99. Aaron

As time passed, I settled into the library barracks, transforming myself into a young prodigy among my peers. My exceptional skills were deftly displayed, marking me as someone of distinction within our peculiar haven in District 13. Every corner of the library became my domain, and the unquenchable thirst for knowledge that drove me to explore areas beyond the ordinary.

On any given day, I found myself lying among stacks of books, immersed in a world of wisdom and strategy. Between the pages of a volume detailing the construction of weapons, I was discovering secrets that could change the course of our lives in this dark corner of the city. My mind absorbed every word, every illustration, like an alchemist hungry for discovery.

My peers, at first surprised by my dedication, soon recognized the value of having someone capable of unraveling the mysteries of survival on the streets. They became confidants and collaborators, sharing their perspectives and experiences.