Change my mind


Oh hell no!

I twisted my legs and lunged towards the curtains as well!

I'm the captain of the royal guards for a reason!

Just as Nana grabbed the curtains I jumped in and took action in a split second. I grabbed Sorin's head and pushed her face into my chest as I covered her up with my arms in the corner of the room.

"Damn it Captain!!" Rose glared at me, "What's wrong with you!?"

"What's wrong with you!" I yelled back, "You got no sense of decency! How can you just barge in when someone is changing!? Huh!?!"

"We're both girls!" Rose began to move forward, "What does it matter?"

"She's someone important!" I hugged Sorin tighterer and slipped down to hover over her and cover her more, She quietly slipped her legs around me and came in closer.

"She clearly denied being your girlfriend!" Nana stepped forward this time.

"YET!!" I yelled and she froze, "She's not my girlfriend yet." I said firmly and they all looked at me with wide eyes and for what I was about to say next made me a little flustered, "I'm trying something here guys." I moved my gaze away a little, "Don't ruin my chances…"

Fuck! Fuck!! This is so not me! I can't believe I'm lying like this! There goes my dignity!

Sorin quietly remained in my embrace while Lilia, Nana and Rose stepped back and stared at each other.

"Woah Captain…" Lilia said, "Are you serious?"

I closed my eyes.

"Very serious." I glared at the three, "Leave, before I get angry."

The three of them looked at each other in horror, then confusion, then bewilderment and then they finally calmed down and looked back at me.

"Fine," Lilia said, "On one condition."

"What?" I made sure Sorin's face was hidden at all costs, "We get to see her if you succeed."

I was taken aback, then smirked, "Deal." Because that's never happening. Haha!

"It's a promise, captain!" Nana eyed me.

"Okay, alright." I shooed them away and they finally left.

I took a breath of relief and then looked down at Sorin, "You okay?" Her face was buried in my chest and up until that moment, I had not paid attention to what she was wearing.

Which I now did and my vision was stuck to it.

What is this? What is this clothing!??

A bra and underwear made with net lace and a pair of knee high socks of the same material tied with garter belts on her thighs.


Woah!!! Holy Hell!

It was making my heart race. I gulped. And I take back what I said about her not having a butt, I stared at her ass.

That is definitely a very cute looking butt and looks quite appealing with that panty.

Oh~ Damn!

Sorin slowly moved and raised her head to look up at me. Her cheeks were flushed a little while her hair was a little messy probably because of how I handled her in panic mode, it may have been a little difficult to breathe since I was hiding her face, "Yea," She replied in her girlish voice which made my heart feel weird for a moment.

I gulped again.

I take all the bad I said about her body.

I can't stop staring at her and my breathing is getting a bit erratic.

"How did you change your voice?" I asked as I kept staring.

"Oh.." She moved back a little, "This is my real voice." She shied away when she said that and I felt a snap in my mind.

Oh hell no!!

This is not happening!!

I picked her up and stood up as I moved her away from me and then left the room

Fuck!! No!!



I take it back!

To begin with, I said he had a tiny dick only to annoy him. It's not like I knew anything! But now that I'm sitting on him, I take it back.

I chose the wrong angle to sit on. I can feel his size under me!

Oh Lord! Have mercy!

I now understand why he's such a confident playboy.

"You okay?" Enri asked after his knights finally went out.

I couldn't reply immediately and took a deep breath before raising my head, "Yeah," I said.

He paused as he kept staring at me.

Oh damn!

I hope I don't get caught! It's not like I found out his size intentionally!

"How did you change your voice?" He asked something else and I relaxed a bit but then again, it was embarrassing on another level.

Did he think that manish sound was my real voice??? Oh God! He really doesn't see me as a woman, does he?

"Oh…" My God! I don't sound like a man in reality! "This is my real voice." Damn it! I looked away. This all is so weird!!

He on the other hand stood up all of the sudden and I moved aside as he left the room. Finally being alone made me breathe again.

Oh hell!

That was one weird encounter!

I looked in the mirror and realized something all over again!


He saw me like this…

I wanted to drown myself somewhere but then again. Enri is a famous playboy and his words that I had no charm. It's not like it affected him.

I sighed.

Although that thought hurts on its own.

I'm skinny! But I still have a cute body!

I looked at myself!


And I'm sure this lingerie will help. I need it to be appealing if I want to infiltrate the brothel on 'that' night.

It's not like I'm gonna strip there and do something bad. I'm taking it just in case something goes wrong because this is a novel and nothing really goes straight in novels! There are always plot hurdles!

I began to take the lingerie off and changed back to my original clothes.

This lingerie design is what I brought with myself. I had the lace and net and all I had to do was give the seamstress the design.

I took one final deep breath before leaving the room.


I feel like I have a lot to do…