Chapter 30

The ice-cold wind ran its fingers through my hair and over my already chilled skin. There was a deep quiet over the group as we walked. I was sure no one wanted to break it, because if we did, then we'd have to talk about what happened. It was thick and tense, completely void of happiness. The crackle of leaves under our feet echoing through the dead forest was the only sound.

Elly stared at her feet as we continued to walk, her face and hair covered in dirt and drying blood. She'd slung the baseball bat over her shoulder, tense for any other attacks that may come. Her face had gone blank after the tunnel, and she'd avoided my gaze like it was the plague. I couldn't imagine the feelings that ran through her mind. She had known. From the moment we'd gone through the rift, she had known he was going to…what was going to happen in that tunnel. I couldn't begin to understand how hard it had been for her to keep it quiet and not disrupt fate more than she already had. It wasn't fair to her.

"D…Dean?" Maggie spoke the first sound in several hours. "I'm sorry about your friend."

A sting of pain wound itself through my heart and I turned to watch Dean look at her. I was afraid he was going to snap at her, say something he wouldn't mean. But his dead, dark eyes only stared at her, and his jaw stayed tight and locked. He turned back around and continued to walk like she'd said nothing at all. She shrunk back and looked small, dejected.

"He was our brother." I whispered as I passed her, "Keep moving, he'll be like that for a while."

"We're almost there," Elly muttered, sniffling. She still didn't look up from her feet as shifted the pack on her shoulders.

I looked ahead, past Dean as he led our melancholy pack. I started to see wooden boards nailed to trees with different wardings painted onto them. They all looked like standard angel wardings, save for the few I had never seen before. Most likely stronger variants.

"We must be close," Maggie called from behind me, "Or on the outskirts at least."

"I can't…I can't walk any further." Cas said, his voice strained as he tried to move against the magic forcefield. "Their wardings are strong."

Gabe, after watching his brother struggle for a moment, silently walked over to one of the boards, studied it, and ran his angel blade down the center. When that did nothing, he placed his hand against the board. The symbol began to glow red and burn against the board until it was a smoldering black. Cas sighed, stumbling forward as the magic released its hold on him.

There were mere seconds to rejoice before there was movement all around us. People sprang from bushes and from behind trees, all with guns loaded and aimed at our heads. Dean had his own shotgun up and aimed for the nearest before anyone else could react.

"We're not here to fight!" Cas said. I watched the angel, his arms now up in surrender, "We're looking for…" His words trailed off as another figure came over a small hill. A soft easiness filled my chest and Dean's gunlowered. "Mary."

"Castiel?" My mother's sweet voice asked. She took a few steps towards Cas, her soft green eyes filled with confusion and wonder before she spotted us. It was seconds before Dean was in her arms, wrapped in a tight hug. I stood silent, waiting my turn. "How did you find us?"

I was pulled into her arms next. I may have held some animosity towards her when I was a child, growing up not knowing her until she was already dead was hard. And then when she had just appeared back in our lives again last year, things had been strained and difficult. But we had pulled through it and had become stronger for it. And now, I relished in the feeling of her arms wrapped so tightly around me, like a toddler and their security blanket.

I tried not to cry as she held me. I didn't want to cry anymore, I had done enough of that while we walked here. But it felt like such a lifetime since I had seen her. Since I had seen my mother. And she looked well like she had somehow come out of everything she'd been through without a scratch. She'd even managed to keep her hair in those perfect curls she liked so much.

She pulled away from me, a warm smile on her face and in her eyes. I dreaded her next question as she looked over the group. "Where's Sam?"

I caught a glimpse of a tear rolling down Dean's cheek, and I had to stop my chin from trembling as the chasm in my heart opened again. Neither of us wanted to voice it because if we did it would become real. My mouth was dry at the thought. Mary looked over us and nodded.

"Let's go to camp." She said softly, "Remake those wardings!" the call over her shoulder sent two men to work.

She took a hand from Dean and me and pulled us up the hill with her. I could feel the bitter sadness eating away at my chest again, I needed to change to subject. Say anything else to break this tension.

"Mom," I cleared my throat, and motioned with my free hand for Elly to join us, "This is Elly." The young blonde jogged over, "She helped us get here."

"Nice to meet you," Elly muttered softly. I had hoped she would've been a bit more excited, but given the circumstances, I didn't blame her. "I've heard lots about you."

