


There's so much pain.

Each step sends an electrifying current in my entire body.

Each breath suffocates me.

I'm dragging myself on mud roads in the middle of the forest. Dense trees surround me but everything seems dead silent among the screams of terror. Everything seems to fade away to the discomfort of the body and mind.

I look down to see the cause of the pain.

There's blood?

Terror looms over me, I can feel my energy depleting.

Hell… It hurts so much!

It hurts everywhere!

I look at my hands. They are bruised? My clothes were messed up as well, torn from some places and much of my skin was bruised. My lungs hurt too. I gulp but the saliva going down my throat pains me as well.

What is going on?

I feel like I'm dying.

My vision is becoming foggy. Why is everything so blurry?

I look at the rough mud road. There's more blood there now. Why?

I try to move forward but the step I take gives me crucifying pain.

I look towards my foot, only to be horrified.

It's broken?

It hung at a twisted angle. Getting dragged as I moved ahead leaving a filthy red trail behind it.

Oh? Is that why I'm dragging myself? But where am I going?

Am I running away from something?

A gut wrenching scream answers my question. The blood curdling scream makes me look back up at the sky and through the trees I see smoke and fire.

The city was burning. There were far off screams that just didn't seem to stop.


The demons attacked…

Everyone ran to safety but many died.

Leroy died…

My skin stood up as I remembered the petrifying memory.

I turned my head and began to drag myself again. But, where am I even going? I probably won't get far, neither am I in the condition to run nor can I walk properly.

On top of that, I'm even leaving a trail behind me. A trail of fresh blood.

I feel like my sanity is leaving me.

I go further, but the screams of the people I left behind are haunting me. I keep going, I don't stop even though it hurts so much yet the echoes of terror won't fade away.

It was all my fault.

I could have done something. I could have been a better ruler. I could have been someone good. I could have been someone kind. I could have chosen to not be a coward. But, I made all the wrong choices.

While my physical pain was at peak, I felt emotionally destroyed as well. The only support I ever had in life was dead.

My eyes stung as tears formed in the corner.

It was all my fault. All my memories come rushing back to me. All my wrongs and all the destruction that started from me.

I caused it all!

And yet, here I am, running away from all what I had done.

Tears streamed down my face as the consequences of my actions reached me and began to destroy all my emotional and mental balance.




Where am I even going? I sniffled. I couldn't even see now. Everything was too fogged up. I stopped. Why am I running? I'll never be able to escape these screams of help. They will always haunt me.

I stopped and looked up at the once blue sky that was now turning dark because of the amount of smoke it was taking. The city had been burning for a while now and dark clouds began to assemble in the sky because of it.

It was as if the kingdom was plunging into darkness.

Tears continued to stream down when suddenly another condemning pain erupted from my chest.

It was fast. Too fast for me to notice.

Blood rivered down my nose and then I coughed up some.

I looked down at my chest to see what was tormenting my body only to find a bloodied demon hand that had pierced my chest cleanly.

I couldn't see properly, but only for a moment my vision cleared and I saw those long black nails, full of blood along with that hand that made a hole in my body. The only thing very unique to them was that there were patterns on the nails, like symbols.

The hand then slowly recedes back and leaves my body only to give me one final blow of slow burning pain



I once again woke up with a loud gasp.

The amount of sweating I had gone through this time while I was dreaming had left the bed wet. I was alone in the room, it was still early in the morning and the sun hadn't come up yet.

I breathed heavily, it was as if the pain was still there. It all felt very real and I somehow felt like it wasn't just Lucid dreaming.

It felt awfully cold for some reason and when I looked around in my ragged state, I found myself alone in the big dark room.

I looked down again, drops of sweat patterns down from my chin.

The dream, it was as if it all had really happened and the thought of that made me suddenly feel sick.


"Are you sure about this?" Leroy asked me and I nodded, "We could announce that on the day of the party too."

I shook my head, "The party still has time and Kaan has patiently waited in his room for days. I think he should be let out. I fear if we don't, he might get mad."

"Sorin, he's a pretty reasonable guy."

"I know but-" I bit my lower lip, "I think he's had enough confinement in his lifetime." I'm desperate. I don't want a war and I don't want to die like that!

Leroy's expressions softened, "Alright." He folded his arms, "How about we announce that we have a special guest here for your party?"

My eyes lit up, "And he's going to stay for a few days till the party's over!" I grabbed Leroy's hands and jumped in excitement, "Oh what would I do without you!" I grinned and he smiled back.

Really though, what would I do without you?

I looked at him with so much respect and hope.

I wish the best for you Leroy.

"You seem to have changed a lot." He said softly and I froze.


I didn't give myself away! Did I?

I nervously laughed, "Yea… I guess." I avoided his gaze.

He withdrew his hands and looked at me, "You still need the confirmation from Kaan though." I looked at him again as he folded his arms and began to think, "As soon as we reveal he's here, the demons are gonna come to us. We still don't have an excuse to give them."

"Right…" I nodded, "On that note," I looked awkwardly at Leroy, "I have an idea."

"What?" He seemed a little surprised.

"Since Kaan is a person of honor and would put his people before him, I was thinking about a proposition." I clenched my fists.

"Mmmhmm," Leroy nodded, "Go on."

"Demon slavery is very common in Maximillian." I said and Leroy's expression changed immediately. He knew what I was going to say and his expressions darkened a little.

"That's a big step." He said, then smiled, "But I guess it would be good news for some people too." Doing this might stop the meeting at the brothel. Maybe I won't even need to go there.

I shook my head. I might still need to go. At this point, I'm sure the meeting has already been set and the party's almost here too.

I smiled back at Leroy, "People like us?" I said and all of the sudden Leroy's expressions turned to confusion.

"Wait," He was stunned, "You knew?"

I pursed my lips in a straight line, "Part of it." I answered, "Don't know who though-" I shrugged, "Or what?"

There was a moment of pause. Leroy was staring at me but I could tell that he was contemplating something.

He would open his mouth and then shut it, like he wanted to say something but the courage to sound those words just wouldn't muster up.

He clenched his fists and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, "Sorin," He looked back at me with some weird shine in his eyes, "Then do you know about me?"

I was confused. Know what about him?

I tilted my head a little in uncertainty, "Know what?"

There was a short lived silence that seemed quite odd to me. The shine in Leroy's eyes vanished but he seemed calm.

He chuckled to himself, "Nothing," He smiled which looked rather sad for some reason. A little torn even, "It's nothing." He then began to leave, "Make sure to talk to Kaan." He said his final words and then left the room.

I knew I was missing something though

What did he mean by that?

Is there something about Leroy that I don't know?

I folded my arms and began to think. I recalled Sorin's part of the novel as well.


Unfortunately. There was nothing that came to mind.