Chapter 31

Elly POV

I was staring at my hands, now covered in dirt and crushing the moist leaves underneath them. I could feel the leftover moisture from the rain soaking into my knees. What had I just done? What the FUCK had I just done! I fell back onto my heels, hands going to my head before I jumped up and spun around. Just in time to see Lucifer snap his fingers and dust the angels that had come with Michael. The silvery dust floated to the ground in piles, leaving only Michael in his long dark coat.

This worlds Michael was dark-skinned. His black hair was shorn close at the sides and short on top. The slight beard he had on his face was just as dark as the wicked smile he wore on his lips. His eyes had been dark brown when he'd landed, but now they glowed a marvelous teal blue. 

He clicked his tongue, "Oh dear Lucifer." The air around Michael seemed to crackle with electricity. "Do you want to do this again, brother?"

Lucifer took a step forward, a step between the other archangel and I, a step that was ready for a fight. I could feel the panic in my blood before it was overwhelming my brain. I knew Lucifer couldn't take on Michael. Sure, he had most of his grace back, but he wouldn't be able to keep up. My hands moved without me telling them to, and drew my gun from its holster. Dean's voice echoed in my head. These are angel killing.

I took the shot. Quick, uncalculated, filled with fear as the noise fractured the air around us. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, not remembering ever shutting them, and found the bullet frozen in mid-air, mere inches from Michael's nose. His hand was up, a deadly smile on his face as he held the bullet there in thin air. He looked around it at me, glowing eyes sharing the same crooked grin.

"Nice shootin', sweetie." He slowly closed his hand and the bullet turned red and melted away. "I think you might even be the best I've seen."

I took a glance at Lucifer, his blue eyes wide and staring at me. He hadn't known I could shoot a gun, and probably thought I wouldn't have been brave enough to try. I looked away from him, focusing on my target again and pulling the trigger once more. And again, the bullet stopped with a simple wave of Michael's dark fingers. He wasn't smiling this time.

"It was cute the first time." He waved his hand again, and the gun in my hand became incredibly hot. I cried out, dropping the thing before it turned to molten metal in my hand. "Now, is this really how you want to do things?"

I was ready for the fight that I knew was undoubtedly ahead of us. I knew the odds of me making it out alive were slim to none. But I would do everything to keep him out of their world. Anything to keep them safe. And if that meant dying here, then so be it.

"We can help you get through." Lucifer's voice was desperate. He didn't want to die here either.

I couldn't help the look I threw at him. What the Hell was he doing? Offering a way for Michael to fuck up another world? I knew that in the show it had been to save his skin, but now, he was standing between me and the deadly angel. This wasn't for his gain anymore, he wanted to keep me safe. And his words had caught Michael's attention. The dark angel's head tilted to the side and he strode effortlessly up to Lucifer, his dark eyes burning.

"I...I saw how they made it. It's a pomegranate, some blood, a glowing rock. And the spell, I know the spell! It's…it's.." Lucifer swallowed hard, "Kuth…Kuth something."

"Koth Munto Notox…" I repeated from where I stood. 

Both angel's attention snapped to me. Lucifer's blue eyes begged me not to say anything more, but Michael's smoldering spheres demanded I say more. He shoved Lucifer to the ground and stepped over his body. His hand was around my neck before I could regret the words I'd said, my back pushed up against the rough bark of a tree.

"You know the spell." It wasn't a question. It was a demand for the correct answer.

I struggled to nod against his cold fingers as they bit into my throat, "I know the spell." 

I looked at Lucifer over Michael's shoulder. Every muscle in his body read the same. He wanted to do something to get Michael away from me but was terrified of any outcome that could hurt me more. He was frozen. I turned back to Micahel, who wore a new smile on his face.

"Let's hear it then, sweetie." He almost growled.

"The spell requires," I pulled against his hand, fighting for more air, "the Blood of a Most Holy Man, Fruit of the Tree of Life," I took a breath, "the Seal of Solomon and an archangel's grace." The air I had just pulled in was expelled as his grip tightened.