"Oh," Mary said surprised, "That name sounds familiar. Are you that long-distance friend of hers?" She questioned, "I hope Alex didn't drag you into this mess."

Elly's eyes met mine for the first time in hours. "Not at all. I volunteered." She twisted the bat over her shoulder nervously. I smiled a little, that was certainly a way to put it.

Mary stopped in her steps suddenly and raised my hand to her eye level. "Looks like a lot of things have changed since I left." She looked over the ring. It still seemed determined to sparkle, even through the blood and mud. "Who's the ring from?"

"What ring?" Dean asked, leaning around Mom to take his own look. I winced as his eyes rolled, "Were you not going to say anything?"

I could feel the heat pool on my cheeks, "I uh…" I pulled my hand free from hers and shoved it into my pocket, "It's from Ketch. Really not a big deal."

"Really not a big…" Mary stared at me, shock in her eyes.

"Does she not know about…" Elly whispered beside me.

I felt my eyes dart to her with a nasty look before I knew I was doing it. I had never told her the full story of how things had played out in this world compared to hers, but I knew she had to remember that things didn't go ultimately well for him or me. Especially with the mind control and shooting between the eyes.

"Oh…OH! I…Yup, got it." Elly gave a nervous laugh and looked away.

"No," My mother said sternly, "Absolutely not. There is no way I can…"

"Mom…" I grumbled, "I'm a grown woman. I am more than capable of choosing who I'm with."

"He's a psychopath."

I gave a frustrated laugh. This was a year ago all over again. This was not at all how I'd pictured telling her. Or her finding out again. But I was tired of people judging the man I was with for his past deeds. He had changed, in the same way I watched Lucifer change around Elly.

"He's changed Mom," I sighed.

I glanced at movement out of the corner of my eyes, finding Elly wandering up to where Ketch had hung back. She'd leaned up on her tiptoes to whisper something to him. He looked over at us when she was done, a cocky grin plastered on his stupid face. He turned back to her, whispering something that made her laugh in return.

"Did you forget he tried to kill all of us?" Mary continued, "And you put a bullet through his skull. How the Hell is he alive?"

"Simple revival spell," The man of the hour answered before I could. He held his hand out towards Mary. "Nice to see you again. You look to be doing well, Mary." My mother begrudgingly took and shook his hand, "Been a while."

"Odd to see you face up without a bullet in your head." She grumbled, pulling her hand back swiftly, "I don't like this."

"You have no room to talk," I said, folding my arms over my chest, "I wasn't the one who first found him attractive. I just jumped on the horse first."

"Right," Dean interrupted. "Now that all of butt fuck nowhere knows our family history, secrets, and wrongdoings, can we get to camp please?"

"I want to meet Jack," Elly said, a new excitement in her voice.

Mary sighed that heavy exasperated sigh only a mother of three could make. She shook her head again but didn't say another word before starting to walk down the path again. Dean followed closely behind her, like a lost puppy. 

"Don't worry, love. She'll come around." Ketch whispered, leaning down to kiss the top of my head before following after Dean.

"You're so fucking lucky I didn't mention you and Lucifer." I hissed as Ello returned to my side, "The only reason you want to meet Jack is because you'll be his new mom."

"I'm not going to be his mom," She said, her bright smile not hiding the devious nature in her eyes. "Besides, she'll find out sooner rather than later when he shows up here." I stopped in my tracks, grabbing hold of her arm, maybe a little harder than I meant to, "Ow. What? I told you he showed up."

A new smile found its way across my lips, a bright light filling my chest. "You…you said Sam left him here."

"Ya?" Her eyes now held confusion, "And?"

"How can Sam do that if he's dead?" I asked, her face suddenly drained of color, "He comes back doesn't he?"

"Now wait a minute Alex," She lowered the baseball bat from her shoulder and rested it against her leg, "I didn't say…"

"Elly, my brother is coming back. And you didn't tell me!" I smacked her arm, "You little bitch! You didn't fucking tell me!" I hit her again, this time she tried to catch my hand.

"Ow!" Elly hissed, "Stop that."

"You didn't tell me." I smacked her arm once more.

"I didn't tell you because there's still a possibility none of that happens!" She sighed, a hand reaching for her temple. "What was I supposed to tell you? I couldn't get your hopes up and then have it not happen. That would have been even worse for you."

