69. Kyle

I had visited Jon several times, I didn't consider him a friend, I didn't even consider him a person, but one day he had approached me when we were at the country club in district 1.

I hadn't even cared to meet him when I spotted his brother in the distance. A stupid shy smile excited me enough to want to get closer and know more about him. More than I knew and pretended to know.

Little by little my mind was distancing itself from reality. While I pretended to be Jon's friend, my intrigue to know more about Wallace was seducing me to a point of no return, the problem was that I didn't even dare to talk to him.

One day Wallace disappeared, there wasn't even a goodbye note or anything to give me clues as to where he was going. It wasn't hard to find his whereabouts, the problem was that I couldn't even get close. I kept meeting Jon, thinking that someday he would return.