

Sorin told me to try and mediate things between Enri and Kaan and then left but now that I have the two of them sitting on either side of me, on the couches in the guest living room I really don't know what to do.

The tension in the air was high. Neither Enri nor Kaan spoke but their aura could suffocate anyone sitting in between them. They're both insanely strong and thus their aura is too. So, when I say the tension was high in the air, it was electrifying.


What do I say to calm them down? I feel like the only way to do anything is to just separate them both but that's just a temporary solution.

We won't get anywhere if I did that since they're going to face each other often now that Kaan is officially staying here. I can't anger Kaan though, he's a guest here and Sorin said we have to sign a peace treaty with him.

"Um," I cleared my throat, "Anyone can tell just by looking at you how much friction there is between you both." They both turned to look at me with cold gazes.


This will be difficult to handle.

"How long is he going to stay here?" Enri asked as he kept his gaze on me.

"He'll be here till Sorin's coronation party and maybe a few days after that too." As I finished my sentence Enri clicked his tongue and looked the other way with folded arms.


I sighed.

Enri's a good captain and everything but he's very stubborn when it comes to some things.

I looked at the Demon King, "Kaan," He had his eyes on me, "We want to keep your stay here as comfortable as possible. So please don't pick a fight with anyone."

"Are you threatening me?" He asked rather politely but I got the feeling that there was a hidden meaning behind those words.

I narrowed my eyes, "If that is how you perceive my words." I said, "So be it." I then smiled softly, "Sorin wants this and I agree with her. So fighting amongst ourselves won't take us anywhere." I kept my smile on, "You're strong. What if an accident happens while sparring? That would put Sorin in a difficult position." I don't know why but I get this feeling that he's rather obedient when it comes to Sorin and that's why I used her name here.

"Are you saying I'd lose to him?" Enri wasn't pleased by my words but I looked at him with a 'try to understand' expression and he didn't say anything further.

"You're a smart one." Kaan complimented me and then briefly glanced at Enri then looked back at me, "I would like this 'visit' to be a good one too." He smiled, "As long as no one bothers me, I'll be on my best behavior." Enri slightly scoffed at his words but kept it to himself while Kaan kept his grin on.

I smiled, "Thank you." I said, "This will be a big step towards human-demon relationships."

"Also the reason I'm ready to comply." Kaan replied, "I quite like what your king proposed."

I smiled back, "I'm all for it too. But it's gonna take some time to get the noble's to comply. I hope you will be patient with us."

"Well, I'm sure you'll accomplish it." He gave me a confident look.

I smiled back, "Thank you. I'll do my best."

There was now a few minutes of awkward silence after that which unexpectedly was broken by the Demon king.

"Did you and Sorin have a bad relationship before?" His question came out of nowhere.

"Ah," I was taken aback by his question, "I guess you can say that." I pouted my lips a bit, "There were many misunderstandings between us too." I smiled, "But I'm glad we could solve it."

"I see, it seems you're quite close now." He seemed a little suspicious about something, "Didn't you just recently make up?"

"Yeah, It's a bit odd." Enri said, "You're treating her awfully nicely even after finding out she's not related to you."

"She's not?" Kaan seemed a little shocked, he then thought something to himself, "Ah… I initially thought you might have different mothers but it seems that's not the case."

"We do have different mothers as well." I eyed him, "Your question seems odd." I found something strange in his action but he just shook his head.

"That would mean you're the heir to the throne, no?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied, "But I can't succeed till I'm eighteen." I folded my arms, "And all these facts you've learned are best remained hidden." I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Why exactly?" His curiosity was written on his face, "And why must she pretend to be a man?"

"Because the first born of the Maximillain family are always boys." I told him and it was enough for him to understand, "Is there a penalty for betrayal?"

"If they find that out, she'll be executed." Enri replied while still looking away, " And His highness didn't want that. It's a public execution that'll cause a lot of distrust for the royal family."

"I see," Kaan replied, "You're a good brother. Who likes his sibling a lot."

I gave a mischievous smile back to him, "I'm sure she likes me back too." I said, "And A lot at that."

"What if she likes me more?' Enri said while he smirked. He was just playing around but I got a little annoyed by his question.

"I doubt that would ever happen," I said, "Besides she's not your type."

My words made him frown, "Why does everyone know my type?" He was flabbergasted.

I rolled my eyes when Kaan spoke, "I feel like out of us three, she's more attached to me." We both glared at him but I maintained my smile while Enri was outright disgusted.