The smile that had been so bright on my face, fell. She was right. Nothing that she saw in that show seemed to be set in stone exactly as she saw it. Small things here and there would change, or some things would change because of my existence, or sometimes big events wouldn't happen at all. It was still a shot in the dark that Sam would come back. She had been right to keep it from me. I felt my heart sink again, back to where it had been before. This wasn't fair on her either.

"Let's go," I said softly, the second wind come and gone now. I started slowly in the direction the rest of the group had gone without us.

I stood back from the rest of the group, leaning up against a rough wooden fence as I watched the others mingle in their own ways. Dean sat alone at a small bench under a few old pine trees, also staring out into the group. Elly had managed to find Jack and looked like she was having a pleasant conversation with him. Ketch had found the camp's patrol leader and was talking to him about the defenses of the place. Gabe and Cas seemed to be in their deep conversation off in the tree line. And Mary had disappeared with another group not long after we arrived to reset the perimeter.

"Alex?" I turned at the soft, yet deep voice and found Cael's bright eyes staring at me. "How are you?"

I looked down, shuffling my feet against the crumbly dirt, "I'm fine." I sighed, "Thank you for helping me in the tunnel. I would have gone after him if you hadn't stopped me."

"I told you that wasn't where you die, as long as the right cards are dealt. Your death will mean more than it would have by being torn apart in that tunnel." Cael spoke, his usual monotone softer than it usual was.

I nodded, not sure how to take his words. I was never sure how to take the lessons he unknowingly taught me time and time again. But I was grateful for him and all that he had done for me. He didn't have to be here, yet he was.

I turned to Cael and gave him a small smile before turning and heading for where Dean sat. I slid into the seat next to him. Dean barely looked over to acknowledge me before returning his stare out to the people we'd added to our family. 

"How are you holding up?" I asked, slowly reaching for one of his hands and taking it in mine.

"I'm going back." He said firmly, taking his hand from mine and shoving both in his jacket pockets. 

"You're what? What do you mean you're going back?" I couldn't gauge his expression when he was like this. It was like staring at a solid piece of cold carved marble. 

"We should get his body. He doesn't deserve to stay in that tunnel." He rose from the bench, grabbing his pack and slinging it back over his shoulder as he did. 

"You can't just leave, Dean." I said, swiftly following him, "What if something happens to you too?" I asked, trying to reason with him. I reached for him, trying to make him stop, but he pulled from my grip. "You're both going to die in that tunnel."

"Not if we both go." He turned back to me, taking my shoulder, "We can handle them now that we don't have so many stupid people to look after."

I searched his eyes, trying to find something to reason with, but only finding the cold depression that clouded the green. I caught Mary entering the camp out of the corner of my eye, grateful for the interruption.

"Mom." I called as she came up to us, "You have to help me keep him from leaving."

"I'm fully capable of handling myself," Dean huffed, "I don't need your, or her permission."

"What on Earth are you two fighting about?" Mary asked as she got closer, brushing dirty blonde hair from her eyes.

I opened my mouth to answer, to tell her Dean's suicide plan, but the ringing of a bell interrupted my thoughts. Everyone in the camp froze, save for several people who raised weapons in the direction of the entrance. Someone or something was coming. The whole camp seemed to be waiting on a bated breath until we could just make out a figure moving through the main entrance. 

Blood-stained jeans, shirt torn to shreds, and then some, blood-stained but completely intact neck, long hair, and blood-spattered face. I couldn't believe my eyes at first as he strode into camp, exhaustion on his face. But Elly had been right. I know she had been right about the possibility of being wrong, but she hadn't been. And now my lungs were empty of air and my chest felt warm and full again. 

"Sam!" Jack called from where he, Elly and now Ketch had been talking. He was the first to acknowledge his existence.

"Sam." I finally whispered, falling to my knees in the dirt and a hand going to my mouth. 

I wasn't sure how else to react in this moment. My body felt so numb, yet so excited at the same time. He was alive. He was here in front of us. Dean raced for him, taking our younger brother into a tight hug before anyone else could move. Mary pulled me to our feet before we walked over to him and took him into our embrace.

"Sam," Dean spoke like he was afraid even his words would shatter him, "What happened?"