"Let her go," Lucifer's stern voice said as he came over and placed his hand on top of Michael's. He pulled it from my throat, and my lungs rejoiced. "We'll help you, but you don't get to touch her, understood?"

"Why should I listen to you?" Michael scoffed, "I have the spell now." he took several steps back, "I don't have any need for you anymore."

"There's a last ingredient." I coughed, pushing myself from the tree and into Lucifer, who stood protectively between us again. "And only I know it. Lucifer doesn't" Lucifer looked back at me, his eyes tinged red with his power and the warning to stay quiet, "I won't tell you until you have all the other pieces.

Michael's grin fractured for a second before returning swiftly and he laughed. "I see why you like this one, Lu. She's not just some dumb human." He laughed more, his eyes coming back to me, "I can always torture it from you."

"Been there, done that." I got out, regretting the words as soon as they left my mouth. 

I shouldn't be antagonizing him. It was only going to make things much much worse. He didn't need us. If he was serious about the torture, then he would just dispose of us afterward and use something off of us to complete the spell. Something from the world you're trying to go to.

"Fine. I'll play your game." There was a regal air about the psychotic angel as he moved closer to us again, his coat fluttering behind him. "You're going to help me find everything we need." He stuck a well-maintained finger into Lucifer's chest. "And you." He focused his eyes on me again, reaching out towards me. "Know that if you're lying to me, I will…" His words were broken as Lucifer shoved his hand away from me. Michael looked between us and scoffed. "Oh, Lu. You always did make your favorite playthings far too obvious. So let me make something perfectly clear."

I jumped, a hand shooting to my mouth to cover the cry I let out as Michael punched Lucifer in the gut. It sounded like a gunshot. I watched as Lucifer crumpled to the forest floor, blood bursting from his mouth as he gasped for air.

"I have the leverage here," Michael said.

I stumbled back as his hand reached for me again. My back hit the tree again as his cold fingers pressed against my temples. A scream tore its way from my lungs. Something you were only supposed to hear in horror movies. My eyes widened and my pulse quickened, my heart thudding so hard against my chest I was sure it would rip itself free. The scream found its way free again, desperate, terrified, and so very human.

He'd put something in my head. Something crawled around in my brain like a sickening worm. It was hotter than a branding iron. I wanted to rip and tear at my skin until I fell apart. I wanted to run, but my body was held perfectly still by this white-hot pain. The pain increased in waves, small lulls would give false hope to an end, only for another wave of shattered glass to rip through again. Each peak robbed me of the ability to speak, eventually my throat was too raw to even scream. It spread through my blood as if it had become acidic, intent on destroying me from the inside out.

And then, just as quickly as it had started, it ended. I was left on the forest floor, a heap of a human, only the sound of crunching leaves in my ears. I could feel hands searching over me, fingers searching for a pulse just above the cold numbness of my body. I didn't notice I was crying until the hot tears pooled on my nose.

"I'm sure you understand what I mean now, Lu. Right?" I could hear the smirk in Michael's voice.

"Elizabeth…" Lucifer breathed, pulling me from the ground and into his lap. The world spun as he turned me face up. It was sickening to look at. I lazily met his grey-blue eyes, and he smiled, "Are you ok?" I nodded slowly. His warm hand caressed my cheek before he turned back to Michael. "Ya, I get it."

"Now I'm sure…" Michael continued, now pacing in front of us. "You know how to find all the parts of this spell, right?"

Lucifer looked lost for words. I could see the fight on his face as he decided what the best course of action was going to be. I wasn't sure how they'd done it in the show, that had all been from Sam or Dean's perspective mostly. So anything like this, I was lost. But I knew he didn't know as much as he was letting on. He had always seemed so confident and all-knowing, but he ended up just like everyone else. Faking it until everything worked out in his favor.