"What makes you think that?" I asked

"Because she's shared her secrets with me." He smiled, "Things that you don't know."

"Impossible." Enri's voice was full of distrust.

"Then," He looked at the captain, "Do you even know how she changes her voice?" The question left Enri in a daze. He was utterly defeated by that one line.

"Right…" Enri looked into space, "Her real voice is really sweet." When Kaan and I heard that we were both curious and annoyed. How come he knows what she really sounds like?

Kaan although didn't ponder on that for long, "You don't know who's her father either." And this line led me to look at him with suspicious eyes.

"And you know that?" I asked.

"Well I do know what kind he is." He looked smug, "And because of that, it won't take me long to find out who he really is."

"So you don't know anymore than we do."

"Oh, you're missing an important point here young prince." He smirked, "But I won't give you the hint because apparently you're all oblivious to what kind of blood runs in her veins."

His words made me angry but I had to be professional here, "Just because we don't know this, doesn't mean she likes you more." I maintained my smile, "I'm sure she likes me. We've been together since we were kids."

"How about you ask her?" He seemed confident.

"Well, why don't we?" But I was confident as well. Sorin cried in front of me. Wept as she apologized. There is no way she likes me less than these two.


Our idea of coming to Sorin was instantaneous and we all marched to her chambers like fools but now that we're standing in front of her bedroom door, a realization was coming to all of us.

"Sorin, are you okay?" That was Leroy's voice, coming from the other side of the door.

"Yea," Sorin replied, "Ah!" A moan left her mouth that made us all flinch and left us speechless.

"Stop wiggling." We heard Leroy grab her, "Don't move." We all stood frozen in our places.

"But I don't want this~" She was acting cute with him.

"Sorin," Leroy sighed, "Getting you wet is important." There was some liquidy sound, "I can't just thrust it in."

Those words. They were messing with our heads.

"But it stings!" She whined, making me angry for some reason. Enri scoffed while Kaan clenched his jaw.

"This is important, I have to do this before I put it in!" He did raise his voice a little but all of us could tell the sweetness his tone still held, "Just trust me." There was a pause that lasted for a few seconds, "Done," My heart felt weird, "I'll put it in now." The words were followed by a hissing sound. Along with a grunt of pain.

The three of us looked at each other in horror.

This can not be happening!!

I didn't waste any time in opening the door and barging in, even though it's basic etiquettes to knock and wait for a reply but at the moment, something else was overwhelming us.

We all just marched in without thinking and that startled them both. I don't know what we were going to say to her or do if what was going through our minds was true but when we marched in and looked at them we froze.

They both looked at us in utter astonishment.

"What are you doing?" Leroy had Sorin's arm in his hand, gripped tightly, while he held the injection in his other hand. He had just finished injecting her with something.


He was just getting her arm wet to sanitize it before he injected her.

Sorin stood up from the chair and glared at us, "Did all three of you forget basic etiquettes?"

We actually had no excuse. This was so stupid of us all.

I can't believe I did something like this!

"Why did you come in?" She folded her arms as she asked us furiously but all we could do was look down in shame. This was actually very embarrassing now that I'm thinking about it in this position.

What if they were doing something! Then what?! It would have been even worse than this! I bit my lips in frustration

But God dammit! I lost my thinking for a moment when I heard all that!

I mean, are we really at fault? The conversation was very misleading.

"Why aren't you saying anything!?" Sorin was getting pissed but all we could do was purse our lips together and avoid her gaze.

What were we supposed to say? We thought you were having sex with someone else while we were fighting about who you liked the most amongst us?

"Is there something you all needed?" Leroy asked and we all glanced at him. There was something in his expressions. Something haughty.

"..." I just shook my head and Sorin sighed.

"Ah!" She waved her hand, "Forget it." She half face palmed herself, "Get out!" Sorin glared at us and while we initially nodded and began to leave, her next words made us all pause again, "I have to take a bath."

We all looked at them again. Leroy stood beside her and we looked from him to her, "What are you all waiting for?" She folded her arms, "Leave." She demanded.

"And him?" Enri asked, pointing at Leroy.

Sorin seemed a little confused, "What about him?"

Leory on the other hand put his hands on her shoulders and I could tell it was on purpose.

He most likely caught onto something about us.

"Aren't you going to take a bath?" I asked.

She nodded, "That's why you all should leave." She sighed, "Leroy is my only attendant. Obviously he's staying."

Leroy stood in his place and passed us all an evil smile. It was as if he was saying that he was above us all.

And to be very honest. That cursed grin of his did tick us all off.