

They both looked at me in horror

"I'm not into minors." Enri stated bluntly as he gave me an eye and then his gaze away.

My cheeks flushed, "That's not what I meant!!" I huffed as I realized that they got the wrong idea, "And I'm not a minor!"

"I-uh," Leonidas was unsure about what to say, "I-uh I, I'm still a minor?" Enri ended up snorting at his comment but stopped his laughter in time.

"I'm telling you that's not what I meant!!" I was so embarrassed that my fists were shaking.

Why did I say that!

I could have chosen my words better!

God!! My cheeks were burning.

"I need to investigate somebody God damnit!" I spoke so that they would stop being so awkward. Enri and Leonidas shared a look with each other after hearing my statement.

"Investigate somebody?" Leonidas asked, "Who?" He looked at me suspiciously, "And why?"

Enri folded his arms and they both stared at me. I cleared my throat.

I know they both are suspicious of me but good thing I thought of an excuse on my way here.

"I heard someone is going to leak Kaan's location to the demons." I look at both of them, "Someone is going to tell them, he's being held prisoner in the castle."

Leonidas and Enri both became a little anxious, they exchanged a glance and then Leon looked back at me, "And?" Enri asked. I think he already knows the answer but wants to hear it from me.

"The demons are looking for him and they will go nuts if they find out their Emperor is or has been imprisoned by humans." I looked at both of them desperately, "I want to stop that."

Enri and Leonidas shared another glance and then looked back at me, "How do you know this?" Leonidas asked.

"I have a source." I told him but they both looked a little unsure, "A good one."

"And how authentic is it?" The young prince asked.

"Enough that I'm willing to go through this myself." I mean, I'm trusting my own memory here but this is very important! If the news leaks out, we're done for!

"If you have the news that someone is going to leak the news to the demons," Enri kept his arms folded, "Do you know who the person is?"

"Um," I intertwined my hands next to my things, "I know it's a nobleman." I gulp and look down in shame, "But I don't know who." I can't remember the name of the person. I can't even remember if it was in the book or not! The segment where the news was leaked was like, three lines or something.

"That's strange." Leonidas brought his hand up to his mouth, "If you know it's a nobleman and the news is going to be leaked at the brothel, why didn't you get the name?"

I shook my head softly, "I-" I gulped, "I tried," I said as I panicked a little, "B-but-" I stuttered, unsure as to what to say further, "There was a problem." I ended up saying this in the end because no excuse was coming to mind.


But well, there is a problem with my memory so it's not a lie.

"What kind of problem?" Enri asked.

"Well…" I avoided looking at them, "There was one." I said, "Let's just drop it."

Leonidas placed his thumb and index finger on his chin as he started thinking while Enri eyed me. He was looking at me suspiciously so I began to look at the ceiling.

Yep, I'm not obvious at all!

"Sorin," Leonidas finally looked at me again, "Do you know when it's happening?"

I looked back at him feeling a little happy.

Does he believe me?! There was a light of hope in my eyes, "It's going to happen right before my coronation party." I said and they both were stunned, "There are events at the brothels too right? It'll happen then."

Enri's lips curled up into an evil smile, "You sure know a lot about brothel events Your Royal Highness." The mischievousness in his voice made me blush a little.

"E-everybody knows about those!" I protested but he only chuckled in return.

"A-anyways." I should change the topic, "I first need to place an order for some clothes tomorrow in the town and then I need someone to accompany me at the brothel, the night before my party." I looked at them both feeling a little weird, "Will you help me out?" I said the last line a little coyly, it wasn't intentional though. It just came out that way.

They exchanged a glance once again and it began to bother me. They always exchange glances but they never talk yet come to some sort of mutual agreement. What are they doing? Telepathy!?

This time though, they kept their gaze on each other longer. I could see that neither of them was sure about what to do.

My heart sank a little.

I already know they don't really trust me. Plus I went ahead and said quite some concerning things.

They probably need their time to get to a conclusion.

I cleared my throat, "You can give me an answer later," I said as I looked at them awkwardly, "Before noon tomorrow." They both looked at me quietly, "That's when I have to leave for the market."

I gave them both a nod and then left the room. Neither of them tried to stop me or attempted to say anything, so I quietly went on my way.


When night fell, I walked towards Kaan's room for another attempt to talk to him about coming to a peaceful settlement.

I would just let him go back to his continent and let him live happily there but I just need one single agreement.

Of peace.

Letting him go before that is dangerous. Although, he does seem like a reasonable person. He hasn't acted out at all and he quietly listens too but that is also exactly why I'm so nervous.

I don't know what's going through his mind!

I reached his room and put my hand on the door handle to open it but I only got to open the door just a crack when I heard something that made me freeze.

"Oh My!!!" I heard someone moan, "Yes!!!"

I immediately knew what was going on in there! For some reason there was a very faint erotic scent in the air too.

"Yes!! Yess! There!!" The ecstatic voices made me blush. I could hear the movement too because I was right next to the door.

Oh My God!!

My knees gave out when I heard two women moan at the same time and so loudly at that.

I immediately closed the door but that stopped my face from turning flushing.

Holy!! Hell!!!

Oh MY GOD!!! I gulped. He's taking two women at once?!!

My brain was going dizzy and I felt the heat come out of my ears.


How? Is it because he's a demon?

Two women… at once? At the same time?!!!

The moans continued to leak out and I fanned myself with both my hands.

My God!! This is live audio porn!

"Your highness?" I froze once again when I heard the voice of the worst person who found me in the worst scenario.

I looked up to see Enri approaching me.

"Why are you here?" I glared at him.

"I've been told to be your personal bodyguard." He eyed me suspiciously as he reached me, "By your dearest brother. But why are you so flushed?" Just as he asked the question he got his answer.

The women in the room moaned some more. The lustful voice made both of us pause weirdly.

While it was initially a shock to him too, Enri found out why I was so flushed and ended up chuckling while my skin went beet red.

Fun Fact

Kaan is a demon, and a dragon at that. While his horns stay out in his human form too, he can willinging summon out his tail as well, the size of which he can adjust at will. Him having succubus blood means he's naturally good at anything sexual.