"I know I have a priest or saint held up somewhere that's not dead yet." Michael continued, oblivious to Lucifer's thoughts. Lucifer took the opportunity to focus on me again, his blue eyes full of worry as he searched my face. His hands softly roamed as much of me as he could reach, testing for broken bones. "So that's the blood taken care of. And the tree of life. You probably know where that is."

Lucifer's eyes closed and his tongue darted out to wet his lips. I knew he was afraid. There was no doubt he was terrified that if he didn't give Michael the answer he wanted, the crazed angel would harm me again. But he also didn't know where any of those things were.

"S…Syria," I answered, my voice weak and scratchy. Lucifer's eyes opened with a new sadness in them. "There's a tree there. Guarded by a pack of Djinn. The fruit looks like pomegranates."

"Pomegranates, huh?" Michaell laughed. "Isn't that what you fed poor Eve? Right before she gave it to Adam and doomed them both?"

"Yes," Lucifer hissed, his vision still focused on me.

"Well, isn't that interesting?" Michael taunted. "Do I even need you around, Lucille? She seems like the only one I need. She knows the spell, and where to find the ingredients, and she'd be a fine target for any wayward monsters." I could hear his steps crunch on the leaves as he walked. "She's even got enough fire in her spirit to take a shot at me. She could more than handle being the one to come with me."

"I…I…" The devil stuttered. Lucifer gave me a sad smile and finally turned his attention back to Michael, "You're right. You don't need me after all."

I felt my heart skip a beat as my eyes widened. He couldn't give up like this. I needed him. He was the only thing left in this world that would keep me sane. He was the only thing that felt right here. I couldn't do this without him. I wouldn't survive Michael without him. I looked him over, trying to find something in his face that was bluffing. But there was nothing. I dropped my eyes to something that shone at his waist. An angel blade tucked into the waistline of his pants. I reached for it, pulling it to me faster than he could reach for it. I pulled it against my neck, staring Michael down.

"He stays." I tried to make it demanding, but I know my voice still shook ever so slightly. The angel's dark eyes watched me with curious delight. "If you even think about hurting him, I'll kill myself and you'll never know the last ingredient or where to find the others. You can't get back without me, and I am not losing him."

"Elizabeth…" Lucifer warned, reaching his hand towards mine and the blade. I clutched it tighter.

"You've still got fight in you, sweetie." Michael laughed, "I like you. Maybe I'll make you my queen. Wouldn't Heaven be more comfortable to rule than Hell?" I stared the best daggers I could at him. His snickering stopped and he tilted his head to the side. "Stop playing around now, sweetie. We all know you won't do that. There's no point in an empty threat."

I knew it was now or never. I had to prove I was serious, or he would just continue to taunt us, or kill Lucifer. I had to save this poor fallen angel that had saved me. He was like my own Cas or Cael, and I wasn't about to lose him. So now it was my turn to protect him.

Lucifer's hand jumped for the blade as I pulled it tight against my neck. I stopped my hand, but a trickle of blood had already started to drip down the side of my neck. Michael took a quick step forward, a hand outstretched, light blue light swimming around it as if he'd planned to stop me.

"Alright. No need to be hasty." Michael said hesitantly, taking another step closer. "We have our terms. I think we both understand each other. Put the blade down, sweetie."

I released my hold of the blade, Lucifer instantly snatching it from me and throwing it to the dirt. I knew he wanted to yell at me and tell me how stupid I was being. I knew he wanted to be mad at me, it was in his eyes. He wanted to shout and yell and tell me to never do anything like that again, but it was also clear that he knew why I had just done what I'd done. I had bought us time, and we desperately needed that. We would make it out of here. And we would be smart about it. We would play this game Michael wanted to play, and we would be the victors. This was not a fight I was going to lose. Not now.

I shakily got ot my feet, ignoring the sticky red blood that was going to stain yet another shirt. I would be strong through this. I would never let this angel see me break. I refused to.

"I'll give you the location of the next ingredient after you've got the first few." I offered, "Lucifer will help you."

