel as the sun started to come up. We'd dropped the couple off at the hospital and had stuck around just to give basic information. The couple would do the rest and our fake names would hold up with the police department.

I let out a deep sigh as we entered the room. I was exhausted. I set my machete on the night stand and turned to Charlie. I sucked in a breath when she was right behind me.

"You've been giving me orders all evening." she purred, every sore muscle forgotten. "You're going to continue ordering me around. You'll tell me where to touch, how slow, how long. When you want more." She bit her lip, "And if I like the manner of your asking, I'll do every, single, thing. Until you're too dazed to ask for more."

I whimpered.

Charlie's smile widened. "Would you like that?"

I nodded dumbly.

Charlie reached up and tapped a finger against my throat. Just one, the tiniest defiance, but my pulse leaped beneath it anyway.

"Tell me what you want." Charlie commanded.

My reply was barely a whisper, "You."

Charlie laughed, it was a joyous sound.

I shook my head, trying to clear it. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and lifted my chin to look her in the eyes. "Kiss me."

Charlie smiled sweetly, then brushed her lips over my cheek and away. It was a deliberate tease and it made me growl. A low fierce sound that made Charlie shiver.

"Kiss me, hard." I corrected myself.

Charlie obliged. She wrapped one hand around my neck and pulled my mouth down onto hers. She nipped at my lips until I opened them for her, the she sank her tongue into it and devoured me like a comet screaming down out of the sky, and we only had time for one kiss before the world ended.

I reached forward and slid my hands under her shirt, reaching to undo her bra, but she stepped abc out of reach.

"What next?" She demanded, but the softness of her own voice undermined the commanding tone she was going for. And despite the cooler room, there was already sweat beading up on her skin.

I felt my chest heaving. It wasn't cold enough or my breath to fog up but I imagined Charlie could feel how hot it was even from a foot away. I waved a hand at the bed. "Bed."

Charlie grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed. She pushed me down against it. "Next."

I took a moment to look Charlie up and down. "Clothes."

Charlie pressed her hand against my shoulder. "Your's or mine?"

"Yours." I ordered.

"What do you want me to do with them?" She was teasing again.

"Take them off, Charlie." I growled, "Rip them off, hurry."

Charlie laughed, "This is a nice new shirt, I don't want it destroyed."

"Then I'll do it, slowly." I started with her shirt, listing it high above her head and off. Next went her bra, and then her jeans, and her bright purple panties. Everything came off and was thrown into a heep on the floor next to the bed.

Charlie smiled down at me, her face proud.

My eyes studied Charlies naked form. The room was only lit by the rising sun outside and it bathed her skin in beautiful seas of light and shadow. She ran her hand slowly over her own body, from shoulders to hips. The movement pulled my eyes along with it like a magnet.

Charlie arched an eyebrow at me, "Next?"

My voice was husky when I spoke again. "Mine now. Take them off." I pushed her away from me and sat up. "Please."

Charlie shifted back to look at me. I'd been wearing one of Dean's old red flannels, you could still see some of the bright color as Charlie started to unbutton it. She slowly revealed the long expanse of my upperbody. My shoulders and the dip of my hips only half hidden under my own jeans. She removed my bra after, then pushed herself against my now naked skin. The surprised gasp echoed through my lungs. Her nipples were already hard. I shifted, enjoying the feeling for a moment as Charlies hands slipped down to my waist to unbutton my jeans. I lifted my hips high so she could pull them off one leg at a time, then throwing the clothes on the growing heap. She brought her hands back up and cupped my breasts.

I leaned into her caress. "More." I breathed. "Charlie. I wante more. Harder."

"Good girl," Charlie murmured, "I didn't have to tease you more that time."

She pinched one of my nipples between her fingers. I let out a rather loud moan. I didn't bother to stop it, anyone next door would just have to deal.

Charlie pressed a kiss to my neck, and pitched again. I shook with pleasure, but there as a small guilt that sat in the pit of my stomach. Why did I feel guilty? I pushed the feeling away.

For long minutes under my direction, Charlies hands roamed over my body. The soft lengths of my thighs. The tender skin on my belly, the already slick curls between my thighs. Her other hadn continued to pinch at my nipples every so often uninstructed, just to remind me that she thought she was the one in control.

But soon, Charlie got greedy. "Tell me how you want me to make you cum." She breathed into my ear.

I fell slightly into her, taken aback by her assertiveness. My fingers clenched her arms. I could feel her smile against my shoulder blade.

"I'll get on my knees." I started. My voice was ruined and husky. "Stay behind me, just like that."

Charlie licked her lips. "Move then."

I didn't hesitate. I repositioned myself so that I was completely naked and facing away from Charlie on my knees. I could hear her take a deep breath. I couldn't imagine what she was looking at. My breath caught in my throat when she kissed me. "A little wider." She instructed.

I moved my knees further apart. I was panting now, lust filling my brain still edged with that unknown guilt. Charlie didn't give me time to think about it.

One of Charlie's hands wrapped around my waist and held me tight. The other moved up over my thighs before she slipped two fingers into me. She wasn't gentle about it either, her fingers plunged in and out in a punighingly lustful rhythm. She wasn't teasing anymore.

My will shattered at the fifth stroke.

I moaned and fell forward onto the bed, I could feel Charlie's fingers still inside as I tightened up. But she wasn't done. Charlie leaned forward and licked and kissed me as I soared through the waves of orgasm. It felt like minutes before my body relaxed and I fell completely forward onto the bed. My chest heaved.

Charlie leaned back away from me. "Next?" She was smug.

I flipped over and stared at her. Charlie had a moment to savour the stunned look I know was on my face, before I let my expression harder and the feral feeling that had been building up take over, all guilt forgotten for the moment. "Now you let me do the same to you."

Charlie let out a delighted laugh that turned to a gasp as I pounced on her and pinned her to the bed.