76. Kyle

I was counting the seconds as I tapped my fingers on my desk. Someone had fired in a threatening manner and Aaron had managed to knock everyone unconscious.

I knew I was stupid to try to corner Wallace, but my desperation to reach him was reaching its limit. I just wanted to tell him how I felt in a quiet place, where no one would bother us, where I had a slim chance of healing my despair, but Aaron had to butt in.

Aaron had warned me, not to mess with him, and I had taken his words as a game. I hadn't even seen what happened after the shot. I just stood still in my stupid helplessness and fragility.

And so the time passed very slowly. I didn't want to go back to the academy, but I had a contract to fulfill from my family and the government. Going against their rules would only torment me, at least I could manage to avoid Aaron.