I looked over Sam's shoulder, catching Lucifer creeping from the shadows of the gate. His hands rested in his jean pockets, his blue eyes scanning the camp. Elly had been right about that too it seemed. 

"Lucy." I heard Elly say before she raced to him. He caught her in his arms. "You're ok?"

"Peachy, Sunbeam. I'm glad you're safe." Lucifer looked back towards the camp, eyes flickering from face to face until he found Jack. "Hello, son."

"He, uh…" Sam cleared his throat, "He brought me back."

"You wouldn't do that without a reason," Cas spoke up, anger in his voice as he pulled Jack closer to him, "How did you even get here?"

"VIP pass. I'm with the band." Lucifer said cocky smile on his face.

I narrowed my eyes. I didn't like this. He seemed more cocky now than he had been. Something had changed and I was worried it was for the worse. How had he gotten here? He should still be wasting away at the portal, drained of all his grace. And what had happened to Rowena?

"Oh come on. You should all be thanking me!" Lucifer used his free hand to motion at Sam, "I gave Sammy an extra life, I didn't kill Rowena, and I left you silly little rift open. And, I figure since my little bros are such hot messes, you could use my help. I want to join in on the fun."

I looked over at Elly, watching her for any sign of direction or clue. But she looked just as confused and lost as we were. She was torn. She knew what he was like, what he planned to do, or at least a version of it, and yet she held this love for him that fought against her. She seemed so stuck in this situation like she wanted nothing more than to be alone instead.

Lucifer released Elly and took a few steps towards Jack. "Your name is Jack." He said, pointing at the young boy.

"And yours is Lucifer," Jack replies tentatively.

Dean was the fastest to object, "No way! Absolutely not. You do not need ot talk to him." He directed the words at Lucifer, who almost looked truly offended, "And you," Dean turned to Jack, "Don't listen to him."

"He has his grace back," Elly whispered, coming ot my side. She looked small, almost cowering under the weight of the eyes that hadn't left her since she'd hugged the devil. "He should have taken down a group of Michael's angels on the way here. We need ot be careful around him."

"Are you picking sides, Elly?" I asked softly as she hugged her arms around herself.

"As much as I love him," She sighed and looked away from Mary's prying eyes, "I know what's right and what's wrong."

"Are you trying to keep me from my son?" Lucifer's voice rose above our chatter.

"No. He is Kelly Kline's son." Cas clarified in a harsh voice.

"Kill him," Dean's voice had risen in anger, "You have a blade, he's the devil. Kill him."

Lucifer laughed, "He can't. He's too weak."

"Stop!" Jack yelled, "Stop it!"

"You need me." Lucifer stood tall, his words pointed and unwavering, "I'm a perfectly good weapon. You can use me."

I caught Elly bouncing on her toes next to me, biting her lip. I placed my hand on her shoulder, calling her attention to me. I motioned toward them all. If anyone could break up their fight, it was her.

I could see her study my eyes for a moment before she sighed. She walked over to them carefully and slid her hand into Lucifer's, who kept his eyes trained on Jack. But he didn't pull his hand from hers. She pulled on him gently.

"There will be plenty of time to talk about this later," Elly said, trying to break them up. "Please, don't fight." I watched Jack's glowing gold eyes look over the unusual pair curiously. There would have to be a lot of explaining when this was over. "If you want your son, you're going to have to behave."

"I'm just here to help," the fallen angel grumbled, though his stance relaxed. "I can take on Michael. I beat him once already, in case you forgot. You need me."

Elly shot me a desperate look for help. I stooped and carefully pulled a pair of Enochian handcuffs from Dean's pack. I took a few cautious steps towards the group, watching all parties for any signs of surprise violence. But no one seemed ot want to make the first move.

"How about," I tested, announcing myself as if I was approaching a dangerous animal, "Just in case your innate evil overwhelms this newfound wonderful team spirit," Lucifer's eyes trained on me, full of the sarcasm I was used to. "You put these on. You wouldn't mind that would you?"

He took his hand from Elly's and held out his wrist. In the moment, it almost felt like he truly meant what he was saying. Like all he wanted was just a chance to meet his son. Like he had no intentions of betraying us at all. I slapped one cuff over his outstretched wrist, and Elly moved away from him so I could reach the other. I clicked the second closed with his wrists in front of him.

