28. Aaron

"The hunting snake?" Wallace asked once we entered what looked like my dressing room.

They were a small bed and in front was a model of a building, signifying the test.

"You must have heard of the Huntsnake" Said Glen, "a ruthless killer in the city who never stopped when implored for mercy, he killed the most powerful leaders in the city and placed their heads on top of the 11th district as a warning."

"Sounds like you're going to have a lot of enemies, if you're heralded as the huntsman snake, everyone will want you dead" Wallace replied.

"It's not as simple as everyone wanting me dead" I said, "a lot of bosses now owe their position to me, if it wasn't for me they would never have had a chance to get to where they are."

"Wait, you're actually going to pretend to be the hunting snake?" asked Wallace, "I could have given them the hundred thousand Jolts, but Glen had to speak first."