

There is something I'm constantly wondering about now.


I wonder who my father was. Will I be able to find out if I ask around? My father would most likely be a demon slave that was kept here in the palace. Although there are none here right now since Cedric loathed them for some reason but there should have been one around the time I was born.


Who can I ask though? Was there a list of slaves to keep records? I guess I can start from there.

I nodded to myself and then waited for Leroy to come to my room but when he finally did I continued to constantly stare at him while he worked.

My stare was very obvious and it was making him uncomfortable so when he was cleaning the dressing table of my room he finally gave up, threw the cleaning rag on the table, turned around as he folded his arms and looked at me

"What is it?" He asked and I pursed my lips.

"There's something I'm curious about." I gave him my puppy eyes.


"My father," I said and he flinched. He was taken aback by my words.

"Your… father?" He seemed a little unnerved, "What about him?" Maybe even a little nervous.

I licked my lips to lubricate them a little, "I want to know who he was, what kind of demon he was and everything!"

"..." Leroy seemed a little worried, "I never thought you'd ask about that…" His arms softly and slowly unfolded, "You never never curious about this before." He wasn't meeting my eyes directly.

"Um," I cleared my throat, "I didn't really know all along that I was one."

There was a small pause of silence between us.

He then nodded his head slowly in suspicion, "Right," He narrowed his eyes, "You never did know, shortly after your birth all the demon slaves were moved out of the palace too." He was very suspicious of me, "So, how did you find out you're a demon?"

Ohhhhhh! Shit!

I've landed myself in a mine!

I can't tell him I know because this is a novel and it was in a secret character introduction!!!

I cleared my throat, "Well," I fried my brain immediately to think of an answer, "You know it's-" I darted my eyes around looking for an excuse or anything at all and that's when my eyes landed on the black flower, "Because of that flower!"


I got it

"That flower?" I pointed at the black demon flower in the vase and he looked at it.

"It's when Kaan said that the flower had absolutely no effect on humans but an enough amount of it can kill a demon." I brought my finger down and Leroy looked back at me, "But for me, it only changes my voice."

"Ah…" He nodded, "So that's how you got it." He looked down at the floor and then kept thinking about something.


"Yea," I nodded as well, "And so, can you look into it?"

Leroy had a frown on his face and he didn't look back at me. It was a bit odd so I called his name again, "Leroy?"

He raised his head to finally look back at me, "Why do you want to know? He's probably dead for all we know."

What's this?

There's something odd here.

"I'm just curious." I walked up to him, "Hey, are you okay?" I stopped right in front of him.

"Yeah!" He forced a smile on, "Yea, I'm fine." He nodded, "I'll look into it." He then started walking towards the door, even forgetting about the cleaning rag.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again and he paused at the door.

"I'm fine."

"Today's the day you know!" I spoke to remind him.

"What day?" He wasn't really focused.

"I'm going to find that man who's plotting against me." I told him, "The one who's tipping off some demons."

"Ah," He remembered.

I nodded, "Yea,"

"But where are you going?" His expressions finally lightened after the topic was changed.

"I have some clues." I didn't tell Leroy that I was going to the brothel. "I'll be around the night market."

"Sorin," He scratched his cheek, "I think I should come with you,"

"No," I gave him an immediate answer, "Leonidas is with me."


"No," I said, "Keep an eye on Kaan and see if anyone comes for him." I purposely put him in this position. I didn't want to burden him. He does everything for me!

"The night market is not a good place for you." Look at him! He's acting like my mom.

"I'm twenty one!" I protested.


"Leroy!" I raised my hands up, "I'm going without you."

"Fine," He sighed, "But you better be back before midnight." Then for a moment, he glared at me, "And don't even go anywhere near the red light district."

I kept a straight face, "Alright." I lied to him. After all that is where I'm going.

"Good." He said and left the room while I took a deep breath.

This is exactly why I didn't tell him. He's very over protective! He acts like my older brother or my mom, maybe even my dad!


Leonidas and I were supposed to meet at the same place I met with Enri when I left for the market.

It was an easier place to escape from and barely anyone was ever there.

I wore a black wig, a skirt and a blouse, underneath which was my net lingerie and over it all I wore a caped hood. Leon too had a hood on since he's more likely to get recognized for he visits the town often for inspections

Unlike Enri who just grabbed me and jumped over the wall, Leonidas used an invisibility spell which was followed by floating magic.

We used it till we were near the market and decided to walk from there after making ourselves visible.

"Here!" He presented his palm to me, "We have to stay together." The place was bustling and it was going to get dark soon.

"Okay," He held my hand and when I looked at him he passed me a bubbly smile. The type of warm smile that just makes you feel full.

Leon's just so adorable. You get a golden retriever vibe from him.

After we made up, I feel so much happier spending time with him. I know we're not related in reality but still, it was nice in its own way. He's like a friend.

Well, a hot young friend. Someone very attractive.

Wait! What?

What am I thinking!

Just yesterday I was having these thoughts about Kaan!

I feel so conflicted right now. Is this my human side?? Like the human side of me is attracted to Leon but the demon side likes Kaan?? What the hell?

I stopped.

Wait, what am I even thinking? Is my head getting wrapped around a possible romance? What the hell! No!!

"Sorin?" Leon looked at me concerned, "Is something wrong?" He brought his face closer and I flinched.

He looked at me with big wide eyes that sparkled for some reason and it made my heart beat a little erratic.

He's really handsome…

"Sorin?" He called my name again and I flinched.

"I-I'm fine." I forced a smile, "Just a little nervous."

He chuckled, "It's fine." He held my hand tighter, "I'm right here." And just like that, those simple words made me feel better.

We both started walking again and I felt a little defeated.

I looked away as my thoughts wandered to Leon and Kaan.

They both have their destined partners that they marry at the end of the novel and they're both very loyal to their spouses. Leon's first is with the girl he married, until that point he's pure and firm. He's a natural born leader, loved and adored by his people.

Kaan's first and final love is the woman he marries and although they're not each other's first, it's not something that doesn't bother demons because most of them just sleep around to get essence. It's a necessary thing for them but once they have a permanent partner, they stay loyal to each other till the end of their lifetimes.

I sighed.

But I guess that's love…

I glanced at Leon.

Will I ever have it? A love like that? Leon and Kaan protected and loved their partners with their lives. They both are such different people yet have so many similarities. Especially when it comes to their values. Although the current Leon is soft, he's still very smart and attentive. Kaan is sharp and clever. They're both really attractive no matter how you look at them.

I shook my head.

Get your thinking straight Sorin. I just have to make sure the war doesn't happen and I live. What am I even thinking about when I have yet to assure my living!

Besides Kaan and Leon have their own destined paths and their destined partners.

I should stop thinking about stuff like this, especially with them.

So stupid of me to even start.