

I'll need to talk to Leonidas before I pass this rule around. Abolishing Demon slavery is going to get a riot from all the noble factions. After all, 99% of the slaves are owned by the nobles.

But I'm sure if Leonidas talks to them, they'll think about it. He's like their precious little flower that all of them wish to protect.

In the novel, after the war ended, he passed down the law that there will never again be any sort of slavery in the kingdom and people supported him fully. I do understand that all of them had learnt a lesson from the war and agreed on it but still even now, I'm sure Leon can convince them somehow.

But me? I'm sure I'll only be scorned and hated more.

I went to the royal study to meet him but when I opened the door to see him, I found the room empty.


He's not here? Where could he be? Shouldn't he be doing all my work for me? Why would he leave during working hours?

Hehee, I sound like an asshole~


I turned to leave.

But I sure hope he keeps doing my work for me! If not, I'm doomed!

As I walked in the corridor I passed by a pair of maids and stopped them to ask if they had seen Leonidas, they got scared and immediately told me they had seen him go outside towards the marble staircase that led to the garden.

I thanked them and went on my way while they stood in their place looking all confused but I paid them no heed.


The marble staircase was wide and long to make it appear spacious and big. It led directly to the paths that walked around the garden. On the railings of the staircase were vines with white roses that complemented the white marble the stairs were made of.

I stood at the top and saw Leon sitting at the bottom step thinking about something. He was lost in thought as he stared into space.

I smiled when I looked at him. He does look like a flower. Someone really pretty, you just want to pluck him away. His features are so pretty, his charm is unique to him and well, his kind heart is what melts everyone.

I looked at the rose by my side and plucked it out, then began my journey to the bottom step.

Leonidas had his arms crossed on his knees and it looked like he was sulking and that exact thing reminded me of my real brother. Natsu used to sulk in the exact same manner.

I giggled as I descended but he heard me.

"Sorin?" He looked at me and I waved my hand at him.

"Having a bad day?" I asked as I reached him, "Is something bothering you?' I sat down next to him.

"No," He moved away a little. He tried to do it subtly but I noticed and moved in closer again. I don't know why I did it, for some reason, it just annoyed me that he moved away from me.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Just," He moved away again, "Feeling a little tired."

I moved in closer to him again, "Why are you running away from me?" I said it out directly and that caught him off guard.

"I-I'm not," He wasn't looking into my eyes and was about to move away again when I grabbed his arm.

He froze and just as he shot his head towards me to say something I placed the flower I just plucked behind his ear.

I then giggled, "It's pretty," He looked back at me utterly bewildered. I smiled at him softly, "Why? You don't like flowers?"

He just kept staring at me, mystified. He would open his mouth only to shut it again and it took him some time to say what he really needed to say.

"I thought you hated me?" He finally said it while he stared at me. His words did something. They sent a stinging feeling in my heart. My smile disappeared and I slumped a little.

I see,

So this was on his mind. What should I say to him? It's not like I have to hide everything from him now, he already knows my biggest secret.

"No," I replied as I let his arm go, "I never hated you." I said softly. Sorin never hated him, She never hated anyone but she was afraid of everyone, "But I know you hate me." I said, "I almost killed you once didn't I?" I placed my hands on my thighs and looked straight ahead.

"..." He seemed perplexed.

"Remember when I pushed you down these stairs?" For some reason, the memory was very livid in my mind. Like I actually lived through it.

"I remember," He replied, "How can I forget?" He looked down at the step and there was a small pause of silence between us, "I was dying," He spoke again, "But even then, the thing on my mind was why would you push me away?" I looked at him as he kept his eyes down. "It didn't make any sense, we got along so well before." His eyes seemed clouded, "And even on the hospital bed, where I was lying still in the silent lonely room with fractured bones, what hurt me the most was the fact that you-" He turned his face towards me, "That for some reason-" He was upset, very upset, "-had started hating me." I could see the pain in his eyes.

It stirred something in me. My emotions felt like they were acting up. I felt pain in my chest as if I was as hurt as he was. Our past is a mess and it's all because of what Sorin did.

I don't know what got into me. I think, perhaps, I was reminded of Natsu so much in that moment and how much I loved him and how much Sorin must have loved Leon too but couldn't show it because of her fear. I couldn't stop myself and before I knew it, I jumped to hug him.

I wrapped my arms around him, "I never hated you Leonidas." I embraced him tighter. This was weird. It was like I really had these feelings for him, "I was just scared." My heart was thumping loudly, "I-" I wasn't sure what to say but at the same time it felt like I had a lot to say, "I was scared I would make a wrong move and expose myself." My feelings began to overwhelm me, something began to bubble up in my chest and I felt like crying, "But while trying to protect myself I destroyed everything else." I broke the hug and backed away while I kept my hands on his shoulders as tears fell down my cheeks, "I'm sorry," They kept streaming down my face and for some reason I couldn't stop them. What was this? Was this Sorin's remorse? Was she that hurt and a few words from her brother made her into a mess? "I'm really sorry," I sniffled, "I messed it all up," I tightened my grip on his shoulders lightly.

Leonidas's face softened, it looked like he was pained as well but at the same time, he felt lost. Unsure what to do and what more to ask or what to say, he ended up shaking his head and pulled me back into a hug where we both wrapped our arms around each other tightly.

I kept crying. I just couldn't stop.

I felt so bad for all the times I did him bad. The time I threw him from the stairs, the time when he was so sick he was burning up but I chose to ignore him and didn't even tell anyone so he suffered all night alone. The time I slapped him for trying to enter my room. The time I threw away what he cooked for me secretly because royals aren't allowed in the kitchen.

There were just so many things that were torturing me and all of it came out through my eyes.

As I kept crying, at some point I felt my shoulders get a little wet too. It gave me some solace that Leon cried a little too and that fact helped me calm down a little.


I sniffled as I felt a little light headed after all that crying.

Now that I'm done, I'm feeling embarrassed. What got into me? Why did I cry like that? I'm not even the real Sorin!! Gosh!!!! So humiliating!!!

Leonidas looked at me while I kept looking straight ahead because I was shy and I think he noticed that.

"You know," He started, "That time you pushed me off the stairs was because I was pestering you to take a bath with me." I paused, "I had just heard that brothers did that to increase their bonding or something." He scratched his cheek with his index finger feeling a little shy, "Now that I think about it, I guess I sort of deserved the push." I looked at him with an astonished expression, "Of course not the part where I broke stuff and almost died." He looked like he was trying to make me feel better.

I kept staring at him with a blank expression but suddenly it just felt funny and I ended up laughing. He followed with a light chuckle and then we smiled at each other as the mood got lighter.

I took a deep breath of relief afterwards. My body and mind just felt so much lighter for some reason.

"Right," He said, "Why did you come looking for me?"

"Oh yes!" I remembered, "I need your help with something."