"I'm what?" Lucifer asked, raising to his feet behind me, "Eliz…"

"You are not something he can get rid of." I said loud enough for both to hear, "I might be good with a gun, but I'm not much help anywhere else. Lucifer will go with you. And then I will give you the next one."

"And what will you be doing in the meantime, sweetie?" Michael asked, his arms folding over his chest. The air was crackling dangerously around him again, "I'm not going to leave you to your own devices. You're too smart for that."

"Then I'll help as much as I can. Get me a new gun, and I'll go too." I stated. There didn't feel like another option. He wasn't going to let me out of his sight, especially not now that I had tried to kill myself. 

"You're not going anywhere near those monsters," Lucifer said softly, "You're being ridiculous. We'll find another way."

Michael clicked his tongue, "You finally find something worth protecting, Lucia? I'll give it to you, you know how to pick them." Michael's eyes trailed over me, the hunger in them sickening and making me feel small. "She'll be coming with us. I'm not leaving her alone and I don't trust her around my angels. As for you…" He was next to Lucifer before I could blink, a hand resting on his brother's shoulder. "Your vessel is in tatters. It's old, useless, and reeks of demons." Michael's nose scrunched in disgust. "You're abilities have outgrown it."

I looked at Lucifer curiously. He hadn't mentioned anything about being weak or falling apart. Had he hidden it that well? How long had he been hiding it? I was sure Crowley had fixed it, but maybe the spells effects were only temporary, or not as strong as the demon had hoped for. Nick hadn't been his true vessel anyway. Alex had said she had been in this universe.

"You went down far too easily with that punch. We need to fix that, don't we brother?" Michaels mocked his brother.

My hands went to my eyes instinctively as a blinding light came from the angels. Dean's jacket helped to hide some of the light as I pulled it up. When the light subsided and I could look back at them, I could only stare. Lucifer had soft, tousled dirty blonde hair that now fell in front of his eyes. And those eyes. They were a mesmerizing deep blue sea that silver flecks swam through. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eyebrows that furrowed in surprise and confusion. His usually playful smile was a hard line across his face, stern yet concerned. It was still him. Still, the Lucifer I had fallen in love with. Still Nick's vessel, but so much younger, so much more full of life.

"There we go. That'll hold you better." Michael muttered, "You said Syria, right?" He snapped his fingers, and I stumbled into Lucifer. He caught me and held me in place, his new arms stronger than they had been before.

Again, I could only stare at our new surroundings. We were no longer in the forest. I stared out across the vast open space. We stood at the top of a ridge, overlooking a never-ending sea of rocky land. Closer to us, below the cliffside, was a single tree that held green branches that twisted high into the desert air. A breeze blew dust around us, the air hot and sticky. I could see dozens of Djinn around the tree, their tattoos shining bright in the sun as if they were all brand new.

"Here's the plan," Michael said, staring down at the Djinn below. "Lu and I will go down there and get the fruit. And you…" He turned to me, his dark skin caught the light in an oddly beautiful way. "You will stay up here and take out any Djinn that try to overrun us."

I looked at him, confused. "With what?"

Michael rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, an impatient annoyed sound. A sleek, long-barreled sniper rifle appeared next to us all on the edge. Its matte black barrel barely reflected the harsh sun, and it led to a sand-colored body. Its stock was covered with a silicone butt and the top was adorned with a matching sand-colored scope. The whole thing sat on a tripod and was already aimed down at the monsters.

"I'm not a sniper," I said softly.

Michael growled, "Well. If you want you dear Lucy-Lou to live, you will be." It was a threat, blatant by the blinding smile he gave, "Lu, come with me." Michael started towards a downward slope and I glanced at Lucifer. 

"We'll make it through this," His younger face was still new and shocking. He stole a quick kiss from my lips, "Shoot straight. Hit Michael if you want to." I knew he was trying to tease me but now didn't feel like the time for such pleasantries. He gave a sigh when his name was called from further down the slope. He headed towards the sound

"Lucifer!" I called. The fallen angel stopped and turned back to me. His now loose-fitting clothes blew in the wind. "I love you."