"Is the rift still open?" Sam asked, staying behind Dean as much as he could.

"Ya, for now." Lucifer replied smugly, "I left the redhead with some grace. If you're lucky you've got…mmm…thirty-one hours. Give or take."

"Cas, can you lock him up somewhere? We'll get him out when we need him." I would be lying if I said I hadn't been expecting Elly to object. But she stood silent. "Dean, Sam, let's start planning how to get out of here in one piece. We're going to have to take the mountain pass. I'm not taking anyone back through that fucking tunnel."

Cas took Lucifer by the shoulder, and led him away, Jack close on his heels. As much as I wanted to stop the kid, he had every right to know who his father was. Any kid would want to know about their parents, especially if they happened to be a very powerful supernatural being.

Elly sighed and pressed a few fingers to her temple. Ketch joined us as we came back to the bench Dean had been at, and took Elly's shoulder. He smiled at her and led her away. I sighed. I was fortunate he was here to help. Not only was his military training going to come in handy, but so would the kindness he somehow held when people were down. He always seemed to know how to make a bad situation better. I would never be sure if that was from the trauma he had undoubtedly faced himself, or if this was just the man he truly was under all the brainwashing and torture. But I would always thank him for it. Especially when it gave me a chance to deal with my impulsive, anger-driven family.

"What do we have to work with?" I asked once we all were seated at the table. "Mom, do you know anything? A faster way back maybe?"

Mary shrugged, "We have a bunch of old cars out back. But I have no idea if they run or not."

"I can get them running with some help." Dean said, confidence in his voice, "Better than sitting around doing nothing."

"Great. Sam, can you make sure we have enough supplies to get back?" I asked him. I looked over my younger brother now. In one day, he had died in another world, been brought back by the devil himself, and used as a token piece to achieve some sort of rocky piece. He looked exhausted.

"Ya, I can do that." Sam nodded.

He stood from the table with Dean and followed him back into camp again. I watched them until they rounded the corner of one of the barely functional shacks.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, turning to Mary.

She looked hesitant, her warm yellow-green eyes gazing out into the camp at all the people she had come to know. She didn't want to go. That was plain to see. But she still sighed and nodded before also standing from the table and walking off into camp. Once alone, I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples before leaving the table and following Dean and Sam.

I walked around the corner of the shack they'd disappeared behind and found them standing there, talking quietly.

"What are we going to do about Lucifer?" Dean said, his voice low.

"I'll take care of him," Sam replied.

"Can we talk about this?" I said as I got closer. They both looked at me with dark expressions on their faces, and I knew I wasn't welcome in their conversation. "We can't just get rid of him."

"Look, I'm sorry about Elly." Sam said, folding his arms over his chest, "But we all know what he's capable of, especially at full power. He has to be taken care of."

"You can't just take him from her. It's not fair." I tried defending my friend.

"This isn't up for discussion, Alex," Dean said sternly. "She's just going to have to get over it."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I admitted. I turned away from the with a sigh, ready to head back to camp when another thought crossed my mind, "Just remember what she can do with a gun. She's not the same girl I brought here." I said without turning to face them again, "She's been through more in a few months than any normal person needs ot in their lifetime. She won't just shut up and agree with this. She's stronger than that."

"What do you think they're talking about?" Ketch asked as we watched Lucifer and Jack from a distance.

Cas had talked to Jack. And when they were done, explained to the rest of us how Jack wanted to talk to his father. So we'd allowed it, with supervision. It had been pointless to try to convince Jack otherwise, he was stubborn and had already made up his mind.

"About Lucifer," Elly muttered, taking another bite of the hot stew that had been tonight's dinner. She exhaled sharply, her teeth clenched as she tried to cool her food before swallowing. "They're talking about how he isn't as bad as everyone thinks. And about Kelly."

"You ok with that?" I asked her, taking a small bite of my food, careful of the warmth after watching her.

"It's not like I have any room to speak. She was a great woman, and she has a wonderful son. And we probably won't be together forever." Elly shrugged, pushing her bowl aside. "I'll have to go back to my world soon enough, and he can't come with me. As much as I'd rather stay here, I know I can't."

I patted her back softly, "We'll get you home soon. We should have enough grace between Lucifer and Gabe to open another rift. We just needed the how, and now that we have one, it won't take long." I looked back up and continued to watch Lucifer and Jack talk. "Now what are they talking about?"

