

The sound of cheering and hooting was very annoying. It was coming on and off from the mouths of my soldiers.

I stood at the center with my arms folded while my knights circled around me and danced their silly dances which was pissing me off.

I knew this would happen the moment I spit those words out back in the dress shop.

"The captain has finally fallen for someone!!" The knights of my squads were cheering and drinking, arm in arm like it was some sort of celebration but the reality was that they were making fun of me.

"Not only that!" I looked at the owner of the voice, "The girl hasn't reciprocated his feelings!" Nana voiced her thoughts out and I glared at her.


They all laughed.

This is so humiliating!

"Captain!" The guards all looked at me, "Don't worry~" He swooped his hand in the air, "We'll all help you out." They grinned from ear to ear.

They were all having the time of their lives.

"How can any of you help out when the captain won't even let you see her." Lilia smirked, "He won't let anyone see her!"

There was a unified, "Oooo~" sound where they all looked at each other mischievously


"Why?" One of the knights said, "Is she that beautiful?" They all looked at me but I didn't budge.

"Captain!!" Why are they so persistent about this, "Tell us! Come on! She must be a beauty if you actually fell for her." I saw a bunch of toothy grins who were feeding on my misery.

I paused and still thought about it though. Beautiful? A beauty?, "No…" I answered and my answer made everyone freeze as I pictured Sorin in my mind again, "She's cute…" The amount of gasps that I heard in that second were beyond countless.

What the hell?

I looked at them bewildered.

What is with that reaction?

"I know!" Nana stepped forward, "Captain likes big boobs!" She made a groping gesture in front of her chest, "I know she must have humungous boobs!" Everyone cheered and agreed with her words, "Right?" She pointed at me and I looked away.

Whaaat thhhee heeellll?!!!

Her accusation left my mouth open. Not because she was assuming but because she was right. I've always had affairs with that specific type. So what's wrong with that? I like the feeling in my hands.

Rose ran up to me and grabbed my shirt, "Captain !! You have to answer!!" I looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"No…" I clicked my tongue and closed my eyes in dismay, "She's an A cup.." And once again there were loud infinite gasps that left me speechless.

Everyone seemed shocked for some reason.

"Then… she must have a great personality." Narn, my second in command, said as he stepped forward, "Right captain?"

I awkwardly looked at him and then looked away. Then scoffed, "Nice personality?" I was mostly thinking to myself. That was not the case for the most part but well she does seem a little different, "Well, I guess she's trying to be better."

Another wave of unbelievable gasps that made me close my eyes and sigh.

"Oh my God…" Narn stepped back in disbelief while all the other knights kept blinking their eyes as if they were malfunctioning.

"Captain…" Lilia placed her hand on my shoulder, "You really are in love." She placed her other hand over her mouth, "My God…" She then looked at the other knights, "Guys, it's really happened." I rolled my eyes.

So all this time none of them actually believed it? They all were just annoying me!!??

"Can you all stop?" I said, "This is getting ridiculous."

"Oh no captain." Rose said, "This is so satisfying." She giggled, "You fell for someone and she blatantly rejected you." They all began to chuckle, "You have no idea how nice it feels when playboys like you get played."

"Hey!" I said, "I was not rejected!" They all laughed at me, "Hey!" This was frustrating, "I said I wasn't rejected God damnit!!"


I really landed myself in the worst kind of situation.

I'm gonna give these little shits one hell of a training route! They can have their fun tonight, I'll see who'll be laughing in the morning. I'll dry your souls for the whole month.

This game of theirs lasted for quite some time and only after they calmed down a little we received news.

A maid came and whispered in my ear and I raised my hand for everyone to pay attention to me.

They all looked at me and I could tell some of them were about to make more jokes when I spoke, "DON'T" This was one thing that had been infuriating me for days. I just couldn't get over it.

All the knights quieted down and I brought my hand down, "We have a guest." I looked at them all from one corner to the other, "The Demon Lord Kaan will be staying at the palace."

The initial pause of shock which was then followed by a unified, "What?!!" was something I had expected all along. Half of them started whispering things, the other half started questioning me,

I took a deep breath and then sighed out loud, "STOP!" I ordered, "He's already here." They all looked at me weirdly, "And he's under the protection of the king and his highness Leonidas." I could tell they all were beyond bewildered. So, before they could say anything else, I spoke again, "Don't try anything stupid." I said, "No matter how it looks like, it's actually an attempt at something better."

"Something better?' Narn said, "What?" All the knights looked at me with questioning gazes.

I gulped.

I'm not quite sure what Sorin is planning but since Leon chose this too, I'll just have to trust him on this one.

"We'll find out soon enough."


Early in the morning I passed by the library when I saw a bunch of maids hurdling outside the library door trying to peek in.

There was absolutely no way anyone would not be curious after seeing this so I approached them, "What is it?" I whispered to the maid who was standing the furthest from the door, closer to me.

She was startled when I suddenly whispered in her ear but calmed down when she saw me and whispered back, "The Demon king is there." She grinned, "Everyone is curious about him."

"What's he doing in there?" I asked and she shrugged. Is he supposed to be out of his room?

I made my way in and found him sitting by the window on the desk chair, reading a book. I stood at a distance and folded my arms, "Are you allowed to be here?"

He didn't raise his eyes from the letters, "The king has given me access to everywhere." He smiled, "I can be anywhere I want to be."

"Ah~" I nodded sarcastically, "Is that so?"

Wow, Sorin. Just what is going through your head? I kept my eyes on the demon king. No matter what, I just couldn't accept him here.

"Stop glaring," Kaan said, "If it wasn't for Sorin, I would have your head." There was malice in his voice and it made me mad. I was about to say something back at him when he spoke further, "But apparently she regards you as someone important."

She does?

That made me feel nice.

"Right," I grinned, "Because I can protect her from someone like you." I was feeling proud now.

Kaan shut his book and looked at me coldly, "Don't misunderstand," He stood up, "You're no match for me one on one."

"Oh really?" I smirked, "I am the one who put you down there in that cell to rot."

He smirked back, "Let's not forget that I am the one who eliminated your entire squad." I gritted my teeth, "You only got me because it was one versus ten people. Plus, I was ambushed."

"I can still kick your demon ass alone."

He looked at me pitifully, "Your delusion is going to get you killed."

"Bring it on then." I said, "The battle grounds are free to use."