A new determined light filled his eyes and a bright smile came to his face. "I love you too, Sunbeam." With that, he turned from me again and followed Michael down the slope and to where the tree waited.

I hesitantly moved to the gun, not wanting to take my eyes off him for fear it would be my last look. I lowered myself down to the ground behind it, trying to get into the best position I could across the sun-scorched earth. I had never really used a rifle before, but I was confident I could figure it out. I had watched my dad shoot them when I was young. I could do this.

I looked over it and found the hammer and the safety. I released the safety and pulled back on the hammer carefully, the satisfying click of a bullet lining up with the chamber came with it. I slowly slid the hammer forward again, chambering the round. I pressed the butt of the gun against my shoulder and looked down the scope.

What the fuck was I doing? I wanted to scream. This wasn't me. It was one thing to go hunting when these things were causing problems and hurting innocent people. But this wasn't that. Michael was going to slaughter every one of these Djinn and I was supposed to help. But I couldn't do anything to fix it. I sighed, the best thing to do now was to aim for the heads of the Djinn and hope for the best. 

I groaned, watching as Lucifer and Michael came into the Djinn's view. Several jumped from where they'd been stationed and ran for the angels. With a wave of his hand, Michael sent them flying. Lucifer simply followed his lead. I knew he had to disagree with this as much as I did.

Then I saw the few that were coming from behind them, and I knew I had to do something. Anything. My finger took its place on the trigger and I held my breath as I pulled it back. The kickback was more than I had expected and the gun slammed into my shoulder. I hadn't been holding it tight enough. I winced and relaxed again, knowing there would be a bruise there later. 

But I'd hit the Djinn like I'd wanted to. It was still alive, but clutching its leg. If I could just keep them down, or slow them down, maybe I wouldn't feel quite as bad. The next few shots were easier, hitting the legs of a Djinn that came too close. They all crumpled to the ground.

Before I knew it, Michael was at the tree. I watched as he shoved a Djinn out of the way as another jumped onto Lucifer's back. Another shot, another bruise, and Lucifer was free. I aimed the gun back towards the tree and fired again. Michael jumped, pulling his hand back as the bullet ricocheted off the bark. It hadn't gone where I'd wanted it to in the slightest. I could feel his dark eyes curse me through the scope. I was quick to line the shot up again and breathe deep before taking another one. This one hit its mark. I could hear the crack of the tree branch echo up the slope as it broke, dropping the fruit within Michael's reach.

"You better watch your aim, sweetheart." Michael hissed, throwing me to the forest floor. 

He tossed one of the fruits into the air, catching it again as Lucifer raced over and helped me back to my feet. He reached a hand out to me, keeping mine in his as I stood. He pulled me back against him as I tried to take a step towards Michael, my blood reaching its boiling point.

"Where's the next ingredient?" Michael smiled at me.

I clenched my teeth, ignoring the blood that ran down my elbow now. I was too far pissed to feel the pain anyway. "You killed them. Every last one of them." I hissed, again trying to move against Lucifer's grip, but he held me firm.

"Look, sweetie, I know you were trying very hard to be all heroic and whatever, but that's not really my style." Michael sneered, "Ingredient, please. Don't make me ask again."

"Go to Hell," I hissed.

Micahel chuckled, nodding. "As much as I love your fire, you need to learn your place."

A bright ball of light appeared in his hands and he threw it towards me. There was a tug on the jacket and I was being thrown to the side, Lucifer taking the full blow instead. It knocked him off his feet and threw him to the ground with such force it would have broken his back if he were human. Lucifer groaned and coughed as he curled into a ball. Still alive.

Michael laughed, "That was sweet, ya know? Really something, Lu."

I jumped in shock as the angel appeared next to me. Micahel snatched up my wrist and twisted it behind my back. A sharp sickening pain radiated down my arm and dropped me to my knees. He was going to break it. I was sure of that.