"About the wrong that he's done, and how for the past few centuries he's been in the cage and hasn't been able to do anything good or evil." She leaned forward onto her hands, "He just wants to be better."

I leaned against Ketch, using him for support as we watched on. It had been an exhausting couple of days and I was finally letting myself feel the pull from it all. It was like life had decided to put me through the wringer twice over.

"Everyone deserves a chance to change," I said, keeping my gaze on the devil and his son.

I felt Elly's cool blue eyes wander over me, "You really think he's changed?"

I smiled, "I believe he loves you. And if I've learned anything in that regard over the last few months, it's that love changes people." I knew the truth behind those words. Never in my life would I think of finding myself here. I never thought someone could go from something I used as an occasional escape from reality, to something I didn't want to live a single day without. And I was beginning to believe that Elly had done the same to Lucifer. "If he hasn't, then you know where the gun is and how to use it," I said, teasing her a bit.

"You know a bullet wouldn't hurt him." She said, smiling.

"No, but it's funny to watch," I said, laughing a little at the mental image I could all too easily create.

My eyes followed the movement back to Jack and Lucifer as they parted ways. It seemed their conversation was done. It looked like it had ended on good terms too.

"That was quick. What did Lucifer say?" I asked Elly.

"I…I'm not sure. Dean was supposed to interrupt them, but he's busy fixing up the cars with Bobby." She sounded lost.

Jack walked over to the table, his grey eyes locked on Elly as he took a seat next to her. "You're with my dad?" He asked, more as a matter-of-fact point rather than a true question.

"Is that a problem?" Elly inquired.

Jack tipped his head to the side, "Then, you think he's good. Right?"

Elly blinked at the question, at a loss for words. I watched them with a small smile, curious as to what she'd say. "I…well." She ran a hair through her long blonde hair. She looked to me for help, but I shook my head. "I think…he's trying very hard ot be a better person. Only time will tell." She finally got out.

"What do you think of him, Jack?" I asked, patting Elly's shoulder.

"I…I think he can be good." Jack said, cocking his head to the other side, "But I don't believe he's fully changed. A person can not change who they once were." He paused, seeming to take a moment to think over his words. "Especially if they were that person for a very long time."

"Just give him time," Ketch offered, almost sounding like a father giving advice, "I'm sure he'll come around eventually."

"He's Satan. How can one just 'come around' from that?" Jack offered in return.

We sat silently for a moment, all taking in his point. And of course, he had a point. But I knew we had one too. Lucifer had already changed who he was for Elly. There was no denying that. If he did end up being one of the bad guys again, then we would deal with him just like we had time and time again. Elly would be heartbroken, and I would be sending home an empty shell of a girl I used to know, but it would be what it was. Something you just really couldn't fix.

Dean approached as we sat silently, covered in grease and other car fluids up to his elbows. "I got some of the cars up and running. A jeep and an old Ford. We should be able to use them to get back to the rift before it closes." He said when he was close enough, "But we should leave sooner rather than later just to make sure."

"Let's go then." I said, standing from the table, "Everyone check your packs and meet us at the border of camp in ten minutes. I'll go find Mom and Sam if you can find the angels, Dean."

Dean nodded and went off to find them, wiping his grease-covered hands on his jeans as he went. I took in Elly, Jack, and Ketch. They were all small pieces of a growing family, and I couldn't be happier with them. But there would be time for such thought once we were home. And first, we had to get there.

I watched Sam and Dean as everyone else began to gather around us. They stood closer together than they usually did. It was something they always did when one of them died and came back. I knew it was because they weren't as numb to it as I was. It was good that they weren't. 

I looked on at the group that approached us, Mary leading the way. I hadn't ever been sure if I should be calling her 'mom' or not. She had only ever been in my life for a few weeks before going back to John and little Dean. And even after she'd died and come back, it had only been a month or so before she had been kidnapped by Michael. I didn't feel like I knew her at all. Yet I held this love for her. I looked at Jack, the young Nephilim who still had so much to learn about the strange world he had been so suddenly brought into. He was so innocent, and he had been forced to grow up so quickly to not get squashed in our world. 

