45. Carter

It was the first time I was in a place I could call home.

The officer's apartment was gigantic, at the entrance he had two sofas in front of a small table. In another room was a bar where he prepared food, there was a refrigerator and a small stove. Between the two rooms there was a hallway that led to a door that was the bathroom. Next to it, there were two other doors that led to a bedroom.

Dolph led me to what was my room, a place to the left. I looked at a huge bed about three feet wide. On it was a pile of clothes, each one neatly folded and ironed.

"You can try on the clothes" Officer Dolph said, "when you're done, put the clothes away in the dresser, I don't want clutter in this house."

"I understand" I said in wonder.

"I like that, a tidy house is a tidy life. In the meantime I'll make something to eat, I promised I'd make you something delicious."