"I'm sorry!" I gasped out. "It's in the Men of Letters' chapter house in Portsmouth, Rhode Island!" He pushed harder on my wrist, I could feel the tears rolling hot down my cheeks. "I'm sorry!" I cried out again, unsure of what else to say or do. "I...I'm sorry."

"Stop!" I heard Lucifer order, his voice stronger now than it had been when Michael had first appeared. Michael released me and I pulled my arm to my chest, rubbing the wrist. "Elizabeth?"

"I'm fine," I whispered, keeping my eyes down. I couldn't look at Michael. I couldn't be strong anymore. Not right now. Not when everything I had done was null and void.

"We'll get to that tomorrow," Michael stated. I looked up at him, curious. "You need sleep, right? That's a human thing." I nodded. I took in my surroundings full now. There were stars in the sky and the moon was high in the dark sky. "That's settled then. You get rest and we'll keep going in the morning. I'm sure the rest of your group can handle one more night without you."

"I'm sorry," Lucifer whispered across the dark room. I could only make out the shadow of his figure as it sat across the cell from me. Moonlight was the only thing that lit the place. "I didn't protect you like I should have."

I got to my knees and crawled across the dirt to the angel's trap he sat in. It was odd how common this occurrence seemed to be now. I sat beside him and pulled my knees in close to me, shivering. I heard him shuffle beside me until he was leaning against me.

"You ok?" I asked softly.

"My grace is up. I can't feel the cold anymore." He said, wrapping his arm around me. I settled down into him and felt him kiss my head. "I'm so sorry. He won't touch you anymore. Not if I can help it."

"You didn't let it happen." I said, "I'm ok. Let's just get this over with." I yawned and snuggled against his warm body.

"Get some sleep, Sunbeam," Lucifer said softly, his fingers starting to play with my unkempt blonde hair. 

I nodded, yawning again, and closing my eyes.

But when I opened them again, I wasn't in the cell. I was standing in Ketch' bunker. I blinked several times, sure it was a dream as I looked around me. Had it all been a bad dream? My fingers went to my neck and found where the angel blade had made its cut. It hadn't been a dream. Then what was this?


"Alex?" I asked. My eyebrows furrowed as I walked around the server room, looking for her. "Where are you?" I stopped when I found her slumped on the glass table, fast asleep with a whiskey bottle in her hand. "What's going on?"

"Are you in a jail cell?" Her voice asked, echoing around in my head. I pulled a chair up next to her body and took a seat.

"Yes. And you're drunk." I answered.

"I wasn't even sure this would work. But it fucking did!" She sounded relieved, excited even. "I just thought that maybe if I tried really really hard to reach out to you, since we were in separate worlds again, that maybe I could reach you."

"Alex, we need to talk." I said, "It's important and I'm not sure how much time I have."

"We're trying to find a way to come and get you." She interrupted, "Gabe's trying to save up his grace, and Cas and Dean went to get more fruit."

"Alex," I sighed, "Listen to me. We're going to be coming through sometime tomorrow."

"What? How?" She asked.

I watched for a moment as Ketch wandered into the room and looked over her body. He shook his head and sighed. He gently took the bottle from her hand and set it on the table in front of me, oblivious to my existence. Then he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to their room.

"He really loves you," I whispered, following him.

"Ketch?" She questioned, taken aback. She quickly changed the topic, "Elly, I don't know how long we can keep this connection open. What else did you need to tell me?"

"The only way I've been able to keep us both alive was by telling Michael about the spell and how to get through the rift. We're getting the last of the ingredients tomorrow and then…" I trailed off, taking a deep steadying breath. "He's powerful. More so than Lucifer. I have no idea what to do."

"We'll figure it out on our end. We'll be ready for you to come through. I'll call Bobby and Charlie and probably convince Crowley to help too. Maybe Jody and Donna even. Gabe and Cael are still around. We'll figure it out." She sounded so confident. 

"I don't want to ruin anything on that side," I said softly.

"What's supposed to happen, Elly?" Alex asked.