I let my eyes find the angels next. Gabe, Cas, Cael, and Lucifer. Each one carried their own weight in scars from the time they'd spent around my family. Gabe had 'died' more than once. Cas was in love with my brother, a love that could only end in early heartbreak for him when Dean inevitably died before him. I owed Cael my life for several of the things he had done for me. And Lucifer owed me his life for the new love that was currently the only thing keeping him alive. What a strange bunch we were, to have things that are so much more powerful than us, save our lives over and over again.

I found Ketch next, my fingers beginning to play with the ring that sat just right on my finger. He had changed for me. He was no longer the psychopath we had met a year ago when he had shot a grenade at us. He was no longer the killer whose only goal was to end our lives. He was no longer the young British man I had first met so many years before in a random bar in New York. I smiled at the man he had become since then, and the changes we had gone through together.

I smiled as I found Elly last. She had changed so much in the few months since I had dragged her into this life. Most of the changes seemed to be good ones, though I still held deep guilt in my chest for the new traumas she would walk away with. All because of me. I had forced her through so much shit, and she had come out the other end alive each time. As far as I was concerned, she was stronger than anyone else here. And I was the reason they were all still here. I was the reason things weren't going the way they had in Elly's eyes.

I shook my head as the rest of our group joined Sam, Dean, and me. I could spend time with my melancholy thoughts later, once we were safe at home. After our final battle was won we could all take a breath again. Even if that day never truly came.

"Right." I cleared my throat. "Seating has already been decided. Sam, Dean, and I will be in the Jeep. Lucifer, Cael, and Gabe will be coming with us. The rest of you will be in the Ford." I threw the keys to the truck at Ketch, trusting him to know how to drive it. I watched as he immediately handed the keys off to Elly.

I questioned it for a few seconds before Dean began to speak next, "We're taking the path around the mountains." He said, gesturing to a map he'd found in the camp and laid out on the hood of the Jeep, "It'll take roughly two hours but it's the quickest way around." He drew a line with his finger along the path, "Everyone should keep their eyes open, angels could dive bomb us from any angle and I'm not willing to lose anyone again." Dean handed out small magazines filled with silver bullets, "These are angel killing. Special made. Not sure what exactly makes them work, but they do the job. Everyone load up and be ready."

After his speech was done, we all took our places. I waited for Sam to jump into the passenger seat before taking hold of the outside handle and planting my feet on the running board. It had been the only way we could think to make sure everyone fit, and I was the only one willing to risk hanging on. I looked inside the window as Dean jumped into the driver's side and Cael and Gabe flanked Lucifer in the back seat. I nodded when they were set, Dean's shotgun ready in my hand and arm slinked around a bar to keep steady. He nodded back and I looked over to the other car. Elly was sitting happily behind the wheel of the large truck. I waved with the hand that clutched the shotgun, and she gave me a thumbs up. We were ready to go home. I gave Dean the signal and he started up the engine.

The Jeep jolted forward and we started down the path, leaving me completely alone with my thoughts as we whipped through the forest. And they came flooding back with little resistance.

Mary had been so hesitant to leave. She wanted to stay and help the survivors as much as she could. But they had insisted she leave and that they could handle themselves. Eventually, she had caved and was now safely in the truck.

But Jack. He had been nothing but chatty Cathy the entire time we were getting ready. He had asked Elly and Lucifer a multitude of questions until they had been separated into different cars. I had no doubt he would continue to ask Elly things though. It was a lot for a twenty-three-year-old to handle. He was so curious and she was still so naive about this world, it was almost perfect that he'd bonded with her so quickly. It had to be odd for her.

I took a deep breath as the forest flashed by, gripping the aluminum beam as tight as I could. I stared out into the forest. It looked just like the ones at home, save for the same beige color everything here seemed to have. Why was I trying to compare it to home? I should remain positive. We were going to make it through this and then the rift. We were going to be fine. Michael was going to be trapped here and we could get Elly home and set everything back to how it should be.

She could go back to her normal life. Find a good guy who wasn't the literal devil. She would be happy with that. And her mom would be there to help her get back into her studies and finish college. It was something I was a little jealous of. It was something I was sure I'd never be able to experience.

