Getting ready



This is a bit awkward.

The sun is high up in the sky and I have to go and meet Enri now so we can go to the market. I was in my room and took a deep breath when Leroy knocked on the door and then came in with my dress.

Because I was sneaking out, well, sort of, so I decided a female disguise would be the best for now. Come to think of it, I'm not actually disguising, I'm 'realing' right now, if that even is a word…

I looked at Leroy as he approached me and remembered how I ran to him after that awkward incident with Kaan and Enri last night with a red face and yelled, "Leroy! What kind of women did you send to kaan!?" I just ran away from Enri because he was enjoying my embarrassment and then I blurted out that question to Leroy for no reason.

"I got the top two from the best brothel, Why? He's not satisfied?" Leroy looked a little confused as he sat on the floor, organizing the bottom drawer of his room.

No! It's not that! I don't know! I'm just so embarrassed right now! I can't even think straight!

I stood still!

Calm down Sorin!

"Why didn't you tell me you were getting the girls to him!"


Calm down!!

"I did though," He raised his brows at me, "I mean, I asked you about it and you were the one who screamed 'Yes!' when I talked about the brothel."


When did I say that?


It must have been when I wasn't listening!!


Leroy eyed me suspiciously, "Why are you red?" He stood up and walked up to me.

Oh shit!!

Calm down Sorin!

Calm down

"Ah-" I shook my head, "I just ran here." I said and looked away.

"Ran here?" He asked, "Why?" He was concerned and well he had every right to be. A king running in the corridors of the palace is a very odd thing.

"Um," I gulped, "I had to tell you something."

He relaxed a little, "What is it?"

After that I told him about how I had to go to the market for some undercover work and asked him to prepare a dress for me.

Leroy brought the dress over to me and then glared at me.

"You're not going to tell me the details?" He was upset that I was hiding things from him.

"Leroy.." I sighed, "I don't know the details myself!" I placed my hands on the dress, "That's why I'm going! It's just to see if the demons are really planning something!"

"Why not just let Enri handle it?" Leroy is sometimes annoyingly protective, "He's the one who caught the gist of it, isn't he? He'll do just fine alone."

"Sheesh!" I grabbed the dress and pulled it away from him, "Don't worry! I'll be fine."

He clicked his tongue, "It's because you don't know what Enri is like."

I shook my head, "It's fine. He's loyal to the empire. He won't hurt me." I began to take my clothes off.

Leory started to leave with a frown on his face, "I'm talking about his personality." He clicked his tongue again and left the room.

Boy! He seemed really pissed off…


I had a black cape over me while I wore a dress underneath that reached till my knees. Then I headed over to the stable which apparently had a secret exit. The stable was on the palace grounds but also the furthest away from the castle.

I peered my head from behind the pillar and found Enri standing there by the stone wall in his casual attire. I guess he didn't plan on standing out either since we were aiming to be discreet and the royal guards uniform catches attention everywhere.

Now that I look at him, he has attractive features but I guess that's a given since he's an important supporting character of the male lead.

I took a deep breath, pulled my cape aside since I was out of the palace now and jogged over to him.

He looked at me immediately but gave no reaction. It wasn't until I reached him and slowed down did his eyes pop out of his sockets.

"Sorin!?" He called my name as I stopped in front of him.


"Holy Hell!" He scoffed, "You look like a woman- Ow!" I kicked his shin as soon as he finished his words and folded my arms, "Damn, you're still violent."

"Hurry up." I looked down at him while he rubbed his shin, "We don't have all day."

He straightened up and smirked, "Sure," There was this playfulness in his voice that sounded a bit mischievous too, "You see this wall here." He pointed at the one right behind him with his thumb, "It's the shortest one and can easily be jumped over, plus it's a straight line to the market."

"That's nice then." I nodded.

"It is," He smirked and then opened up his arms, "Although I doubt you'll be able to jump over it." He gave me a nasty expression.


"It's easy for a soldier like me," He wiggled his fingers, "But not for a normal person." His smile seemed a little evil, "I'll have to carry you, Your Majesty, in my arms, so that we can swiftly cross over without anyone spotting us."

"What?" I was a little confused at first.

"I promise," He said, "I'll only hold you from your butt."

I immediately realized what this pervert meant and flushed a little.

This jerk!