34. Wallace

As I watched Aaron face the ogre, I understood that there was no solution to his problems, I would lose my first friend. Although Aaron had his faults, he was the first person who spoke to me honestly despite his problems.

Aaron had done his fighting, but nothing could compare to the devastating power of the huge monster he faced. He couldn't die so easily, I thought over and over again every time I saw Aaron's sadistic smile.

I closed my eyes as the Ogre was about to whip Aaron to the ground.

"You can open your eyes" Glen said as an abysmal silence pervaded the coliseum.

The Ogre was about to murder Aaron. The crowd kept screaming in anticipation of his death, but everything stopped from one moment to the next as my eyes became watery.

I opened my eyes in fear of seeing Aaron's dead body on the roof, but all I saw was Aaron's face with a smile, as his face was smeared with the Ogre's death.