I didn't remember if we had ever talked about what she was trying to become. She had been trying to finish a general degree when I'd pulled her away from it. She had wanted a good boring job, but I knew none of that would appeal to her now. Not now that I had shown her this whole new world of monsters and hunting. It was the same for every normal who became a hunter. They became addicted to it. It became part of their blood. And on top of that, she had fallen for Lucifer, who I knew from prior experience was a different drug. He was charming, manipulative, and funny in all the best ways. He would treat her like a queen if she let him. I knew she would be able to take care of herself just fine. I didn't need to worry about her anymore. But that small part of me still did and always would.

The time seemed to drag on as my thoughts continued and we grew closer and closer to the rift. My fingers had long grown numb from clasping the metal bar and the cold wind that rushed against it. We had to be fairly close now, and nothing bad had happened. It struck me as odd now that I thought about it. When had been the last time such loud machines had come roaring through these mountains? The motors echoed loud through the quiet forest, there was no doubt they knew where we were.

Thunder rolled through the trees and dark clouds covered the sky. But as we rounded a corner, we could finally see the flickering gold light of the rift. Dean pulled up to the side of the path and turned the car off. I hopped down from the railing, shaking out my numb fingers as Elly pulled up behind us in the truck.

She hopped out and I watched as Cael and Gabe pulled Lucifer from the back seat. He was still cuffed, a good sign. I was startled a little when Ketch pulled me in quickly, giving me a rather chaste kiss.

"Let's get home. I miss sharing a bed." He smiled at me, silver eyes twinkling before walking away to join Sam and Dean.

"I don't like this." Elly muttered as she wandered over to me, adjusting her bag over her shoulder, completely with her new baseball bat. "It feels too easy."

"We'll be fine. We're going to get home and then we'll get you home. I promise." I said, taking her hand.

"This isn't like the episode." She said softly, blue eyes turned to the sky.

"Had this been anything like 'the episode'?" I asked, trying to follow her gaze.

"Bits and pieces?" She said, "I like this better than the show."

"Well, that's good. I like it better too." I said, smiling.

"It's closing!" Sam called to us, "Hurry up!"

I dropped her hand as we turned to him, and we both broke into a light jog to catch up. We passed Gabe, we had stopped, and looked behind us.

"Angels!" He shouted, the cry causing us all to turn, various weapons ready.

In a blink, the dozen of wings that had come for us were nothing but dust falling to the ground. I turned to Lucifer first, his hand outstretched towards the new ashes, still cuffed. I watched as the metal turned red hot around his wrists and fell off into a pool on the ground.

He inhaled through his teeth, "Ya. About the cuffs. I knew they wouldn't hold, but I didn't want to step out of line and cause any drama. So I played along." He twiddled his fingers as he smiled like a jackal. He laughed nervously, looking around at the disapproving faces. "You're welcome. Jeez. Don't all say 'thank you' at once."

"Ge through the rift," I turned back towards the golden strip of reality.

I watched as everyone took their turn to walk through it, back home. Ketch was first, followed by Jack and then Mary. Cas took a second to share a look with Dean before going through after Gabe, who seemed in a hurry to be out of the firing line. Cael was the next to go, as cautious as ever. Dean followed him through, gun forward and still at the ready. I met Sam at the rift, taking his shoulder gently before he stepped through. I smiled sadly at him.

"We wanted to go back for you. We…" I trailed off, losing the words I thought I had known.

"I know. We would have done the same for you." Sam smiled, "Go through and take Elly. I'll…"

We were interrupted by something as it impacted the dry dirt. We blinked the dust out of our eyes to find more angels, at least ten of them this time. Another central blast kicked up more dirt, this time bringing Michael with it. His wings fluttered in the dust until it settled again.

"Fuck!" I turned ot Sam, "Go!"

"I'm not…" I wasn't going to give him the chance to argue.

"I am not going to lose you again!" I said, grabbing his arm and pushing him into the rift. I turned back to Elly and then looked at the rift again. It was only a sliver now. Who knew how many seconds we had left. "Come on Elly!" And Michael was so dangerously close. "We need to go!"

Elly looked at me and the distance between herself and the rift, a clear decision in her eyes. A decision I knew I wasn't going to like. In another second, her hands struck my chest and I was falling through the closing rift. I fell through onto the floor of the bunker, my back colliding hard with the cold tiles. When I looked back up, the golden tear of the rift fluttered. I got to my feet, fighting against vertigo to reach it before it closed and save her.

"No!" I yelled, my fists coming up empty and slamming against the hard wall. "Elly!"