I was silent for a moment, debating on whether or not to tell her. But in the end, she deserved to know and try to stop it. "Dean lets Michael in, they kill Lucifer and Michael takes off wearing Dean."

"And then what?" Alex demanded, her voice sharp.

I sat on the edge of their bed and sighed again. "I don't know. The season ended and then I ended up here. I honestly have no clue what comes after that. Dean wears a stupid hat?"

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen." She was so determined to fix things, "We'll end Michael before he can take anyone over. He won't leave this bunker."

"I love you, Alex."

There was a sad laugh. "You sound like this is goodbye. We're going to be ok, and you'll get to go home."

"Right." I sighed. "He keeps flirting with me…"

"What? The new fancy-looking Lucifer?" She teased.

I laughed lightly, "No. Michael."

"And all of Heaven fell for a blonde girl whose blue eyes looked oh so innocent."

"Shut up!" I laughed, standing again, "Hey, Alex…"

Sunlight blinded me and I blinked several times in the light before sitting up and stretching. My body was stiff and sore from the way I had fallen asleep. 

"You feel off today, Elizabeth." I heard Lucifer whisper in my ear. "Are you alright?"

"I talked to Alex last night," I replied, turning to look at him. His new face took me aback again, but he was still him.

"Do you know how dangerous that was?" He asked, sitting up fully. His hands went to my face and he looked me over. I smiled, pushing his hands away. "Every time she does that, she takes part of your soul. You know this."

"I'm fine." I tried to reassure him, holding his hands. My eyes met his bright one and I sighed. "I'm ok." My heart fluttered as he pulled me into a kiss.

"Wow. What a touching sight." A sneer whipped its way around us. Lucifer backed away from me and lowered his hands. "It must have been nice to find the one person in the universe who would actually love you. And a human no less. It must be one of those little flaws you complained about to father."

"Are we going to find the Seal of…" I broke off as Michael held up a chain with a deep purple crystal on the end of it.

"Commanded unto his priests bind my seal. But the jewel was of the cosmos," Michael quoted Solomon, "A crystal that glowed with an unearthly light."

"And the blood?" I asked, slowly getting to my feet and moving towards the bar of the cage. 

"I've got that covered, sweetie. Now what's the last piece?" He smiled at me.

"I'll tell you when it's time to do the spell," I replied. I had the upper hand now, as long as he didn't attempt to torture me again. I wasn't sure I could handle that again.

Michael smiled and shook his head. "Today is not the day to test my patience, sweetheart." He whispered, his hand reaching out for my face through the bars. I stepped back, out of his reach. "Here, break the trap." He held his hand out to me, revealing a pocket knife. 

I hesitated but took the knife from his hand and went to the angel trap, kneeling and scrapping the paint until the sigil powered down, broken. Lucifer stepped out of it as Micahel opened the door and stepped aside, letting us both out.

We stepped out and into the forest as Michael led us further and further into the dense trees. The further we went, the more angels I could see staring at us from the trees. He was planning on taking a full army through.

I prayed I had given Alex enough time to prepare. Who knew if she'd even woken up and would have hours or minutes to get ready for this battle. I couldn't keep stalling for her. If I kept playing with Michael he would kill me.

"Here will be fine." He called from behind us as we hit the edge of the clearing again.

I turned to face him, slipping the pocket knife I still held into my back pocket. He didn't seem to notice. Instead, he held out the seal to me. I glanced back at Lucifer, a weary look on his face. He stood with his feet spread apart, ready for a fight if one happened. I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but I don't think he was convinced.

I walked over to Michael and reached for the seal, but he grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me up against him. His strong arm wrapped around my waist, too strong for me to even squirm against. I glanced at Lucifer, fear now plastered across his face. He licked his lips and took a step forward. I tried to struggle in the grip that held me so snug, but there was nothing I could do to move.

"Stop fighting, Sunbeam," Lucifer instructed, taking the seal from Michael's still outstretched hand.

