70. Wallace

Year 2234

It was the second period. My world was about to change and so were the rest of my friends. While Aaron had defined his life with Carter, Professor Dolph had stopped my training by telling me I was stupid.

I figured it was for the best, my bank account was running low and I figured it was best to stick to my routine to get money before I went back to the mansion with my father and Jon.

Before I knew it, my life was back to normal, I wasn't tired anymore, it's not like I was looking for anything special either. The first cycle was over and I had used the vacations to generate enough money to support myself for the semester.

I didn't even notice when the refrigerator blew up again, Aaron fixed it and I gave him a stupid excuse that I hadn't been paying attention.

Apparently my online gaming had generated some kind of short in the apartment and the refrigerator had paid the consequences.