"Let's listen to Luci, Sunbeam," Michael whispered in my ear, a smirk on his lips. "I like that name. It fits her well, doesn't it Lou-Lou? Her soul is as bright as the sun and just as hot."

I didn't like the tone he used. It was like when a drug dealer tried to gain me clients. It was deadly, unsafe, a trap. Lucifer's jaw clenched tightly, his eyes a brilliant shining red.

"Let's behave, Lucifer. You know I can snap her in half easily." Michael's grip around my waist tightened and I gasped as the air was pushed from my lungs. My spine popped and cracked. I clenched my teeth as the pressure built into my back. He was squeezing my insides like a corset.

"Where's the rest of it?" Lucifer asked through gritted teeth.

Michael's grip relaxed and he nodded to a bag that one of the angel soldiers held. I nodded, and Lucifer's eyes returned to their brilliant blue. He moved over and ripped the bag from the angel's hand before kneeling and starting to dig through the bag of items. He pulled out a bowl and tossed the seal into it. Next came the fruit. He broke it in two, the seeds spilling into the bowl. And then the vile of blood was poured over the items, dark and thick.

"What's the last piece?" Michael asked, his breath hot on my ear.

"Something from that world," I replied, trying to ignore how close his mouth was to me. "You can use my hair."

His laugh was loud in my ear. "That was what you were hiding from me, Sunbeam? A fucking lock of your hair? You really had me on a rope for that?"

Lucifer stepped over and reached out for my hair, taking a small lock into his hand. Michael's free hand took a strange-looking angel blade from his coat and held it out to Lucifer. The blade was the strange part, twisted in a long spiral each side of the twist a sharp blade. Lucifer cut through my hair with it easily. He put my hair into the bowl and turned back to Michael with a deep breath.

"The spell please, Sunbeam," Micheal said, walking me closer to the bowl.

"Koth Munto Notox," I said, not wanting to piss him off more.

There was a brilliant ringing sound and a crackle as the golden rift appeared. Michael pulled me closer to the rift, and Lucifer tried to get beside me. Michael turned me around, still holding me tight against his body. His dark eyes looked over my face before he leaned over and whispered in my ear again.

"I like you, Sunbeam. You have the heart of a lion. I have a deal for you." His voice was like a dead man's lullaby as it rang through my skull over the crackle of the rift. "You come with me, help me take over this new world and you and I will rule it side by side. Heaven, Hell, Earth. You'll be my queen. Feared and loved."

My hand slipped into my back pocket, grasping for the pocket knife. "And if I refuse?"

"I'll kill everyone you love right in front of you. How's that sound, Sunbeam?" His hand snatched my chin and pulled me to look at him. I gave a small nod and he smiled. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Michael pulled me into him, kissing me. The shock of it pulled every other thought from my brain. 


Lucifer's voice broke me from the trance. I pulled the knife from my pocket, flipped it open, and stabbed it into Michael's chest. He yelled, dropping me. I scrambled back from him as an angry laugh bubbled up from his chest. He pulled the small blade from his chest and dropped it to the forest floor. Lucifer was in front of me suddenly, pushing me towards the rift.

"Go through it." He said to me, "Get out of here."

I shook my head. I wasn't about to leave without him.

Michael waved his hand, and Lucifer was sent flying from in front of me, back into a tree. There was a loud crack as the thing split in half from the force. I could only watch as it tumbled the tree tumbled to the ground. My attention was snapped back as a cold hand clasped around my neck, pulling me from my feet. I clawed at Michael's hand, drawing blood the angel wouldn't know he was missing. I gasped for air as his grip tightened.

"I was trying to be nice, Sunbeam." He hissed, tightening his grip more.

I could feel my lungs screaming, dark patches beginning to form around the outside of my vision. Then I was tossed aside. With a whooshing sound, I hit the ground and slid across it, smacking into something cold, hard, and sharp. My head cracked against it and I moaned, curling into a ball and clutching my head.

"Elly!" Alex yelled.